
The rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala in the Year of the Dragon was full of scolding! Many "bastard actors" appeared on CCTV one after another, and the comments exploded

author:Yu Big-Mouthed Booth


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The rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala in the Year of the Dragon was full of scolding! Many "bastard actors" appeared on CCTV one after another, and the comments exploded

Text: Yu Dazui Booth

Editor|Yu Dazui Booth

I used to be a die-hard fan of the Spring Festival Gala, and every year on Chinese New Year's Eve, I would excitedly stay in front of the TV and watch the Spring Festival Gala with my family. However, when I saw the list of rehearsals for this year's Spring Festival Gala, my heart was half cold. It turns out that Ma Xudong and other "bastard actors" are going to ruin my Spring Festival Gala!

Netizens were also as indignant as I was, and expressed their strong dissatisfaction in the comment area. We have foreseen that the quality of the Spring Festival Gala will take a sharp turn.

The rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala in the Year of the Dragon was full of scolding! Many "bastard actors" appeared on CCTV one after another, and the comments exploded

The joyful memories brought to us by those old artists will be destroyed by these "outdated actors". In the face of netizens' doubts, the relevant departments should face up to our voices and don't let the Spring Festival Gala become a performance venue for vulgar variety shows!

Ma Xudong appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala again, and netizens collectively expressed their unacceptability

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet, and some netizens thought that Ma Xudong was completely unworthy of being on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. Some netizens think that Ma Xudong's performance level is limited, and giving him another chance will only ruin the show. Some netizens also think that Ma Xudong's sketch "First Sight Photo Studio" has proved that he is not suitable for a large-scale stage like the Spring Festival Gala.

The rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala in the Year of the Dragon was full of scolding! Many "bastard actors" appeared on CCTV one after another, and the comments exploded

Ma Xudong can be said to be a typical representative of a failed performance in the Spring Festival Gala. As a new actor, he did perform well in some entertainment variety shows, and even won many awards. However, there is still a certain gap between this and the gold content of the Spring Festival Gala. We can't directly arrange for someone to go to the national stage of the Spring Festival Gala just because he is popular in entertainment variety shows.

Ma Xudong's sketch "First Sight Photo Studio" brought last year can be described as miserable. As a skit, instead of bringing laughter, it is embarrassing. This has already shown that Ma Xudong has exposed serious acting problems in the Spring Festival Gala performance. If he is given another chance at this year's Spring Festival Gala, it will only repeat last year's tragedy.

The stage of the Spring Festival Gala has always only belonged to powerful actors, comedy masters like Zhao Benshan and Cao Yunjin, they are all honed from grassroots sketch classes. ()''Ma Xudong's "entertainment traffic" is not worthy of being on the sacred stage of the Spring Festival Gala in our hearts!

The rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala in the Year of the Dragon was full of scolding! Many "bastard actors" appeared on CCTV one after another, and the comments exploded

Jia Bing's performance was also criticized by netizens, questioning his "gold content"

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet, and some netizens thought that Jia Bing's main business was film and television actors, and his mastery of sketches was not skilled enough. Some netizens think that Jia Bing will only repeat the old stalks in the 2020 Spring Festival Gala sketches. Some netizens also think that Jia Bing should accumulate experience in more sketch works, rather than appearing directly in the Spring Festival Gala.

Compared with the older generation of comedians such as Zhao Benshan and Chen Peisi, Jia Bing's attainments in sketches do have shortcomings. We shouldn't rush someone to the Spring Festival Gala stage just because he is well-known in the entertainment industry. This can seriously affect the quality of the show.

The rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala in the Year of the Dragon was full of scolding! Many "bastard actors" appeared on CCTV one after another, and the comments exploded

Take the sketch "Wind and Snow Dumpling Love" brought by Jia Bing last year, the whole plot is old-fashioned, the laughter is thin, and it was criticized by netizens for having no new ideas. The core of the sketch should be to bring joy to the audience, not empty touching.

Zhao Benshan's sketches skillfully combine the Northeast dialect with life, allowing us to feel the various states of life in laughter. Chen Peisi's sharp sarcastic jokes show us the disadvantages of the times. And Jia Bing's works are too immature compared to them.

We do not deny that Jia Bing is indeed very talented in film and television dramas, but he still needs to be tempered in sketches. Directly on the night of the Spring Festival Gala, it is difficult to say whether it will be good for him.

It is normal for newcomers to go to the Spring Festival Gala, but the quality should be strictly controlled

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet, and some netizens thought that newcomers should be given a chance, and the Spring Festival Gala should not always be monopolized by old artists. Some netizens think that newcomers can bring new ideas to the show by going to the Spring Festival Gala. Some netizens also believe that new and old artists should be reasonably matched, with both inheritance and novelty.

The rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala in the Year of the Dragon was full of scolding! Many "bastard actors" appeared on CCTV one after another, and the comments exploded

Indeed, it is normal to let some newcomers appear on the night of the Spring Festival Gala and inject new blood into this national stage. But what we should pay more attention to is the quality of the show itself.

In view of the problem that the censorship system is too strict, which makes it difficult to innovate, it is necessary for the organizers to adjust and reform. But that doesn't mean lowering the bar and letting some unqualified programs appear. "New" does not mean that it is good, the most important thing is to ensure the quality of the Spring Festival Gala.

At the same time, the director should also carefully choose the program format according to the actors' specialties. Not all comedians are suitable for sketches, and it is not unreasonable if the supporting roles are more compatible. The focus is to discover the shining points of each actor and make the quality of the show go to a higher level.

The rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala in the Year of the Dragon was full of scolding! Many "bastard actors" appeared on CCTV one after another, and the comments exploded

Let's look forward to a wonderful and well-made Spring Festival Gala. There is not only the familiarity of old artists, but also the vitality of new people. This requires the care of all parties and the strict control of the organizers. An excellent Spring Festival Gala requires the efforts of the whole people!


The Spring Festival is approaching, let us look forward to the grand arrival of the Spring Festival Gala in the Year of the Dragon. Be optimistic about the combination of old and new artists and give them the opportunity to shine. At the same time, we, as viewers, must also learn to be tolerant and encouraging, and give the show enough time to grow. What kind of surprises and touches do you think this year's Spring Festival Gala will bring?