
Tomorrow's Xiaohan, it is recommended that everyone "1 do not come out, 2 do not stay, 3 do not eat, 4 do not empty", and survive the cold winter smoothly

author:Effort is an attitude

How to survive this cold winter? Today, we bring you four practical tips to help you survive the cold season. Remember: 1 is not out, 2 is not left, 3 is not eaten, 4 is not empty!


Tomorrow's Xiaohan, it is recommended that everyone "1 do not come out, 2 do not stay, 3 do not eat, 4 do not empty", and survive the cold winter smoothly

In the cold season, the cold is pressing, and the cold outdoors is something we should avoid. Cold air invades, which has a great impact on human health. Therefore, we recommend that everyone minimize outdoor activities, especially in the morning and evening. When you go out, you should take precautions against the cold, wear more clothes, gloves, and wear a mask to keep your body warm.

**Leave Nothing**:

Tomorrow's Xiaohan, it is recommended that everyone "1 do not come out, 2 do not stay, 3 do not eat, 4 do not empty", and survive the cold winter smoothly

Warmth and comfort indoors are key to getting through the winter months. Check whether the heating equipment is working properly in advance, and repair it in time if there is a problem. In addition, maintain good ventilation to avoid accumulating too much carbon dioxide and other substances. The indoor humidity should also be appropriate, and some humidifiers or plants can be placed to increase the air humidity and make the home more comfortable.

**Don't eat**:

Tomorrow's Xiaohan, it is recommended that everyone "1 do not come out, 2 do not stay, 3 do not eat, 4 do not empty", and survive the cold winter smoothly

Winter is easy to cause digestive discomfort, so pay attention to your diet. Avoid eating too many cold foods, such as raw and cold foods, raw fruits, etc., which will increase the possibility of cold entering the body. Choose warm ingredients and soups, such as ginger soup and jujube tea, to warm your body and dispel the cold.

**Not empty**:

Winter is a great time for us to enrich ourselves. With more time at home, we can seize this opportunity to fill ourselves and not let indoor time become empty. You can read books, Xi learn new knowledge, watch movies, listen to music, etc., enrich your inner world and increase the fun of life.

I hope the above four tips will be helpful to you during the winter. Remember: 1 don't go, 2 don't stay, 3 don't eat, 4 don't empty! Survive the cold winter smoothly, I wish you health and happiness! If you need more winter health knowledge, please pay attention to our headlines, we will continue to provide you with more valuable information!

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