
From "Spring Festival Gala Pillar" to "No One Cares", why did Guo Da suddenly "mysteriously disappear"?

author:Sun Hu's study


Back then, "Loess Slope" made Guo Da and Cai Ming famous all over the world, and "Robot Funny Stories" made them even more popular.

The two were once regarded as the "pillars of the Spring Festival Gala".

But after 2010's "A Family with Graduates", Guo Da never appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala again.

This can't help but make the audience wonder, and they have started all kinds of speculation.

Why did Guo Da suddenly "mysteriously disappear" back then, and what has he experienced over the years?

From "Spring Festival Gala Pillar" to "No One Cares", why did Guo Da suddenly "mysteriously disappear"?

Debut is the pinnacle

Guo Da had been working in the theater since he first came out of school, and by chance, he had the idea of changing careers to do sketches.

After that, he began to plan, and the rehearsal sketch "In Front of the Delivery Room" was selected by the director team.

To Guo Da's surprise, this first time he went to the Spring Festival Gala, he became popular directly.

From "Spring Festival Gala Pillar" to "No One Cares", why did Guo Da suddenly "mysteriously disappear"?

This time his partner was Yang Lei, and as soon as the two appeared, the audience laughed, and his funny acting skills made everyone remember his name.

At the same time, it also made the director team of the Spring Festival Gala look at him, a little actor who speaks a Shaanxi dialect.

The next year, Guo Da was invited to appear on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala again, but then he didn't know what to do, and there was no news.

Just when everyone is about to forget him,

Finally in 1993, he joined hands with Cai Ming to perform "Loess Slope", and no one expected that the two would have a very tacit understanding for the first time.

From "Spring Festival Gala Pillar" to "No One Cares", why did Guo Da suddenly "mysteriously disappear"?

After that, the golden partner completely became a nail household in the Spring Festival Gala.

"Matchmaker", "Between the Neighborhoods" and so on are all classic works familiar to the audience.

Moreover, the two of them are even so powerful that they can revitalize the sketch "Robot Funny Stories" that was almost killed, and the praise continued after the performance.

It stands to reason that Guo Da, whose career is rising step by step, should have seized the opportunity.

After "There Are Graduates in the Family" in 2010, he never went to the Spring Festival Gala again, and directly "disappeared".

From "Spring Festival Gala Pillar" to "No One Cares", why did Guo Da suddenly "mysteriously disappear"?

The mystery of Guo Da's "disappearance".

Facing Guo Da, who withdrew from the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, various voices gradually appeared in society.

Some people say that he thinks that sketches can't make a lot of money, so he changed careers;
Some people say that he quit because he was afraid of all kinds of scandals with Cai Ming;
Some people also say that it was because of the uneven distribution of benefits that made him choose to leave in a fit of anger...
From "Spring Festival Gala Pillar" to "No One Cares", why did Guo Da suddenly "mysteriously disappear"?

But all kinds of speculations on the Internet have not been able to get a reply from the parties.

Until by chance, the reporter interviewed Cai Ming.

When the reporter asked why Guo Da withdrew from the Spring Festival Gala that year, Cai Ming, who had become the "queen of sketches", had tears in his eyes.

From "Spring Festival Gala Pillar" to "No One Cares", why did Guo Da suddenly "mysteriously disappear"?

As the saying goes, "one minute on stage and ten years of work off the stage", why does it take ten years to be able to go to the Spring Festival Gala?

As a stage directly under CCTV, from the work to the actors, there are simply too many strict review links to go through.

Even many actors have said that even on the day of the Spring Festival Gala, they can't confirm whether the show they prepared can really be put on the stage.

The pressure to endure can be imagined.

From "Spring Festival Gala Pillar" to "No One Cares", why did Guo Da suddenly "mysteriously disappear"?

And the "Robot Story" that the two collaborated on back then experienced the pressure of such a behind-the-scenes screening.

At that time, although they had already rehearsed it several times, their own script was actually not perfect.

But they simply didn't have enough time to revise, but if they didn't participate in this audition, this work would have no chance to be presented to everyone.

So the two took the incomplete script to the Spring Festival Gala program selection site.

From "Spring Festival Gala Pillar" to "No One Cares", why did Guo Da suddenly "mysteriously disappear"?

There are many programs participating in the selection, and there are also a lot of programs that have been eliminated, that is, old actors like Guo Da beat the drum in their hearts when they see it.

However, Guo Da didn't show it, and comforted Cai Ming vigorously.

When Cai Ming was close to collapse several times, Guo Dadu insisted on persuading her.

After the selection, although their show was ranked very low, fortunately, there was still a chance to perform.

And Guo Da also took this opportunity to continue to revise the script and rehearse all night.

