
A 20-year-old man was stung by a wasp, and the Dai woman used her own milk to heal him, and then divorced for it

author:Ott Little Egg

An unexpected encounter in Dai Township

In the spring of 1974, Yang Jun's life took an unexpected turn in the Dai village. As a 20-year-old educated youth, his daily life is full of hard work and vision for the future. However, an accidental wasp sting not only made his eyes unbearably swollen, but also inadvertently drew out a soulful story that crossed the group.

On that sunny afternoon, Yang Jun eagerly knocked on the door of Mingyu, the eldest sister-in-law of the Dai tribe. His eyes were barely open from the sting, and his heart was filled with anxiety and helplessness. Mingyu, the kind sister-in-law in the village, did not hesitate in the face of Yang Jun's request for help. She gently smeared her own milk on Yang Jun's injured eyes, and at that moment, her eyes were filled with selfless care and deep love.

A 20-year-old man was stung by a wasp, and the Dai woman used her own milk to heal him, and then divorced for it

This simple and pure act made waves in the village. Rumors and criticism are like a spreading wildfire, which not only burned Mingyu's family, but also inadvertently ignited the guilt and self-blame in Yang Jun's heart. He couldn't forget the woman who remained kind in the midst of the difficult situation, the sister-in-law who helped him when he was most helpless.

The starting point of the storm

During his days in the Dai village, Yang Jun's life was originally peaceful and monotonous. Every day from sunrise to sunset, he works in the fields, in sync with the rhythm of nature. However, the accident of being stung by a wasp seemed to open another door of fate.

Yang Jun's eyes were swollen like two ripe plums from the sting, and the pain made him almost unable to open them. In the midst of this desperation, he remembered an ancient treatment mentioned by the villagers - the use of Dai women's milk to treat eye injuries. This reminded him of Mingyu, the sister-in-law who was known for her kindness and helpfulness in the village.

A 20-year-old man was stung by a wasp, and the Dai woman used her own milk to heal him, and then divorced for it

When Yang Jun stumbled to the door of Mingyu's house, his heart was full of apprehension. He didn't know what the sister-in-law would think of his request, let alone how it would change the fate of the two. Mingyu didn't hesitate, her eyes were full of sympathy and understanding. She gently helped Yang Jun deal with the eye injury, and at that moment, Yang Jun's heart was full of gratitude.

However, this move, which should have been pure and harmless, caused an uproar in the village. Rumors began to spread in the village, some saying that Yu did not abide by women's morals, and some said that Yang Jun was not ashamed. These rumors are like poisonous snakes, quietly eroding Mingyu's reputation and her family.

A 20-year-old man was stung by a wasp, and the Dai woman used her own milk to heal him, and then divorced for it

Eventually, these unfounded accusations led to the breakdown of Mingyu's marriage. Her husband chose to leave amid the criticism of everyone, leaving Mingyu alone to face all the misunderstandings and loneliness. Yang Jun looked at all this, and the guilt in his heart surged like a tide. He knew that he had inadvertently become the trigger for this tragedy.

Emotional germination and challenges

After Mingyu's marriage broke down, Yang Jun's heart was full of self-blame. He decided to stay in the Dai village and do what he could to help Mingyu tide over the difficulties. Every day, he would go to Mingyu's house to help, whether it was cultivating the fields or doing housework, he silently took on it. These daily mutual assistance gradually made subtle changes in the relationship between the two.

Mingyu's kindness and tenacity deeply touched Yang Jun. He began to appreciate her courage and attitude to life. And Mingyu also gradually felt the warmth and hope of life in Yang Jun's care and help. In the days together, their hearts gradually drew closer, and a deep emotion quietly sprouted between each other.

A 20-year-old man was stung by a wasp, and the Dai woman used her own milk to heal him, and then divorced for it

However, this relationship is not without its challenges. When Yang Jun's parents learned of his relationship with Mingyu, they strongly objected. They believe that Mingyu, as a divorced Dai woman, is not suitable to be their daughter-in-law. And in the village, their relationship has also caused a lot of gossip. These external pressures and prejudices have made the relationship between the two face a huge test.

Despite this, Yang Jun and Mingyu did not give up easily. Their feelings have grown stronger in the face of difficulties and challenges. Yang Jun proves his love for Mingyu with his actions, and Mingyu also responds to Yang Jun's emotions with her strength and gentleness. In the support and understanding of each other, they face doubts and difficulties from the outside world together.

As time passed, the relationship between the two grew deeper. They live together in a cottage in the village, which, despite its simplicity, is full of happiness and warmth. They farm together, cook together, and share the bits and pieces of life together. In these extraordinary days, their love is like a crop in the field, experiencing wind and rain, but it is getting stronger and stronger.

A 20-year-old man was stung by a wasp, and the Dai woman used her own milk to heal him, and then divorced for it

The decision to cross the barrier

As time passes, Yang Jun and Mingyu's relationship grows deeper, and their story gradually moves towards a key turning point. In 1979, the Chinese government announced the policy of returning educated youth to the city, which was a major challenge for Yang Jun and Mingyu. Yang Jun is faced with a difficult choice: whether to stay in the Dai village to continue his life with Mingyu, or return to Chengdu and return to his original life trajectory.

At this critical moment, Yang Jun made a brave decision. He chose to return to Chengdu with Mingyu to face the unknown city life and possible social prejudices. This decision is not only a test of their love, but also a test of their courage and determination.

A 20-year-old man was stung by a wasp, and the Dai woman used her own milk to heal him, and then divorced for it

On the day of bidding farewell to the Dai village, Mingyu's parents handed over 300 yuan to her, which was not only a blessing for their daughter's future life, but also a support for her choice. This scene deeply touched Yang Jun and Mingyu, and they knew that although the road ahead was full of challenges, they were willing to face it together.

After returning to Chengdu, the lives of the two were full of challenges and difficulties. As a Dai woman, Mingyu felt strange and uncomfortable with the city life when she first arrived. Yang Jun, on the other hand, struggles to find work in the city to lay the foundation for the future of the two. Despite the hardships of life, their love has become more resilient in the face of these challenges.

In the hustle and bustle of the city, Yang Jun and Mingyu's love is like a warm light that illuminates their lives. Together, they faced pressure from their families and society, but none of this shook their resolve. Their love was strengthened through these trials and became the most precious treasure of their lives.

A 20-year-old man was stung by a wasp, and the Dai woman used her own milk to heal him, and then divorced for it

Building a happy future together

Although life in Chengdu was challenging, Yang Jun and Mingyu gradually adapted to the rhythm of life here with their mutual support and love. Yang Jun has found a stable job, and Mingyu has found her place in her new environment. Their small home is gradually full of warmth and happiness.

Over time, the relationship between the two was gradually accepted by Yang Jun's family. Their love, after going through all kinds of tests, finally won the understanding and support of the family. The story of Yang Jun and Mingyu has also become a good story among relatives and friends, and has become a symbol of perseverance in love and courage.

A 20-year-old man was stung by a wasp, and the Dai woman used her own milk to heal him, and then divorced for it

At the end of this story, we see Yang Jun and Mingyu sitting in front of the window of their city home, looking out at the Dai village in the distance. They recalled the hardships and challenges of the past, and their hearts were filled with gratitude and cherishment. They know that it is those difficulties and challenges that have shaped their happiness and strength today.

The story of Yang Jun and Mingyu is not only a love story that transcends cultural and social barriers, but also a testimony to the perseverance and courage of two ordinary people in the face of life's challenges. Their stories teach us that no matter how difficult and challenging they may be, there is hope when there is love.

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