
Drinking water from an electric kettle for a long time is not only poisoning but also carcinogenic? 4 suggestions to listen to

author:Medica Media

Drinking water is something to be done every day, and by drinking water correctly to meet your body's need for water, you can maintain circulation, have a good metabolism, and promote urinary health at the same time. But some people say that you should not use an electric kettle to boil water, drinking water boiled in an electric kettle for a long time will obtain toxic substances, which may lead to poisoning, and there is a hidden danger of causing cancer, is it true?

Drinking water from an electric kettle for a long time is not only poisoning but also carcinogenic? 4 suggestions to listen to

An electric kettle is a household appliance that is quick and easy to boil. Wash the electric kettle, add an appropriate amount of water, and boil the water in less than a minute or two.

The malignant tumors with a high degree of harm are not directly related to the use of electric kettles to boil water for drinking, so don't fall into this misunderstanding. Although there is a coating on the inside of the electric kettle, as long as you use it yourself and understand its safety when you buy an electric kettle, it will not have an impact.

How to drink water properly?

1. Drink water separately at multiple times of the day

There are many tips to follow when it comes to drinking water, such as drinking water in moderation at different times of the day, rather than drinking a lot of water in one sitting. Some people concentrate on drinking water at a certain point in time, and drinking too much at one time will increase the metabolic pressure on the kidneys, which will overwhelm the kidneys, and there is also the possibility of cellular water poisoning.

It should be drunk in moderation at multiple times of the day to continuously deliver the water that the body needs, and at the same time allow the body to better accept and utilize. Whether it's morning, noon, afternoon, or evening, drink water in moderation.

Drinking water from an electric kettle for a long time is not only poisoning but also carcinogenic? 4 suggestions to listen to

2. Control the water temperature

Pay attention to the temperature of drinking water, choose warm boiled water is more appropriate, warm boiled water will not be cold, nor hot.

Some people love to drink ice water, their gastrointestinal function is weak, they may not adapt to drinking ice water, and they are prone to abdominal pain, and drinking hot water, the temperature is too high may irritate people's mouth, esophageal mucosa, and then cause inflammation. You need to control the water temperature, if the temperature is too high, you can add some cool water to adjust the temperature.

3. Don't drink raw water

Drinking water is a science, and you should choose boiled plain water.

Some people directly open the faucet to fill water to drink, but the water flowing directly from the faucet has not been filtered twice, and it has not been boiled and sterilized at high temperature, there may be some bacteria and microorganisms in it.

Drinking water from an electric kettle for a long time is not only poisoning but also carcinogenic? 4 suggestions to listen to

4. Do not rely on beverages

It is important not to drink the drink as water, but to choose plain plain water.

Some people love to drink a variety of drinks when they are thirsty, including carbonated drinks, fruit juice drinks, and feel that the drinks are delicious, tasteful, and not as bland, but the flavors, pigments, and various additives in these drinks may affect health, and are the culprits of many people's obesity, high uric acid index, and unstable blood sugar. If you want to stay healthy, be cautious about drinking water and choose plain water instead of drinking it regularly.

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