Fortunately, the result did not disappoint them, and after the sketch performance, they were loved by the audience, and the popularity of the two became higher and higher.

From "Spring Festival Gala Pillar" to "No One Cares", why did Guo Da suddenly "mysteriously disappear"?

But Guo Da's work intensity has not decreased due to the increase in popularity.

On the contrary, because the starting point is too high, he will spend a lot of time writing screenplays in the future to ensure that the response can get better and better, rather than unfinished.

Under these pressures, Guo Da often couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, and imagined the effect of the performance in his mind over and over again.

Sometimes in the middle of the night, when I have an idea, I immediately get up and take a notebook to record it.

Sometimes when rehearsing with a co-actor feels that something is wrong, he immediately has to make adjustments.

The urgency of time and the audience's expectations have made Guo Da's nerves tense for a long time.

From "Spring Festival Gala Pillar" to "No One Cares", why did Guo Da suddenly "mysteriously disappear"?

Especially after the aesthetic change of the audience and the rise of newcomers, the director team's requirements for the "old man" have become more and more high-standard.

This is a double pressure on Guo Da, both physically and mentally.

As he got older, his body slowly weakened, and a series of symptoms such as high blood pressure and heart palpitations began to appear gradually.

Coupled with the bad comments from the outside world, my own body, and the expectations of my family...

All kinds of pressures tell Guo Da that maybe it's time to leave the stage to young people.

From "Spring Festival Gala Pillar" to "No One Cares", why did Guo Da suddenly "mysteriously disappear"?

Guo Da's difficulty Cai Ming has always been very clear in his heart.

The two are not only partners on stage, but also friends in life.

So of course, Cai Ming really hopes that Guo Da can go on in good health, instead of betting his life on the stage.

When Guo Da took the initiative to withdraw from the Spring Festival Gala, Cai Ming expressed his support for his choice on the spot.

From "Spring Festival Gala Pillar" to "No One Cares", why did Guo Da suddenly "mysteriously disappear"?

Because the two have been partners for many years, naturally many viewers mistakenly think that they are a couple.

This retreat can't help but make people say whether the two of them broke up.

In fact, the two have always been simple partners, and they also have their own families.

and a happy life with his wife

Guo Da's wife's name is Wu Fang, and she was the costume designer of their theater back then.

From "Spring Festival Gala Pillar" to "No One Cares", why did Guo Da suddenly "mysteriously disappear"?

Interestingly, before meeting Wu Fang, Guo Da also had a relationship with Ni Ping.

If it weren't for Ni Ping's second marriage, which was strongly opposed by her parents, maybe she would be the one who is married to Guo Da now.

From "Spring Festival Gala Pillar" to "No One Cares", why did Guo Da suddenly "mysteriously disappear"?

However, Guo Da does not regret marrying Wu Fang, and even when he mentions his wife now, he is full of love.

Because Wu Fang can understand his pursuit on the path of art, and can also support him behind the scenes.

The two have their own careers and do not interfere with each other, which allows Guo Da to do his own business without any scruples.

With such a bosom partner, who wouldn't love it?

From "Spring Festival Gala Pillar" to "No One Cares", why did Guo Da suddenly "mysteriously disappear"?

But since Guo Da and Cai Ming became partners, ambiguous rumors between the two have been constantly spreading.

Cai Ming's husband almost divorced her because of these scandals,

And Wu Fang not only believes in Guo Da, but even comforts and enlightens Cai Ming and helps her save her marriage.

Guo Da knew that his wife was so generous, and he was very grateful, but at the same time, he also paid more attention to his words and deeds, and never got along with his female colleagues.

From "Spring Festival Gala Pillar" to "No One Cares", why did Guo Da suddenly "mysteriously disappear"?

Later, Wu Fang gave birth to a son, and Guo Da's career also reached its peak.

But because of his busy work, Guo Da rarely has time to spend with his son, and the communication between the two is only limited to meeting and saying hello.

Therefore, Guo Dadu is old and rarely understands his son's life, and even when he wants to study abroad, he only knows until he leaves.

From "Spring Festival Gala Pillar" to "No One Cares", why did Guo Da suddenly "mysteriously disappear"?

Once Guo Da came home from work, he planned to spend the night quietly on the sofa, but as soon as he opened the door, he found that the house was brightly lit, and it turned out that his wife and children had been waiting for him to come home for dinner.

Later, while talking to his wife, Guo Da suddenly realized that he paid too little attention to his family.

But no matter how much time they squeeze, it is impossible to go home for dinner before the Spring Festival, and even because they rehearse late every day, going home will affect their rest.

Guo Da sighed that since he was no longer able to work, it was better to retire directly and set aside time to spend time with his family.

Although he has lived a comfortable retirement, he will inevitably remember the hardships of pursuing art in his youth.

