
The man went for a massage and had a stroke! These four types of people can't "touch" their necks

author:Medical Food Reference
When massaged vigorously, it tends to damage the vertebral artery, an important blood vessel in the cervical spine. The chance of cerebral infarction will be greatly increased! Not everyone can massage the cervical spine, so be careful!
The man went for a massage and had a stroke! These four types of people can't "touch" their necks

Mr. Xiao because of neck pain, went to the health center to consult massage, the masseur was very strong, and felt a little better after pressing, but after returning home, he felt that the whole person was not energetic, drowsy all day, and then suddenly appeared severe dizziness.

After careful examination, it was found that the blood vessels in Mr. Xiao's neck were pressed out of the "dissection", and the length of the tear was 13 cm ~ 14 cm, which caused cerebral ischemia, and Mr. Xiao was finally diagnosed with acute cerebral infarction of the right cerebellum.

When massaged vigorously, it tends to damage the vertebral artery, an important blood vessel in the cervical spine. The vertebral artery innervates the cerebellum and brainstem, and a dissection is formed under the action of external force, and the dissection will block the main trunk of the blood vessel as it gets larger and larger, resulting in cerebellar ischemia and cerebral infarction.

In addition to the vertebral arteries, there are also very important arteries in the neck, such as the internal carotid artery, which supplies blood to the brain, and the internal carotid artery or common carotid artery may also have dissection in the case of violent massage, resulting in a blood supply disorder to the brain.

Another risk of the neck is at the carotid bifurcation, which is roughly located at the angle of the mandible on both sides, which is medically called the carotid sinus. Stimulation can cause a slowdown in heart rate, a drop in blood pressure, and sometimes cardiac arrest.

Note: The purpose of cervical spine massage is to relax the muscles and improve the blood circulation of the muscles, so be sure to massage the thick flesh, where the blood vessels and nerves are very rich, and it is not suitable for massage.

Be wary of these situations during massage


It should be comfortable after the massage, and it is not normal for the pain to worsen after the massage.

2. Blue

It is also not normal to have bruising. We need to see if the nails are irritating the skin, or if the skin in this area is particularly delicate and not suitable for massage, and if the person has low platelets or other coagulation disorders.

3. Physical impairment

As a result of massaging the neck, there is a disorder of the head or upper limbs, and there is an unexpected situation, which is a phenomenon to be wary of.

The man went for a massage and had a stroke! These four types of people can't "touch" their necks

4 types of people, don't massage the cervical spine easily

When the neck is uncomfortable, it is dangerous for people with atherosclerosis or calcification of the carotid arteries to press it casually, find relatives and friends to help pinch it, or go to the health center for massage.

Massage and thrashing at will can easily cause the hardened plaque to rupture.

The ruptured plaque travels with the blood into the skull, blocking the blood vessels in the brain and causing a cerebral infarction (stroke).

In other words, many strokes seem to have their onset in the brain, but in fact they are in the neck.

The carotid artery of the following 4 types of people is most likely to be narrowed, so don't go for massage without examination.

1. Smokers

Smoking is significantly associated with the occurrence of carotid artery stenosis, which can cause cerebral vasospasm, carotid artery intimal damage, and increase the risk of stroke and myocardial infarction.

2. Patients with high blood pressure

The man went for a massage and had a stroke! These four types of people can't "touch" their necks

High blood pressure is one of the main causes of carotid artery stenosis and a major risk factor for stroke. People with high blood pressure have a 4-fold higher risk of stroke than those with normal blood pressure.

3. Diabetics

Diabetes not only increases the risk of carotid artery stenosis and stroke, but also increases mortality secondary to stroke.

4. Hyperlipidemic patients

Hyperlipidemia is also associated with carotid artery stenosis.

For the above 4 high-risk groups of carotid artery stenosis, it is best to have carotid artery ultrasound regularly to understand the thickness of the local carotid artery and media, as well as the plaque morphology.

Cervical spine discomfort, the correct way to deal with it

When your neck is uncomfortable, the correct way to do it is:

We can do regular active exercise, which is not only effective but also very safe compared to passive massage.

【Neck Struggle】

The man went for a massage and had a stroke! These four types of people can't "touch" their necks

Cross your hands behind your neck, hand forward, neck against it, hold for 10 seconds, three to four times a day, for a long time.

If the symptoms of neck discomfort are more severe and the above methods cannot alleviate the effect, you can go to a regular medical institution for professional doctor treatment.

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