
Diabetic patients who take Western medicine to lower blood sugar for a long time will have two "side effects"?

author:Lao Zhang's medical science
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  • During New Year's Day, Li Qiang went to the hospital to visit his hospitalized friends. While chatting with a friend, he accidentally mentioned that he had been feeling thirsty, urinating, and feeling a little tired lately, which made him feel a little worried.

    Li Qiang is an ordinary bank clerk who is usually busy with work and does not pay much attention to his physical condition. His friend suggested that he go for a full check-up, and Li Qiang decided to follow the advice.

    Diabetic patients who take Western medicine to lower blood sugar for a long time will have two "side effects"?

    At the hospital, Li Qiang met Dr. Wang, who gave him a series of tests, including a blood sugar test. The results showed that Li Qiang's blood sugar level exceeded the standard and he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

    Li Qiang was a little shocked, and he asked nervously: "I heard that diabetic patients will have side effects when they take Western medicine for a long time to lower blood sugar, is it true?"

    Dr. Wang nodded: "Yes, long-term use of some hypoglycemic drugs may indeed have some side effects, mainly in two aspects. ”

    Diabetic patients who take Western medicine to lower blood sugar for a long time will have two "side effects"?

    "Which two aspects?" asked Li Qiang urgently.

    Dr. Wang explains, "First, some hypoglycemic drugs may cause hypoglycemic reactions. This is because these medications can lower blood sugar too low, especially if you don't eat regularly or miss meals. The second common side effect is digestive reactions, such as nausea, diarrhea or constipation. ”

    Diabetic patients who take Western medicine to lower blood sugar for a long time will have two "side effects"?

    Li Qiang was a little worried after hearing this, but Dr. Wang comforted him: "However, not everyone will experience these side effects, and many times they can be alleviated by adjusting the dosage or changing the type of medication. It's important to monitor your blood sugar regularly and adjust your treatment plan as directed. ”

    Dr. Wang also briefed Li Qiang on the importance of diet and lifestyle modifications for diabetes. He stressed the importance of eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly and maintaining good Xi habits to control blood sugar.

    Diabetic patients who take Western medicine to lower blood sugar for a long time will have two "side effects"?

    Li Qiang feels that he has benefited a lot. He thanked Dr. Ong for his professional advice and decided to change his lifestyle and focus more on his health from now on.

    At the end of the story, I would like to ask a question: What are some other ways for people with type 2 diabetes to better control their blood sugar, in addition to taking hypoglycemic medications and making lifestyle modifications?

    Diabetic patients who take Western medicine to lower blood sugar for a long time will have two "side effects"?

    First of all, it is very important to monitor blood sugar levels regularly to help patients stay informed about their blood sugar control and adjust their treatment regimen as needed.

    Second, eating a balanced diet, especially increasing the intake of high-fiber foods, can help lower blood sugar. In addition, moderate physical activity, such as walking, swimming, or cycling, can help increase the body's sensitivity to insulin, which can help control blood sugar.

    In addition, maintaining good sleep quality and reducing stress can also help control blood sugar levels.

    Diabetic patients who take Western medicine to lower blood sugar for a long time will have two "side effects"?

    Finally, it is also important to maintain good communication with your doctor, visit your doctor regularly, and adjust your treatment plan in a timely manner. With these comprehensive measures, people with diabetes can manage their blood sugar levels more effectively and stay healthy.

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