From "Spring Festival Gala Pillar" to "No One Cares", why did Guo Da suddenly "mysteriously disappear"?

Tortuous artistic path

Guo Da was born without a father, and the burden of the family's life was all on his mother.

He knew that his mother was hard, and he would help the family with housework since he was a child, and he dropped out of school at the age of 14 to work to earn money.

At first, he worked on the railroad, but the wind and sun soon tossed him into an unhuman appearance.

In desperation, he had to turn around and go to the pig farm to feed the pigs.

From "Spring Festival Gala Pillar" to "No One Cares", why did Guo Da suddenly "mysteriously disappear"?

Although he has been doing manual work, Guo Da has always had a desire to make art in his heart.

Every day when I came back from work, I would practice the violin left by my father.

But Guo Da's artistic path is not so easy.

At first, he was unable to practice the violin because of a hand injury.

Later, he was finally admitted to the Shanghai Theater Academy, but he almost dropped out again because his family was poor.

From "Spring Festival Gala Pillar" to "No One Cares", why did Guo Da suddenly "mysteriously disappear"?

finally graduated from school, and was assigned to work at the Shaanxi Drama Theater, but lost many performance opportunities because of his mediocre appearance.

When he was targeted by his colleagues, he was not annoyed and insisted on playing every small role.

It is also Guo Da's persistence that has not only allowed him to refine his acting skills, but also become the pillar of the theater.

thought that Guo Da would continue to insist on his drama career until he became a leader in the industry.

But he never imagined that his hobby of writing sketches in his spare time would become a career he fought for in the second half of his life.

From "Spring Festival Gala Pillar" to "No One Cares", why did Guo Da suddenly "mysteriously disappear"?

At first, he wrote sketches just to entertain everyone, and he himself did not act in sketches.

But there happened to be a sketch competition, and there was an actor who was absent, and he was temporarily substituted.

Originally, everyone didn't have much hope for this competition, but Guo Da brought an unexpected surprise to everyone.

It's as if he's incarnated as the character himself, without the slightest disobedience.

In the end, they managed to win the competition.

From "Spring Festival Gala Pillar" to "No One Cares", why did Guo Da suddenly "mysteriously disappear"?

It was also this experience that made Guo Da begin to prepare to change careers to sketches.

He also has a do-it-do temperament, and as soon as he began to prepare, he really appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala with Yang Lei, and then established the status of the old-timers of the Spring Festival Gala.

Now, he has retired from the stage of the Spring Festival Gala for many years.

During this period, more and more new stars of Spring Festival Gala sketches have risen, and although Guo Da is envious, he does not regret it.

From "Spring Festival Gala Pillar" to "No One Cares", why did Guo Da suddenly "mysteriously disappear"?

The golden partner reappears in a generation of memories that will never regret it

In 2019, when Guo Da and Cai Ming appeared together in the variety show "Ace vs. Ace", everyone on and off the stage was moved.

It's a memory of generations.

From "Spring Festival Gala Pillar" to "No One Cares", why did Guo Da suddenly "mysteriously disappear"?

After the show was broadcast, the audience left messages hoping that Guo Da would return to the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, but he waved his hand.

When the host asked him why he no longer attended the Spring Festival Gala, he just said lightly: "When you get older, you always have to retire." ”

From "Spring Festival Gala Pillar" to "No One Cares", why did Guo Da suddenly "mysteriously disappear"?

Today, Guo Da lives a peaceful life, occasionally making guest appearances in some dramas and TV series, and spending most of his time with his wife.

The bright brain in everyone's memory gradually faded, and he was no longer noticed.

But how could Guo Da, who was already over the age of six, care about these false names?

His son Guo Xiaoguang also inherited his pursuit of acting and became a screenwriter.

It can be said that although his life is bumpy, it is also wonderful, and life is worth it!

From "Spring Festival Gala Pillar" to "No One Cares", why did Guo Da suddenly "mysteriously disappear"?


Sketches have always been Guo Da's passion, and art is also what he has always loved.

In the decades since his debut, he has left a series of classics in the Chinese literary and art circles.

Although he has withdrawn from the stage of the Spring Festival Gala now, we believe that there will be more rising stars in the future and bring us better works.


[1] Beijing Youth Daily - "Ace vs. Ace" pays tribute to the "Spring Festival Gala" tonight

[2] News Channel- Pig feeding workers become frequent visitors to the Spring Festival Gala, and Cai Ming is a perfect match, Ni Ping is disgusted, and he is in love with his bad wife!

[3] King Xiao Wang Special Edition - Queen of Poisonous Tongue Cai Ming

[4] Ke Fan Listen - Let's Talk About Cai's Mix and Match Interview with Cai Ming (II)