
After the two Chinese Super League giants left the team, they were both reduced to the amateur league, and one was the captain of SIPG

author:Witty and repaired

Giants Meritorious Fall: SIPG and Shenhua Heroes Involved in the Amateur League

The world of football is full of uncertainties, and this one has come as a surprise to fans. Wang Jiajie, who once played for the Chinese Super League giants Shanghai SIPG, and Shen Longyuan, who used to play for Shenhua, will leave the professional arena and join the Chinese championship team Shanghai Saigenda and devote himself to the amateur league. These two former giants will join forces next season to debut in the Chinese Champions League for Shanghai Saigenda. This unexpected decision to leave the club has aroused widespread concern, what exactly made them choose to leave professional football and move towards the amateur league?

After the two Chinese Super League giants left the team, they were both reduced to the amateur league, and one was the captain of SIPG

Former captain: Wang Jiajie's football experience

Wang Jiajie, who was the captain of the Shanghai SIPG team, is a leader in Xu Genbao's youth training system. Belonging to the same age group as Zhu Zhengrong, he showed excellent technical and leadership on the court. However, because his birth year is not within the Olympic age range, he is relatively short of resources to compete. During his time at SIPG, he contributed a lot to the team, but now he has chosen to switch to the amateur league, which makes people wonder about his mental journey behind the scenes.

A new challenge for the Chinese Champions League: Shen Longyuan's career turning point

Similar to Wang Jiajie, Shenhua meritorious Shen Longyuan also made the decision to leave the team and will join Shanghai Saigenda to participate in the China Champions League. Shen Longyuan, a player who has played for Shenhua for many years, surprised fans with his departure. Why did Shen Longyuan, who once stood at the pinnacle of professional football, choose to join the team of the amateur league? Does this represent his dissatisfaction with professional football, or a new exploration of his football career?

After the two Chinese Super League giants left the team, they were both reduced to the amateur league, and one was the captain of SIPG

Scarcity of resources: Wang Jiajie's career bottleneck

Wang Jiajie's football experience has been full of ups and downs. Although he performed well during his time at SIPG, he was limited in his competition resources due to his birth age not being of Olympic age. This bottleneck made him feel helpless in his professional football career. Over time, he may find that the amateur league is an opportunity to rediscover his passion and show his strength. For Wang Jiajie, the Champions League will become a platform for him to set sail again, and it is also a new beginning for him to find a professional breakthrough.

Career Transition: Shen Longyuan's New Journey

Shen Longyuan's decision to leave the team has also attracted the attention of the outside world. As a meritorious player of Shenhua, he has accumulated a wealth of experience in his professional football career. However, perhaps at some point, he took a different view of the professional football system and chose a different path from the mainstream. Does joining Shanghai Segenta and joining the Champions League represent a turning point in Shen Longyuan's career?

After the two Chinese Super League giants left the team, they were both reduced to the amateur league, and one was the captain of SIPG

New opportunities for amateur leagues: the appeal of the Champions League

As a high-level competition in amateur football, the Chinese Champions League has always attracted many players. For Wang Jiajie and Shen Longyuan, this may be a new opportunity. In this league, they can enjoy football, get rid of the pressure of professional football, and show their skills and leadership. The Champions League may become a stage for them to rekindle their passion and regain their original intention of football.

Fans' voices: Meritorious departure sparked controversy

For fans, two meritorious players who have played for Chinese Super League giants have chosen to leave the team to join the amateur league, which has caused a lot of controversy. This seems to be a rebellion against the professional football system, and it makes one wonder if there are problems with professional football that allow players to make such a choice. Are there any disappointments among the fans with the departure of these two heroes, or do they understand their new choice?

After the two Chinese Super League giants left the team, they were both reduced to the amateur league, and one was the captain of SIPG

A new journey at the pinnacle of their careers: Shen Longyuan and Wang Jiajie went to the China Champions League together

Shen Longyuan, with the speed of the wing, his accurate cross is known as a masterpiece. At the Beijing Olympics, he had an outstanding performance and won glory for the country. However, after the prime of his career, his development failed to meet the expectations of the fans and he fell into the struggle of the lower leagues. Shen Longyuan played for Shenhua and sat in the main position, but his subsequent career was not satisfactory. Now, he chooses to play with Wang Jiajie in the Chinese Championship team Shanghai Saigenda, which is no stranger to many fans, because the owner of the club is Zhu Jun, the former head of Shenhua. Fans have expressed their expectations for the future of Shen Longyuan and Wang Jiajie, looking forward to them reaching the pinnacle of their careers on the new stage.

Shen Longyuan: The ups and downs behind the brilliance

Shen Longyuan, who is 85 years old, was an era of surging football. With his excellent wide speed and precise crossings, he became a dark horse on the pitch. At the Beijing Olympics, his good performance was eye-catching, and he became a new star in Chinese football. However, over time, his career has not been as brilliant as it was when he first started his career. He used to sit in the main position of Shenhua, but due to various reasons, he fell into the struggle of the lower leagues in the latter part of his career. Does this decision represent an alternative to professional football, and at this golden age, his performances in the Champions League will be the focus of attention.

After the two Chinese Super League giants left the team, they were both reduced to the amateur league, and one was the captain of SIPG

A new journey: new opportunities in the amateur league

Choosing to join the amateur league may be an opportunity for Shen Longyuan to start anew. In Shanghai Segenda, he will join hands with Wang Jiajie to compete in the China Champions League, which is not only a new attempt at his career, but also a continuous pursuit of football dreams. On the stage of this amateur league, he can escape the pressure of professional football and enjoy the game to the fullest, while at the same time finding new professional opportunities for himself by showing his strength.

Zhu Jun's leadership: the ambition of Shanghai Saigenda

As a Chinese championship team, the club owner behind Shanghai Segenta is Zhu Jun, the former head of Shenhua. The name has had a profound impact on the development of Chinese football. As a veteran in the field of football, Zhu Jun's joining makes this team full of ambitions. He has always been committed to promoting the development of Chinese football, and now through this amateur league platform, he may be interested in breaking the shackles of traditional football and giving the league a new lease of life.

After the two Chinese Super League giants left the team, they were both reduced to the amateur league, and one was the captain of SIPG

Fans are looking forward to the arrival of a new peak

The joining of Shen Longyuan and Wang Jiajie has undoubtedly added a lot to the amateur league. Fans have expressed their expectations for the future, hoping that they can reach new heights in their careers on the new stage. For these two decorated players who have played for the Chinese Super League giants, the decision to join the amateur league may not be a rash move, but a redefinition of the football dream. Fans will be keeping a close eye on their performances in the Champions League and looking forward to them writing a new chapter for their football dreams.

The Unknown of Amateur Football: Leading a New Chapter

The amateur league has always been an important part of Chinese football, and the addition of Shen Longyuan and Wang Jiajie has injected new vitality into the competition at this level. The amateur league is not only a platform for professional players to show their strength and maintain their love for football, but also a hot place for ordinary fans to experience the charm of football and chase their dreams. The addition of these two meritorious players may attract more attention to this uncharted territory of amateur football and explore new opportunities. In the future, whether amateur football can become a new engine for the development of Chinese football may become a hot topic of discussion among fans.