
Migrant workers brought steamed buns and pickles into the store, afraid of being disliked, 5 people ordered 1 cheap dish, and the boss treated them gently and kindly

author:Magically motivated Xin'er

In this bustling city, there is a group of people who are busy on the construction site every day, pouring the prosperity of the city with their sweat. They come from far and wide, and in order to live, they leave their homes and silently bear the weight of life. They are migrant workers.

Chapter 1: Five Migrant Workers

Five migrant workers walked into the restaurant, where they sat down at a table in the corner, carrying their own steamed buns and a bag of pickles. Their expressions are slightly reserved, and they seem a little lonely in the face of unfamiliar environments. They ordered one of the cheapest dishes in the store – spicy fried bean sprouts.

Migrant workers brought steamed buns and pickles into the store, afraid of being disliked, 5 people ordered 1 cheap dish, and the boss treated them gently and kindly

Chapter 2: The Boss's Acts of Kindness

When the boss saw this scene, his heart was sour. He knew that these migrant workers were eating such meals every day in order to save money. Their lives are so hard, so helpless. He decided to do something for them.

Migrant workers brought steamed buns and pickles into the store, afraid of being disliked, 5 people ordered 1 cheap dish, and the boss treated them gently and kindly

So, the boss asked the waiter to bring hot tea, which made the migrant workers feel a warmth. They were stunned, they had never been treated like this, and they were touched by the warmth. They know that it is the boss who is lending them a helping hand.

Migrant workers brought steamed buns and pickles into the store, afraid of being disliked, 5 people ordered 1 cheap dish, and the boss treated them gently and kindly

Chapter 3: A Changed Fate

As time passed, the migrant workers became better and more efficient in their work. The boss saw their efforts and progress and decided to give them a salary increase. After the news spread on the construction site, everyone was happy for them. It turned out that the boss had been silently paying attention to them and paying for them silently.

Chapter 4: The Counterattack of Migrant Workers

Today, their performance on the construction site is getting better and better, and they are recognized and respected by everyone. Their lives have also been turned upside down, and they feel very proud and contented. It all stems from their persistence and hard work, and they have changed their destiny with their own hands.

Migrant workers brought steamed buns and pickles into the store, afraid of being disliked, 5 people ordered 1 cheap dish, and the boss treated them gently and kindly

Chapter 5: A Heart of Gratitude

The migrant workers feel very grateful, knowing that it was the good deeds of their bosses who changed their lives. They decided to come to this restaurant every day to express their gratitude, even if it was only the cheapest food.


Let us pay tribute to these migrant workers, they are the builders of this city, they are our pride. Let's work together to create a better living environment for them, so that they can feel the warmth and care of society.

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