
On nine cold days, these types of foods should be eaten more, which are rich in vitamin C and improve the body's immunity

author:Fresh citrus DL

With the arrival of the number nine, the freezing temperatures put the body's immune system to a greater test. During this season, choosing foods rich in vitamin C becomes the key to maintaining good health. Vitamin C is not only a powerful antioxidant, but also promotes the normal functioning of the immune system and improves the body's resistance to cold weather. In order to maintain adequate energy and health during the cold days of the number nine, it is wise to increase your vitamin C intake. Here are a few of the most recommended vitamin C-rich vegetables during this season, which are not only nutritious but also infuse the body with warm nutrients.

On nine cold days, these types of foods should be eaten more, which are rich in vitamin C and improve the body's immunity

1. Kale:

Kale is a green leafy vegetable rich in vitamin C, which not only contains antioxidants, but also provides a rich source of dietary fiber, vitamin K, and folate. Vitamin C helps boost the immune system and helps fight off colds and flu during the cold season.

On nine cold days, these types of foods should be eaten more, which are rich in vitamin C and improve the body's immunity

Recommended practice: Blanched kale

Ingredients: Kale: to taste, ginger: to taste (sliced), salt: to taste, sesame oil: to taste


1. Prepare the kale: Wash the fresh kale, remove the old stems and leaves, and keep the young stems and leaves.

2. Prepare ginger slices: Cut the ginger into thin slices and set aside.

3. Boil water: Add enough water to the pot, add an appropriate amount of salt and ginger slices, and bring the water to a boil.

4. Blanch: When the water is boiling, put the kale in a pot and blanch it quickly. Blanching should not be too long to maintain the tender and crispy texture of the kale.

5. Remove the blanched kale with a drain or tong, put it in cold water, and quickly cool down to stop cooking.

6. Drain: Once the kale has cooled, drain the excess water.

7. Serving: Arrange the kale neatly on a plate.

8. Seasoning: Drizzle an appropriate amount of sesame oil on top of the kale to enhance the aroma and taste.

9. Serve: Serve with boiled kale and garnish with a sprinkle of coriander to taste.

On nine cold days, these types of foods should be eaten more, which are rich in vitamin C and improve the body's immunity


(1) The key to boiling kale is to master the heat to keep the kale tender and crisp.

(2) The addition of ginger slices not only enhances the taste, but also removes the bitter taste of kale.

(3) The use of sesame oil can add aroma according to personal preference.

2. Green peppers:

Green peppers are a low-calorie, high-fiber, vitamin C-rich vegetable. Not only does it boost immunity, but it's also rich in antioxidants that help keep skin healthy and fight inflammation.

On nine cold days, these types of foods should be eaten more, which are rich in vitamin C and improve the body's immunity

Recommended method: Stir-fried pork slices with green peppers

Ingredients: Lean pork slices: 200g, green peppers: 2 (better color matching), minced ginger and garlic: to taste, cooking wine: 1 tablespoon, light soy sauce: 2 tablespoons, dark soy sauce: 1 tablespoon, sugar: 1/2 tablespoon, salt: to taste, pepper: to taste, cooking oil: to taste


1. Prepare the ingredients: Slice the pork into thin slices and cut the green peppers into even shreds.

2. Marinated pork slices: Add minced ginger and garlic, cooking wine, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce and sugar to the pork slices, stir well, and marinate for 15-20 minutes.

3. Stir-fry the slices of meat: Heat the pan with cold oil, put the marinated meat slices into the pan, and stir-fry until it changes color.

4. Add the green peppers: Add the shredded green peppers and continue to stir-fry evenly.

5. To taste: Add salt and pepper to taste, season and continue stir-frying.

6. Juice removal: After the green pepper becomes soft and glutinous and the meat slices are cooked thoroughly, you can add a small amount of water in an appropriate amount, and then reduce the juice until the surface of the meat slices is shiny.

7. Serve: Place the fried green pepper slices on a plate and serve.

On nine cold days, these types of foods should be eaten more, which are rich in vitamin C and improve the body's immunity


(1) When stir-frying the sliced meat, the heat should be grasped well to maintain the tender taste of the sliced meat.

(2) Green peppers should not be fried for too long to maintain a crisp and tender texture.

(3) You can add some minced garlic or chili pepper to enhance the flavor and texture according to your personal taste.

3. Broccoli:

Broccoli is a nutrient-rich vegetable rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, and fiber. Its antioxidant properties help fight free radicals in the body while providing the nutrients needed by the immune system.

On nine cold days, these types of foods should be eaten more, which are rich in vitamin C and improve the body's immunity

Recommended method: Stir-fried sausage with broccoli

Ingredients: Broccoli: to taste, to taste, to taste, garlic: to taste (minced), to taste, to taste, to salt: to taste, soy sauce: to taste


1. Prepare the ingredients: Wash the broccoli and cut it into small pieces, and cut the sausage into thin slices for later use.

2. Blanch: Add enough water to the pot, add a small amount of salt after boiling, then blanch the broccoli to change color, remove and set aside.

