
Drinking two kinds of water for a long time will "cause cancer"? Doctors advise: It is better to drink less of these two kinds of water!

author:Life is worth sharing

Many people are particular about their choice of drinking water for their daily lives, and there are widespread health concerns about boiling water (i.e., water that has been boiled repeatedly) and overnight water as potentially damaging to health. However, according to the results of the experiments of scientific researchers, these concerns are not well founded by science. In fact, the real things that may increase the risk of cancer are excessively hot water (hot water) and beverages with high sugar content compared to boiling water and overnight water.

Drinking two kinds of water for a long time will "cause cancer"? Doctors advise: It is better to drink less of these two kinds of water!

The study highlights that long-term consumption of excessively hot water may have adverse effects on esophageal and oral health, while sugar-sweetened beverages have been linked to a variety of health problems including obesity, diabetes and other metabolic diseases due to their high sugar content and other additives. Therefore, choosing the right drinking temperature and reducing the intake of sugary drinks are particularly important for maintaining health.

In our daily lives, we should pay more attention to the conclusions of these scientific studies and choose our daily drinking water in a more rational way, rather than based on unsubstantiated rumors and prejudices.

It is these two types of water that are really carcinogenic

Effects of hot water on esophageal health

Drinking water is good for your health, but the key is the temperature of the water. Studies have found that drinking hot water above 65°C for a long time increases the risk of esophageal cancer. This is because the mucous membranes of our mouth, esophagus and stomach are more sensitive to heat. While temperatures of 50°C to 60°C may be safe, hot water above 65°C greatly increases the likelihood of digestive tract burns. Occasional burns may not cause long-term damage because the body can repair itself, but drinking too hot water for a long time can cause damage to the mucous membrane of the esophagus, which can lead to ulcers and even esophageal cancer in the long run.

Effects of sugar-sweetened beverages on liver health

A study published in the journal Nutrients showed that people who regularly consumed sugar-sweetened beverages had a 60% increased risk of fatty liver compared to those who did not drink or drank fewer sugar-sweetened beverages. More worryingly, switching to sugar-substituted beverages could increase the risk of liver disease by up to 78%. Another Harvard University study found that people who consumed one or more sugar-sweetened beverages daily had an 85 percent increased risk of liver cancer, while the risk of death from other chronic liver diseases was as high as 68 percent. These data underscore the importance of reducing sugar-sweetened beverage intake to protect liver health.

Drinking two kinds of water for a long time will "cause cancer"? Doctors advise: It is better to drink less of these two kinds of water!

In addition to the two carcinogenic waters mentioned above, there are other carcinogenic foods in our lives, and we should try to stay away from them

Dangers of hard foods: The esophagus, as an important part of our digestive tract, is very sensitive to temperature and texture. Regular consumption of hard foods may cause damage to the mucosa of the esophagus. This damage is more than just a physical grind, it can trigger inflammation and, in extreme cases, even increase the risk of cancer. Therefore, when enjoying foods such as nuts or hard bread, it is important to chew slowly to reduce damage to the esophagus.

Concerns about preserved foods: Preserved foods, such as homemade bacon and preserved fish, are popular at traditional festivals. However, due to the possible lack of strict hygiene standards during the curing process, these foods are prone to mildew and pose a serious threat to human health. In addition, the nitrite levels in these foods are sometimes exceeded, posing a risk of causing cancer. While enjoying these delicacies, be alert to their possible health risks.

Drinking two kinds of water for a long time will "cause cancer"? Doctors advise: It is better to drink less of these two kinds of water!

Smoking and Esophageal Health: Smoking has long been recognized as a causative factor in many types of cancer, not just lung cancer. Studies have shown that smoking is closely related to many cancers such as esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, and oral cancer. More notably, the effects of smoking on genes can lead to familial inheritance of the disease. Statistics show that most people with esophageal cancer have a family history of smoking. Therefore, people with a family history of smoking should pay more attention to regular physical examinations in order to detect and deal with health risks early.

There are a few things you can do when drinking water to help your health

1. Morning: Activate bodily functions

When you wake up in the morning, drinking a glass of warm water can help improve blood flow and reduce cardiovascular stress. It also helps to activate metabolism, helping to flush out waste and toxins accumulated in the body, protecting the digestive system and other organs from damage.

2. Drinking skills: Thin water for a long time

Drinking a quick sip of water can quench your thirst temporarily, but it can cause your blood to dilute quickly, increasing the strain on your heart. In addition, drinking water quickly can easily swallow too much air, triggering bloating and hiccups. Drinking water in gentle sips is more effective in lubricating the mouth and throat and gradually quenching thirst.

Drinking two kinds of water for a long time will "cause cancer"? Doctors advise: It is better to drink less of these two kinds of water!

3. Hydrate regularly: Regularity is important

Regular hydration, such as about 200 ml per hour, helps keep blood flowing. Hydration, in particular, at the critical time of 11 a.m. and 5 p.m., not only rehydrates, but also helps relieve hunger and thus control calorie intake.

4. Drink water after meals: Wait properly

Drinking water immediately after a meal can dilute gastric juice and may affect food digestion. It is recommended to wait a little after a meal and then rehydrate appropriately.

Proper drinking Xi has many benefits for the body, such as improving blood circulation, maintaining normal body functions, accelerating metabolic processes, and preventing the accumulation of harmful substances in the body. With these simple but effective adjustments, we can make better use of water and maintain a healthy lifestyle.