
39-year-old Zhao Xun, who has changed from Li Erniu to a beautiful man, has his pelvis hanging on his waist with 3 nails

author:Idle clouds



赵荀先生,这位 39 岁的资深演员,才华横溢并在军旅题材作品中表现出色,已经成功地塑造了许多深入人心的硬汉形象,因此被誉为该领域的翘楚。

39-year-old Zhao Xun, who has changed from Li Erniu to a beautiful man, has his pelvis hanging on his waist with 3 nails


39-year-old Zhao Xun, who has changed from Li Erniu to a beautiful man, has his pelvis hanging on his waist with 3 nails


39-year-old Zhao Xun, who has changed from Li Erniu to a beautiful man, has his pelvis hanging on his waist with 3 nails

特别值得一提的是,2010 年,他在《战地浪漫曲》这部电视剧中,成功演绎了草根军人李二牛的角色,令观众拍手称赞,从而名声大噪。

39-year-old Zhao Xun, who has changed from Li Erniu to a beautiful man, has his pelvis hanging on his waist with 3 nails

但命运似乎和赵荀开了一个小小的玩笑——2015 年的高空坠落事件令他的人生轨迹发生巨变。

39-year-old Zhao Xun, who has changed from Li Erniu to a beautiful man, has his pelvis hanging on his waist with 3 nails

拍摄《火线出击》过程中,赵荀不幸从约 10 米高的地方跌落,导致左手骨折和骨盆粉碎,需紧急手术治疗。

39-year-old Zhao Xun, who has changed from Li Erniu to a beautiful man, has his pelvis hanging on his waist with 3 nails


39-year-old Zhao Xun, who has changed from Li Erniu to a beautiful man, has his pelvis hanging on his waist with 3 nails

被困在医院的 ICU 监护病房中的日子加剧了疼痛,失眠的煎熬更是难言之痛。

39-year-old Zhao Xun, who has changed from Li Erniu to a beautiful man, has his pelvis hanging on his waist with 3 nails


39-year-old Zhao Xun, who has changed from Li Erniu to a beautiful man, has his pelvis hanging on his waist with 3 nails


39-year-old Zhao Xun, who has changed from Li Erniu to a beautiful man, has his pelvis hanging on his waist with 3 nails

令人欣喜的是,2018 年,39 岁的赵荀决定打破以往在电视剧中塑造的硬汉形象,向短视频平台发起进攻,力求带给观众人耳目一新的感受。

39-year-old Zhao Xun, who has changed from Li Erniu to a beautiful man, has his pelvis hanging on his waist with 3 nails


39-year-old Zhao Xun, who has changed from Li Erniu to a beautiful man, has his pelvis hanging on his waist with 3 nails


39-year-old Zhao Xun, who has changed from Li Erniu to a beautiful man, has his pelvis hanging on his waist with 3 nails


39-year-old Zhao Xun, who has changed from Li Erniu to a beautiful man, has his pelvis hanging on his waist with 3 nails


39-year-old Zhao Xun, who has changed from Li Erniu to a beautiful man, has his pelvis hanging on his waist with 3 nails


39-year-old Zhao Xun, who has changed from Li Erniu to a beautiful man, has his pelvis hanging on his waist with 3 nails



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