
Tiger skin eggs are home-cooked and delicious

author:Sensitive Cake IiZ


Tiger skin eggs, a home-cooked dish full of color and flavor, have you been coveted by it? Today, let me unveil the mystery of this dish for you and take you to appreciate its unique charm.

Tiger skin eggs are home-cooked and delicious

First of all, we need to prepare the ingredients: eggs, millet pepper, ginger, green onions, Sichuan pepper, star anise, bay leaves, starch. For seasonings, you need beer, sugar, pepper, teriyaki soy sauce, light soy sauce, bean paste, and soybean paste.

Below, let's take a look at how to make this tiger skin egg!

In the first step, the eggs are boiled. Put the eggs in cold water, cook over high heat and continue to cook for 5 minutes. This way the boiled eggs taste best and are easier to absorb.

The second step is to prepare the excipients. Cut the millet pepper, garlic and green onion, then add the peppercorns, star anise, and bay leaves, and set aside.

Tiger skin eggs are home-cooked and delicious

Step 3: Prepare the sauce. In a small bowl, pour a can of beer and an appropriate amount of water, add 2 grams of pepper, a little sugar to enhance the freshness, and stir well. Then, add 5 grams of teriyaki soy sauce, which is mainly used to color the eggs.

Step 4, Omelette eggs. Put the hard-boiled eggs in cold water and peel off the shells. Make a few cuts on the surface of the egg to make it more flavorful. Add oil to the pan, when the oil temperature is 60% hot, roll the eggs in the starch water, put them in the pan, and fry them slowly over low heat. Fry the egg noodles until golden brown, then set aside.

The fifth step is to cook. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, stir-fry the auxiliary materials, add the bean paste and soybean paste after stir-frying, and fry until the red oil comes out. Then, add the fried eggs, pour in the pre-prepared beer water, and simmer over medium heat for 8 minutes.

Step 6: Collect the juice. Remove the auxiliary materials from the pot, reduce the juice over high heat, and add water and starch to thicken and thicken. Finally, pour in a little oil to brighten the color, remove from the pot and serve on a plate.

Tiger skin eggs are home-cooked and delicious

Step 7: Serve on a plate. Pour the soup evenly over the eggs and chop the green onions, and you're done with a delicious tiger egg!

Although the process of making tiger eggs is a little tedious, trust me, when you taste the deliciousness of this dish, you will definitely feel that all the hard work is worth it. The golden and crispy eggs, wrapped in a rich salty fragrance, make people can't help but eat a bite, and they can't stop eating it.

Try this tiger egg and let your taste buds indulge in this delicious taste!

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