
How much do you earn this year, look at the income of all walks of life, do you meet the standard

author:Handsome grape Jk
How much do you earn this year, look at the income of all walks of life, do you meet the standard
How much do you earn this year, look at the income of all walks of life, do you meet the standard
How much do you earn this year, look at the income of all walks of life, do you meet the standard
How much do you earn this year, look at the income of all walks of life, do you meet the standard
How much do you earn this year, look at the income of all walks of life, do you meet the standard
How much do you earn this year, look at the income of all walks of life, do you meet the standard
How much do you earn this year, look at the income of all walks of life, do you meet the standard
How much do you earn this year, look at the income of all walks of life, do you meet the standard
How much do you earn this year, look at the income of all walks of life, do you meet the standard
How much do you earn this year, look at the income of all walks of life, do you meet the standard
How much do you earn this year, look at the income of all walks of life, do you meet the standard
How much do you earn this year, look at the income of all walks of life, do you meet the standard
How much do you earn this year, look at the income of all walks of life, do you meet the standard
How much do you earn this year, look at the income of all walks of life, do you meet the standard
How much do you earn this year, look at the income of all walks of life, do you meet the standard
How much do you earn this year, look at the income of all walks of life, do you meet the standard
How much do you earn this year, look at the income of all walks of life, do you meet the standard

I never thought that this simple question would keep me up at night. Suddenly, one day, my life became chaotic, and an old friend asked me for tea, as if he was hiding something. We were sitting in the corner of the teahouse when he suddenly broke the silence.

"How much do you earn this year?" he asked me bluntly as he sipped his tea. I hesitated, but told him anyway.

"Wow, that's great! I just read an article that says incomes are rising in all walks of life. Look, you're up to the mark?" he looked at with curiosity in his eyes.

"Qualified?" I looked at him quizzically, "What is this standard?"

He smiled, his eyes deep, "Society has all kinds of expectations and requirements for us, and income is just one of them. Did you know that some people feel empty no matter how high their income is every year, because they are lost in the utilitarian chase? ”

I couldn't help but ponder. And so our conversation kicked off a discussion about life, values, and the meaning of life.

"Do you think your work is meaningful to society?" he asked.

"Well, at least I feel like I'm doing something meaningful. "I tried to defend myself.

"Sometimes, we focus too much on external achievements and neglect our inner needs. Have you ever wondered what you really want?"

"Maybe it's freedom, having enough time to pursue what interests you. I whispered.

"Then go for it, and don't let income hold back your dreams. Life is too short, so why do you have to live so hard?" his words stunned me, as if I had opened a door and opened my eyes to the wider world.

So, I started to re-examine my life. I quit my well-paying but exhausting job and started following my inner voice and dedicating myself to a cause I loved. Although my income has decreased, my heart has become more serene and content.

In the process, I met a group of like-minded friends who supported my decision and fought with me. We became an integral part of each other's lives, like destined partners.

The question of "How much do you earn this year?" became more and more trivial as I found life to be far more colorful than income. My family is warm and harmonious, and I feel extremely happy to return to my family. My friends supported me in difficult times and made me more determined to keep going.

Eventually, I came to understand that the meaning of life is not only about external achievements and income, but also about pursuing the inner truth and bravely facing life choices. This experience not only made me more independent and self-reliant, but also allowed me to find what really matters in life.

Perhaps, this is the happiness and success that I have been looking for. I want to tell those who are lost in the pursuit of utilitarianism, don't forget the warmth and support in life, don't be fooled by the superficial brilliance, and be brave enough to follow your inner voice, because that is the real wealth.

The question of "how much will you earn this year?" is no longer important. And what I have gained is far more than money can measure. Let's pursue the truth of our hearts, find the warmth and support in life, and feel the wonder of life with our hearts.