
Industry Norms | Remanufacturing of mechanical and electrical products

author:Test the waters

Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Standard Conditions for the Remanufacturing Industry of Mechanical and Electrical Products", which will be implemented from January 1, 2024. It mentions that the annual R&D expenses of the enterprise should not be less than 3% of the operating income of the previous year. Encourage enterprises to carry out industry-university-research cooperation, and independently or jointly build laboratories, engineering research centers, innovation centers and other research and development platforms.

The core content of the "Standard Conditions for the Remanufacturing Industry of Mechanical and Electrical Products".

Policy background and purpose: The policy aims to implement the "Circular Economy Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste", guide the high-quality development of the mechanical and electrical product remanufacturing industry, and improve the efficiency of resource utilization.

Scope of application: This specification is applicable to independent legal entities engaged in the remanufacturing of mechanical and electrical products that have been completed and put into operation in China. This includes construction machinery, machine tools, heavy machinery, petrochemical general machinery, internal combustion engines, electrical appliances, agricultural machinery, mechanical basic parts, cultural office equipment, etc.

Definition of remanufacturing: Remanufacturing is defined as the use of advanced technology, technology, equipment and materials to professionally repair or upgrade old parts, so that the product performance and quality meet or exceed the prototype of the new product, and meet the national mandatory standards for safety, energy saving, environmental protection and so on.

Basic requirements: The enterprises involved should comply with national industrial policies, regional planning, environmental protection regulations, etc., and should have a fixed place, good credit and financial status.

Remanufacturing capacity: Enterprises should be equipped with necessary remanufacturing production and inspection and testing equipment, have certain research and development capabilities, and encourage the application of intelligent and digital equipment.

Management system and safety production: enterprises are required to strengthen remanufacturing production management, pass relevant management system certification, and establish safety production rules and regulations.

Environmental protection and social responsibility: Enterprises should comply with environmental protection laws and regulations to ensure that remanufactured products do not cause harm to the environment and users during use.

After-sales service and vocational education: enterprises should establish a sound after-sales service system for remanufactured products, and carry out training and education of relevant personnel.

Supervision and management: The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is responsible for the application, review and announcement of standardized conditions, as well as the dynamic management of the announcement enterprise.

Implementation time: The policy will be implemented from January 1, 2024.

Impact on the machining industry

Technology upgrading and innovation needs: Policies encourage the use of advanced technology and equipment for remanufacturing. This may require the machining industry to adopt more advanced technologies and equipment, such as intelligent and digital equipment, to improve production efficiency and product quality.

Quality and standard improvement: The policy puts forward specific requirements for the quality control and management system of remanufactured products, which means that the machining industry needs to pay more attention to the quality of products and compliance with relevant standards, including safety, energy saving and environmental protection standards.

Increased environmental responsibility: The policy emphasizes environmental protection and resource conservation, and the machining industry needs to take measures to reduce wastewater and exhaust gas emissions in the production process to ensure that production activities meet environmental protection requirements.

Training and education needs: In order to adapt to technological upgrades and changes in management systems, more training and education may be required for employees to improve their ability to adapt to new technologies and standards.

Increased market recognition: With the development of the remanufacturing industry, consumer and market recognition of remanufactured products may increase, which may bring new market opportunities to the machining industry.

Industry compliance pressure: The implementation of policies may bring more compliance requirements, and the machining industry may need to invest more resources to meet policy requirements, including environmental protection, safety production, etc.

Impact on the upstream industry

Changes in demand: Developments in the remanufacturing industry may lead to changes in demand for certain raw materials and components. For example, there is likely to be an increased demand for materials and components that can be more easily remanufactured or have a longer service life.

Improved quality and standards: Improved product quality and environmental standards in the remanufacturing industry may force upstream suppliers to adjust their products to meet higher standards.

Collaboration and innovation: In order to meet the needs of the remanufacturing industry, upstream industries may need to cooperate with remanufacturing companies to jointly develop products that are more suitable for remanufacturing. This may facilitate the development of new materials and technologies.

Environmental responsibility: As environmental standards improve, raw material suppliers may need to take steps to reduce the environmental impact of their production processes.

Market opportunity: The development of the remanufacturing industry is likely to provide new market opportunities for raw material and component suppliers, especially in developing products that meet new standards and technical requirements.

Pressure to upgrade technology: To meet the needs of the remanufacturing industry, upstream industries may need to invest in new technologies and equipment to improve the performance and quality of their products.

Impact on downstream related industries

Increased product selection: As the remanufacturing industry grows, downstream industries are likely to see more remanufactured products entering the market, offering more options, especially in terms of cost-effectiveness and environmental friendliness.

Improved product quality and performance: Downstream industries may see remanufactured products with better quality and performance due to specialized repairs or upgrades to the product during the remanufacturing process.

Environmental protection and sustainability: Policies emphasize energy conservation and environmental standards, which may appeal to consumers and businesses concerned about sustainability and environmental impact.

Price competitiveness: Remanufactured products may be more competitive in price due to their cost-effectiveness, posing an attractive source to downstream markets.

Increased awareness and acceptance: With the development and standardization of the remanufacturing industry, the awareness and acceptance of remanufactured products by consumers and downstream enterprises may increase, thereby driving market demand.

Compliance and standards adherence: Downstream industries may need to pay attention to and follow new standards and regulations related to remanufacturing, especially in terms of quality and environmental protection.

Attached text: standard conditions for mechanical and electrical products remanufacturing industry

Industry Norms | Remanufacturing of mechanical and electrical products
Industry Norms | Remanufacturing of mechanical and electrical products
Industry Norms | Remanufacturing of mechanical and electrical products
Industry Norms | Remanufacturing of mechanical and electrical products
Industry Norms | Remanufacturing of mechanical and electrical products
Industry Norms | Remanufacturing of mechanical and electrical products
Industry Norms | Remanufacturing of mechanical and electrical products

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