
Why does the eunuch smell on his body? What is the reason why the concubines do not dislike it and still stutter hard?

author:Shushan History Road


Did ancient eunuchs really stink?

Why can eunuchs with low status make concubines flock to them? What kind of power game is hidden behind this?

Lord Zhang is the head eunuch of the Internal Affairs Office, but his identity has the supreme power in the harem. When the emperor Xuande Gong lived in a simple house, he was dedicated to improving the culture and governance, and entrusted all the power of the harem to Lord Zhang. This made Master Zhang half of the "emperor", and the concubines in the harem all asked for his favor.

"Lord Zhang's face is so ugly, could it be that Xuande Gong didn't thank you last night?" From the day Zhaoyi entered the palace, he always observed his words and emotions to please Lord Zhang. She understands that whether she can be favored or not depends on Lord Zhang's words.

Master Zhang held his head high and paced majestically. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew his robes. "Oops!" Zhaoyi covered her nose and whispered, "Why is this smell again......?"

This reminds one of the disgusting aura of the eunuchs. Is that really the case?

Why does the eunuch smell on his body? What is the reason why the concubines do not dislike it and still stutter hard?

1. Where does the "smell" of eunuchs come from?

After the eunuch was castrated, he was covered in scaly wounds, and the wound was infected and emitted a foul smell, which was difficult to remove. But the truth is much more than that.

Mr. Zhang was originally a peasant boy, and he remembered the scene of the first time he served tea to his master - the silver needle broke his fingertips, and the blood beads blurred in the tea. He was only four years old at the time.

From then on he lived the life of a eunuch, which was a long kneeling and harsh training. His knee bones were already in pain, and the dirty clothes he wore never changed, just because he was busy serving.

So the filth accumulated day by day, and the eunuchs had that unbearable smell on them. And they have less time to wash, and the smell gets heavier.

This is the real origin of the "stinking" of eunuchs. It's not that you're born this way, it's because of your status.

Why does the eunuch smell on his body? What is the reason why the concubines do not dislike it and still stutter hard?

Master Zhang still remembers the day he was sent to the palace. Cutting off the yang roots, he became a eunuch in the true sense of the word. Even if the bones are broken and the tendons are connected, you have to kneel and kowtow in pain.

They were forbidden to have contact with outsiders, and even when they were sick, they had to take care of each other. After spending countless nights of tossing and turning, Master Zhang finally got used to Xi pain.

At that time, he was full of hope for a powerful master. Even if it is literally "stinky and begging for food", he is willing.

In that way, you may be able to get rid of the torture of the moment, and even turn over and become a competent eunuch. Although he understands that this is nothing more than wishful thinking.

Fortunately, God pays off. Master Zhang finally got the opportunity to start serving a loose official. And with his outstanding ability, he gradually won the trust and reuse of officials.

Why does the eunuch smell on his body? What is the reason why the concubines do not dislike it and still stutter hard?

2. The real reason why concubines flock to eunuchs

The stench of the eunuch was circulated in the outside world, and it was more because of the criticism caused by his growing power.

In fact, the concubines did not scold the eunuchs simply to avoid their smell. The entanglement of power and interests is the real answer.

For example, Mr. Zhang, who is in charge of the "Respect Room". This kind of eunuch went deep into the harem and influenced the contact between the emperor and the concubines. They can keep a close grasp of the whereabouts and information of the concubines.

Lord Zhang looked at the recitals and materials in his hand and sneered. Just one sentence from him can overshadow the usually arrogant Zhaoyi. That's the real power.

It was precisely because of the special status of Lord Zhang that Zhaoyi flattered him. She has always disdained to deal with other eunuchs, but she is respectful to Lord Zhang.

Why does the eunuch smell on his body? What is the reason why the concubines do not dislike it and still stutter hard?

She knew that this respect was not easy to come by, and she was not less unlucky at the beginning of entering the palace. I still remember one time, I accidentally bumped into a eunuch who was deceitful. was so confused and charged with "not knowing the number of etiquette".

Fortunately, Zhang Daren respected the harem and resolved the misunderstanding in time. This made Zhaoyi learn from the pain and understand that only by giving important eunuch courtesies can he survive in the court.

Since then, she has done everything possible to please Master Zhang. Even if the smell made her almost nauseous, she never dared to slack off in the slightest. She knows that this is the way to survive in the harem.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for her to be recommended by Lord Zhang, and she was finally honored by Emperor Xuande. Overnight, Zhaoyi became one of the favored concubines. That smell is insignificant.

