
The heart likes 3 exercises! Keep doing it every day, the blood vessels are unblocked, and the heart is younger

author:Medical Food Reference

Modern people are faced with the challenges of fast-paced and stressful life, accompanied by problems such as staying up late, irregular Xi eating habits, lack of exercise, obesity, etc., which lead to the frequent occurrence of various physical diseases, among which heart disease is a common condition. So, what do you know about the early symptoms of heart disease?

The heart likes 3 exercises! Keep doing it every day, the blood vessels are unblocked, and the heart is younger

What are the symptoms of early heart disease?

1. Chest pain: Chest pain is one of the most common symptoms of heart disease. When chest pain occurs, be alert for possible signs of heart disease. This pain is usually located in the left anterior chest, but some patients present with retrosternal, subxiphoid process, or even right chest pain.

Chest pain may manifest as a feeling of squeezing and sometimes spreading to the left shoulder, left arm, and even the left ring finger. Some people may have atypical symptoms and only experience breathlessness or chest discomfort, which should also be taken seriously.

2. Palpitation and shortness of breath: When performing general housework activities or climbing three floors in a row, you feel that your heartbeat is significantly faster, and symptoms such as shortness of breath and chest tightness appear, which may be a manifestation of weakened cardiac reserve.

3. Can't lie flat: This is a typical manifestation of heart disease, and you may need to raise the pillow to fall asleep in the early stage, otherwise you will feel chest tightness. In the later stage, there is often a situation where you cannot lie flat or wake up at night, and you must sit up to relieve it, which often indicates signs of cardiac insufficiency.

4. Local purple: purple lips, nose tip, earlobes, fingertips and other parts are characteristic of some heart diseases, such as cor pulmonale, cyanotic congenital heart disease, which is a manifestation of poor blood flow and indicates that heart function is reduced.

The heart likes 3 exercises! Keep doing it every day, the blood vessels are unblocked, and the heart is younger

5. Cough and hemoptysis: long-term cough with unknown cause may be a sign of heart disease; if cough is accompanied by hemoptysis, it is likely to be a sign of poor heart function, and relevant examinations should be carried out in time.

6. Edema of the lower limbs: edema of the lower limbs, pressing with fingers will leave traces of depression, and early edema may appear in the dorsum of the feet, toes, ankles and other parts, which is one of the manifestations of poor heart function.

7. Arrhythmias: Self-perceived irregular pulse, or rapid pulse (more than 100 beats per minute) or too slow (less than 60 beats per minute) may be a sign of heart disease.

8. Fatigue and weakness: When summer arrives, many people feel general fatigue and lack of energy, and sometimes think that this is a normal summer state. However, if this state of fatigue and weakness occurs for a long time, it may be an early sign of heart disease and should not be ignored.

9. Dizziness: Sudden onset of palpitations, dizziness, darkening of vision, feeling like falling, or even temporary impairment of consciousness may be a manifestation of decreased cardiac contractility or cerebral ischemia.

If you have any of the symptoms mentioned above, especially for middle-aged and elderly people or people with high-risk factors for heart disease, you should be vigilant and have relevant tests as soon as possible.

The heart loves 3 kinds of sports

Exercise is the easiest and most effective way to boost metabolism, protect blood vessels, and increase the elasticity of blood vessels. A few simple exercises can boost blood circulation and make it easier for blood to return to the heart, which can promote heart health.

The heart likes 3 kinds of exercises, and doing them consistently can keep the blood vessels open and make the heart healthier:

1. Finger exercises: It is often said that "ten fingers are connected to the heart", and each finger is connected to the brain and heart. Regular finger movement not only improves sleep quality, but also exercises the heart and brain.

Finger exercises can make the heart qi stronger, the qi and blood more smooth, and reduce the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Specific Xi exercises include finger pressing and finger pulling.

2. Walking: Walking has many benefits for blood vessels, such as removing harmful substances from blood vessels, improving and improving the structure and function of the heart, enhancing the elasticity of blood vessels, speeding up metabolism, causing coronary artery dilation, and improving blood supply to the heart.

The heart likes 3 exercises! Keep doing it every day, the blood vessels are unblocked, and the heart is younger

When walking, keep the rhythm up, raise your chest and head up, tuck your abdomen, look ahead, swing your arms, heels to the ground, shift your weight forward to the soles of your feet and toes, and push the soles of your feet back to promote the return of blood from the lower limbs to the heart and speed up the blood circulation throughout the body.

3. Tai Chi: Tai Chi is a traditional fitness boxing method in the mainland, which combines movement and static, rigidity and softness, and can calm the mind and calm the nerves. Long-term adherence to Tai Chi can also prevent a variety of chronic diseases.

Some Tai Chi movements are recommended, such as the white crane with bright wings, the left finch tail, etc. People with strong physique can practice Xi whole set of movements 1~2 times at a time, and people with weak physique should do what they can to avoid overwork.

Medicinal diet for the heart in winter

As the saying goes, "Tonic in the winter, fight the tiger in the coming year", so eating a reasonable diet in the winter is essential for heart health. Here's a guide to winter health that I hope will help you.

In winter, symptoms of yang deficiency may occur, such as paleness, chills, cold limbs, and a desire to lie down, but it can be warmed in a timely manner. For this type of patient with yang qi deficiency, the following two medicinal diets are recommended:

1. Angelica ginger mutton soup

Ingredients: 500 grams of mutton, 10 grams of angelica, 3 slices of ginger, salt and pepper.

Method: Remove the fascia of the mutton, wash and cut into pieces, blanch; first use an iron pot, add peanut oil and ginger slices, put the mutton into the pot and stir-fry, add a small amount of rice wine; put the fried mutton and angelica together in the casserole, boil the ingredients in the casserole with a fire, turn to a simmer, and simmer for about 90 minutes. Finally, add an appropriate amount of salt and pepper to taste, and drink the soup to eat the lamb.

2. Codonopsis astragalus pork rib soup

Ingredients: 300 grams of pork ribs, 30 grams of Codonopsis, 30 grams of astragalus, 2 slices of ginger, appropriate amount of salt.

Method: Wash and cut the pork ribs, blanch them and set aside, put the codonopsis, astragalus and ginger together with the pork ribs in a stew pot, add water to the boil and simmer for about 120 minutes. Finally, add an appropriate amount of salt to taste.

These two medicinal diets are beneficial for people with yang qi deficiency, and I hope they can help you.

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