
I call my mom a lot, and she's not lonely

author:Shandong Chishan lawyer

My mother lives in a single room in an apartment for the elderly, so I often call my mother to keep her from being lonely. My mom is annoyed, she always wants to hang up.

It's good to have a mother alive! In the world, people need to talk about family affection, and they need to talk about feelings.

Mom, that's a strong woman! My strength is inherited from my mother's genes. I have two sides to my personality, one is very strong, which is my mother's gene, and the other is that I am very easy-going, which is my father's gene. I'm very strict in my principles, I'm strong in every way, and I'm very easy-going in my day-to-day affairs. That's what characterizes me.

At home, my mother is the head of the family, and my father is the deputy of the family, or a vassal.

When I took over the right to plant the land, my mother wanted to continue to be a parent, so I wouldn't say yes.

I remember that when my mother was seventy-one years old, when the land cultivation rights in our family were handed over, my mother was still the role of the Empress Dowager Cixi and listened to the government. When I went to work in the fields, my mother also went to supervise me. My family's cultivated land is by the river, there are two big willow trees on the riverside, and there are many kinds of birds on the willow trees, and the spring ploughing has begun, and the soil turned out by the tractor has a lot of white insects, that is, the larvae of Lugu. The birds of the big willow trees came down one after another to feed. Then it flew back to the big willow tree. My mother got interested and said, "Aren't you a poet, Houlong?" and I said, "Okay." After thinking for a while, he said: "The spring ploughing turned out the white doll, and the birds flew over to feed it." A crow flies back to the tree to feed its mother. When my mother heard this, Longxin was happy! high! high! is high.

Actually, there are no crow's nests on these two big willow trees, and there are no old crows, and I don't see any young crows feeding their mothers. This is my imagination, and I want to express my filial piety to my mother. My mother also understood the meaning of my poems.

My dad and my mom were both very smart! But the difference between the two was that my dad was very smart in terms of Xi! At home, he only went to school for four years, and in the factory he trained at least to the level of high school or junior college. In those days, he was the highest rank of electrician! In our local area, in those days, when there was a project battle, the county always transferred him, and later retained him as a regular employee. At that time, his salary was 39 yuan per month, and the salary of other employees was about 10 yuan.

I think my mother's cleverness is just a small cleverness, not a big thing. My mom also toyed with me a lot. So I said to my mother, "Don't play tricks on your son." As soon as you say it, I know what you mean. I have been a lawyer for more than 20 years, and I have experienced a lot of affairs. I've seen through life, and your little tricks are not worth mentioning in front of me. Don't play that trick anymore. But my mother's temperament is unchangeable.

My mother always lashed me out for my unfilial piety and said that other children were filial! I was so disgusted by my mother's little trick! Whether other children were filial or not had nothing to do with me; I could do my filial piety. Why have I done it with my heart, but it is the most unfilial!

The right mother is Alzheimer's and laughs it off.

When I was younger, I was beaten by my mother the most! I was the naughtiest! I never grew up.

In fact, in rural areas, people's idea is that sons should provide for their parents in old age. The people in our village are simple and simple, and the children are very filial. The children of the Wang family are even better.

I call my mom a lot, and she's not lonely
I call my mom a lot, and she's not lonely
I call my mom a lot, and she's not lonely

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