Why does the eunuch smell on his body? What is the reason why the concubines do not dislike it and still stutter hard?

3. The imperial power fell into the hands of eunuchs, and power struggles occurred frequently

The eunuchs entered the inner court and restrained the imperial power, which has always caused a struggle for power. What's more, the eunuchs fought openly and secretly with each other, and the emperor's will was often hollowed out. The open and secret battles between eunuchs have always affected the imperial power and concubines. For example, after the death of Emperor Xuande, Lord Zhang and the rival eunuch sect launched a cruel game for power.

The dangerous situation made the eunuchs uncertain, for fear of offending their powerful masters. Worse still, they are drawn into it and fall victim to the power struggle.

As soon as the bad news of the emperor's death came out, the government and the opposition were shaken by the succession of the new monarch Li Gui. At this time, there was a power vacuum, but the eunuchs were already prepared.

Why does the eunuch smell on his body? What is the reason why the concubines do not dislike it and still stutter hard?

Lord Zhang and the rival eunuchs quickly wooed the concubines. They want to control the favor of the new king in their own hands, so as to win over the power. As a result, the eunuchs and concubines were surging, and power and sex transactions occurred frequently.

Finally, the two sides reconciled on the surface, but in fact the contradictions were hidden under the folds. The eunuch who was waiting for the opportunity to fight back was ready to take the opportunity to remove the thorn in the side of Lord Zhang.

The concubines also felt the treacherous clouds in the miasma. They praise the power of the eunuchs, but in fact, they have already judged in their hearts. After all, eunuchs who have fallen out of favor have no use value.

Why does the eunuch smell on his body? What is the reason why the concubines do not dislike it and still stutter hard?

Fourth, the essence of harem ecology is a fluid power game

If the "stinking" of eunuchs is a side matter brought by power, then the essence of the harem is a mobile power game.

The game is built on complex interpersonal relationships. emperors, eunuchs, and concubines; Between concubines and concubines and eunuchs, they are all trying to survive in this tug-of-war of power.

The eunuchs were even more frequent guests in this power game. They swayed the emperor and manipulated the concubines. and even intrigue with each other. There is no purity in this bureau.

Zhaoyi was deeply touched. She also naively thought that the concubines in the harem who had ill intentions had changed their nature because of their intrigues with eunuchs.

However, when she was with them day and night, Zhaoyi suddenly realized. It turns out that the edge of the eunuch's elbow also comes from their own endless desire for power.

And the concubines are born with a huge disparity in status. They are not friends with each other, but a relationship of mutual interest. It's normal to trade off one or the other.

Why does the eunuch smell on his body? What is the reason why the concubines do not dislike it and still stutter hard?

The speed of the decline of the concubines of the defeated family made Zhaoyi tremble. She couldn't help but reflect on whether the previous flattery was worth it. Survival, that's the priority right now.

Whether it is the power trading of eunuchs or the mutual constraints of concubines. This game of thrones is full of indifference and calculation.

But the game will come to an end. The real winners are often those who are calm and have insight into the situation. They are not impatient to fight for power, nor are they obsessed with a monarch. Pursuing advantages and avoiding disadvantages is the king's way.

Such a character is what the eunuchs and concubines really want to cling to. Seek a glimmer of life in this impermanent court life.

The vast ocean of the harem seems to be calm, but in fact there is an undercurrent. The stinking power struggle reveals the essence of ecology.

Why does the eunuch smell on his body? What is the reason why the concubines do not dislike it and still stutter hard?


After many twists and turns, she finally understood the impermanence behind this power transaction. The eunuchs are in power, and the concubines are infinitely beautiful; In the blink of an eye, he was devastated and left the scene.

She couldn't help but sigh, all kinds of beings in the harem are just chess pieces in this power game. Do whatever it takes to achieve your goals, but once you lose power, you are immediately abandoned.

She had thought that the eunuchs were the ones who were in charge of the game, but now it seemed that they were just insiders who were struggling to survive under the rules. The essence of this power game is the chaos that this dynasty has accumulated and cannot return.

Inside and outside the palace walls, there are wins and losses everywhere. And she will eventually become one of those countless losers.

Zhaoyi sighed softly and turned to leave. Leaving this gorgeous and glorious imperial palace, it is still the icing on the cake of the magnificent scenery.