
Drink tea after eating? Slow down!Remind you not to do 4 things after a meal, beware of suffering in the future!

author:Kangsir medical science

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On a cold New Year's Day morning, Zheng Ming, a diligent librarian, hurried into the hospital to visit his friend Zhao Lei, who was hospitalized with a leg injury.

Drink tea after eating? Slow down!Remind you not to do 4 things after a meal, beware of suffering in the future!

The atmosphere in the hospital is always a little oppressive, with patients in the wards resting in bed or talking in whispers with their families.

Zheng Ming and Zhao Lei were chatting about family life, and suddenly he felt that his stomach was a little uncomfortable, remembering that he had drunk a large cup of tea immediately after eating last night, he thought worriedly: "Could this be a precursor to stomach problems?" So, he decided to consult a doctor.

In the waiting area, Zheng Ming met Dr. Li, an experienced old doctor. Dr. Li joked, "Yo, looking at your expression, do you think you have some serious illness?"

Drink tea after eating? Slow down!Remind you not to do 4 things after a meal, beware of suffering in the future!

Zheng Ming smiled awkwardly: "Doctor Li, I'm just a little sick to my stomach, I drank tea after dinner last night, and I read it on the Internet and said that this is not good." ”

Dr. Li replied with a smile, "There are all kinds of information on the Internet, and not all of them are true. However, the tea you mentioned after a meal reminds me of an interesting thing. ”

Zheng Ming stared curiously at Dr. Lee, waiting for him to continue telling the story.

Drink tea after eating? Slow down!Remind you not to do 4 things after a meal, beware of suffering in the future!

Dr. Lee began to narrate: "Did you know that some after-meal Xi may seem harmless, but in fact they may be bad for your health? For example, drink tea immediately after a meal.

The tannic acid contained in tea can bind to iron in food and affect iron absorption. According to research, doing so for a long time can lead to iron deficiency, which can lead to anemia.

Drink tea after eating? Slow down!Remind you not to do 4 things after a meal, beware of suffering in the future!

Also, exercising immediately after a meal is also a bad Xi. The stomach is full of food after a meal, and exercising immediately can affect digestion and may even lead to stomach problems. ”

After Zheng Ming heard this, he nodded again and again: "So that's the case, I never paid attention to these before." ”

Dr. Lee continued, "Also, it is not advisable to take a shower or smoke immediately after a meal.

Drink tea after eating? Slow down!Remind you not to do 4 things after a meal, beware of suffering in the future!

Bathing causes blood to flow to the extremities, reducing the blood supply to the stomach, which is not good for digestion, not to mention smoking, which is much more harmful than that.

Studies have shown that smoking immediately after a meal is much more harmful to the body than smoking usually. ”

After listening to Dr. Li's explanation, Zheng Ming was very surprised: "I have never seriously considered the health effects of these daily Xi habits before. ”

Drink tea after eating? Slow down!Remind you not to do 4 things after a meal, beware of suffering in the future!

Dr. Li smiled and said, "It's okay, it's good to know." A healthy lifestyle helps prevent various diseases. Changing these small Xi habits can have big benefits for your health. ”

Zheng Ming nodded gratefully, and when he left the hospital, his heart was full of gratitude to Dr. Li. He decided to change some of his Xi and pay more attention to his health.

Drink tea after eating? Slow down!Remind you not to do 4 things after a meal, beware of suffering in the future!


The end of the story leaves Zheng Ming with a thought: if our Xi are the cornerstone of health, how can we find a balance in our busy lives while staying healthy and enjoying life?

This may seem like a simple question, but it's about how we can effectively manage our physical and mental health in the modern world.

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Note: The original debut, plagiarism must be investigated to the end!

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