
The party's voice enters thousands of homes, and the voice enters the ears and moistens the hearts of the people|Our province continues to carry out in-depth "theoretical propaganda and two-person talks" to promote the party's innovative theories to "fly into the homes of ordinary people"

author:Tianyan News
The party's voice enters thousands of homes, and the voice enters the ears and moistens the hearts of the people|Our province continues to carry out in-depth "theoretical propaganda and two-person talks" to promote the party's innovative theories to "fly into the homes of ordinary people"

On December 14, 2023, a warm atmosphere of "Theory Propaganda Two-person Talk" lecture was held in Guizhou Business School.

The main lecturers of the "Theoretical Propaganda Duo Lecture" were members of the provincial demonstration team, Zhan Qianjiang, member of the Party Committee and vice president of Guizhou Transportation Vocational and Technical College, and Xiao Zijing, director of Guizhou Provincial Transportation Publicity and Education Center. One talks about theory, the other talks about practice, with the theme of "China's struggle from the perspective of the flying frame of ten thousand bridges", the two keynote speakers vividly told the great achievements of bridge construction in Guizhou and the touching stories behind the bridge construction under the guidance of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on transportation.

The party's voice enters thousands of homes, and the voice enters the ears and moistens the hearts of the people|Our province continues to carry out in-depth "theoretical propaganda and two-person talks" to promote the party's innovative theories to "fly into the homes of ordinary people"

The scene of the special lecture

Behind the nearly two-hour wonderful lecture is Zhan Qianjiang and Xiao Zijing's repeated polishing and drills for more than a year.

"Since we formed the team, we have carried out more than 30 lectures (times) to provincial and municipal organs, some universities, production and construction front-lines, etc., and the nearly 10,000-word speech has been repeatedly revised more than 30 times. Xiao Zijing introduced.

Xiao Zijing's outstanding performance made Xiao Zijing commended by the General Office of the Central Propaganda Department as the "Advanced Individual in Grassroots Theory Propaganda" in 2023, and Zhan Qianjiang as the rapporteur's theoretical propaganda report "Looking at China's Struggle from the Wanqiao Flying Frame" was rated as the "Excellent Theoretical Propaganda Report" in 2023.

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that since the new era, the party's theoretical and practical innovations have been very vivid, and our study and Xi should also be vivid. Following the direction guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping, since the convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Guizhou has innovatively carried out theoretical experts and advanced typical "1+1" theoretical propaganda to promote Xi Jinping's socialist thought with Chinese characteristics in the new era and the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party to "fly into the homes of ordinary people".

In practice, the "two-person lecture on theory and propaganda" team focuses on different themes, with one expert and scholar talking about theory and one advanced model talking about practice, insisting on the combination of theory and practice, and the integration of reasoning and storytelling, preaching big truths with small incisions, and confirming great development with small stories, and promoting the party's innovative theories into organs, enterprises and institutions, urban and rural communities, campuses, military camps, new economic organizations, new social organizations, and websites.

"The spirit of the Zunyi Conference was born in the revolutionary era of the Chinese Communists, and contains the password ......of the Communist Party of China to continue to move from victory to victory" Kong Xia, the first director of the Zunyi Conference Memorial Hall and the granddaughter of Kong Xianquan of the old Red Army, walked into the No. 1 Middle School of Zunyi City as a red volunteer lecturer and Zhang Ziruo, the head of the New Era Civilization Practice and Volunteer Service Guidance Center in Honghuagang District, to "Look at the spiritual code of the Chinese Communists from the spirit of the "Zunyi Conference Conference" As the theme, combined with in-depth study Xi implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, vividly explain the connotation of the spirit of the Zunyi Conference.

The party's voice enters thousands of homes, and the voice enters the ears and moistens the hearts of the people|Our province continues to carry out in-depth "theoretical propaganda and two-person talks" to promote the party's innovative theories to "fly into the homes of ordinary people"

On November 30, 2023, the Public Service Center of Guizhou Shuanglong Airport Economic Zone ushered in a team of "two-person lectures on theoretical publicity". More than 40 party members, cadres and representatives of the Guilong community in the China Railway International Eco-city and the Longli trusteeship area talked about the implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in the Shuanglong Airport Economic Zone, and told about the economic and social development changes in the economic zone in the past ten years through the people and things around them.

After listening to the preaching, I realized more that today's happy life is not easy to come by. I will work hard to learn Xi, enhance my skills, take on the mission and responsibility of young people in the new era, inherit the red gene, and be a socialist builder and successor with excellent grades and good moral character. Wen Zhongju, a student of Zunyi No. 1 Middle School, said after listening to the speech.

This kind of preaching is not only simple to understand, but also easy to understand, and really explains the theoretical knowledge vividly and thoroughly, and speaks to everyone's heart. Hu Yang, head of the public service center of the economic zone, said.

The novel form tells the big theme with small incisions, which enhances the affinity, pertinence and effectiveness of the preaching. Luo Changjiang, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Guizhou University, said.

"'Theoretical Propaganda Duo Talk' is very interesting, it tells the story of our own experience, so that we can clearly understand the great truth of Chinese-style modernization, and in the future, we will do a better job of 'village BA', so that everyone's life will be more prosperous and life will be happier and happier. Liu Qiangyan, a villager in Taipan Village, Taijiang County, said with deep feelings.

Grassroots propaganda is an important channel to open up the "last kilometer" of the party's innovative theory dissemination, Guizhou continues to carry out the "two-person lecture on theoretical propaganda", so that the masses can sit down, listen, understand, and remember, and build the grass-roots propaganda position into a spiritual home for uniting and educating and guiding the grass-roots masses, which is generally welcomed by the broad masses of party members and cadres at the grass-roots level, and Guizhou's "two-person lecture on theoretical propaganda" was commended by the General Office of the Central Propaganda Department as the "advanced collective of grass-roots theoretical propaganda" in 2023.

Over the past year or so, the province's "two-person theoretical propaganda team" has continued to grow and develop, and there are currently 6,824 teams, of which 110 have been rated as "excellent demonstration and propaganda teams".

Guizhou Daily Tianyan News reporter Ma Hongmei

Edited by Wang Xiaoting

Second trial, Chen Fawen, Xu Weiwei

Third trial, Yang Hui, Zhou Wenjun