3. Stir-fry the sausage: Heat the pan with cold oil, add the sliced sausage, and stir-fry until the sausage is fragrant.

4. Add the garlic: Add the minced garlic and continue stir-frying until the garlic is fragrant.

5. Add the blanched broccoli: Put the blanched broccoli in a pot and stir-fry evenly.

6. Seasoning: Add salt and soy sauce to adjust the taste to your taste.

7. Stir-fry well: Stir-fry until the broccoli is cooked and flavorful, then remove from the pan and serve.

8. Serve: Put the fried broccoli sausage on a plate, the aroma is fragrant, and it is ready to serve.

On nine cold days, these types of foods should be eaten more, which are rich in vitamin C and improve the body's immunity


(1) There is no need to add extra oil when stir-frying sausages, because the sausages themselves will produce oil.

(2) When blanching, you can add some cooking oil to help maintain the bright green color of broccoli.

(3) The sausage is salty and fragrant, so when seasoning, you can try to add less salt first, and then add it according to taste.

IV. Rape Flower:

Cauliflower is rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, and folic acid, making it a nutritious vegetable. Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties play a positive role in strengthening the immune system and helping to fight diseases caused by cold weather.

On nine cold days, these types of foods should be eaten more, which are rich in vitamin C and improve the body's immunity

Recommended method: cauliflower with tomato sauce

Ingredients: Cauliflower: 1 cauliflower, 2 tomatoes (chopped or pureed), 1 onion (diced), garlic: to taste (minced), cooking oil: to taste, salt: to taste, black pepper: to taste, thyme (optional): to taste


1. Prepare the cauliflower: Wash the cauliflower, cut it into small florets, blanch until it is half cooked, drain and set aside.

2. Cook the ketchup: Heat an appropriate amount of cooking oil in a pan, add the diced onion and minced garlic, and stir-fry until the aroma wafts out.

3. Add the tomatoes: Add the chopped or pureed tomatoes and continue sautéing until the tomatoes are tender.

4. Add the cauliflower: Put the blanched cauliflower into the pot and stir-fry evenly.

5. Seasoning: Add salt and black pepper to taste.

6. Simmer: Add a small amount of water, cover the pot, and simmer for a period of time until the cauliflower is cooked and flavorful.

7. Juice removal: If there is too much water, you can open the lid and reduce the juice until it is properly thick.

8. Sprinkle with thyme (optional): If you like, you can sprinkle some thyme to add aroma.

9. Serve: The cauliflower with tomato sauce is finished, serve on a plate and enjoy.

On nine cold days, these types of foods should be eaten more, which are rich in vitamin C and improve the body's immunity


(1) The simmering time should be well controlled, so as not to overcook the cauliflower and cause it to be too soft and lose its taste.

(2) You can add some other spices according to personal taste, such as thyme, rosemary, etc., to enhance the layering of the dish.

5. Pea seedlings:

Pea sprouts are a tender green vegetable that contains a lot of vitamin C and folic acid. It has a fresh flavor and can be used as a side dish to salads or stir-fries, adding a touch of greenery to the cold season.

On nine cold days, these types of foods should be eaten more, which are rich in vitamin C and improve the body's immunity

Recommended method: Stir-fry lean meat with pea sprouts

Ingredients: Pea sprouts: to taste, lean pork: 150g (sliced), garlic: to taste (minced), ginger: to taste (minced), cooking oil: to taste, salt: to taste, light soy sauce: to taste, cooking wine: to taste, sugar: to taste, pepper: to taste


1. Prepare the ingredients: Wash the pea sprouts, cut the lean pork into thin slices, mince the garlic and ginger and set aside.

2. Stir-fry lean pork: Heat the pan with cold oil, add the lean pork slices and stir-fry until they change color, and add cooking wine to enhance the flavor.

3. Add minced garlic and ginger: Add the minced garlic and ginger and continue to sauté until fragrant.

4. Sauté pea sprouts: Add the washed pea sprouts and stir-fry quickly.

5. Seasoning: Add an appropriate amount of salt, light soy sauce and sugar, and continue to stir-fry evenly so that the condiment is evenly coated on the ingredients.

6. Blanch: If you find that the pea seedlings are too old, you can blanch them with boiling water before frying to keep the pea seedlings tender and green.

7. Juice removal: When the pea sprouts are soft, add a small amount of water, cover the pot and simmer to make the pea sprouts more tender and crispy.

8. Pepper to flavor: Finally, sprinkle with an appropriate amount of pepper and stir well.

9. Serve: Put the fried lean pea sprouts on a plate and serve.

On nine cold days, these types of foods should be eaten more, which are rich in vitamin C and improve the body's immunity


(1) When stir-frying the sliced meat, stir-fry quickly to maintain the tender texture of the sliced meat.

(2) The stir-fry time of pea sprouts should not be too long to maintain the tender green color and crisp taste.

(3) The amount of condiments can be increased or decreased according to personal taste.

In this cold season, the impact of diet on physical health is becoming more and more significant. Choosing foods rich in vitamin C, such as kale, green peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, and pea sprouts, will not only boost your body's immunity, but also inject a touch of warmth into the colder season. These delicious and diverse vegetables can be eaten in a stewed, cold dressing, stir-fried and other ways to satisfy the cravings of the appetite and provide the body with a variety of essential nutrients. In the severe cold of the number nine, let us join hands with the power of vegetables to resist the cold, maintain the health of the body, and inject vitality and warmth into the new year.

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