
The smooth road through the sea of death, guarded by 108 ordinary warriors, how they live here

author:Free Sky t

On the smooth road through the sea of death, 108 ordinary warriors are stationed, what kind of life do they live? Let's walk into this mysterious and dangerous land together and get a glimpse of the story of this group of brave men.

The smooth road through the sea of death, guarded by 108 ordinary warriors, how they live here

For us ordinary people, this smooth road is simply a bottomless abyss, and every step may be the last. However, these one hundred and eight warriors resolutely chose to protect this place, in order to protect our world from evil. With their faith and flesh and blood, they wrote a legend on the sea of death.

In this place where they have been brushed shoulders with death, they have learned to value life every day. They know very well that tomorrow will not necessarily come, so they try to live in the moment. They put aside the troubles of the past and focus on the present battle, trying to enjoy every victory and the laughter of the team.

The smooth road through the sea of death, guarded by 108 ordinary warriors, how they live here

Warriors aren't just tough guys, they also have a rich inner world. In the evening, when they returned to their humble camp, they were not only warriors, but also creators of literature and art. They use their boring life as material to create vivid pictures.

Some warriors would play a worn-out guitar to make the old strings sound pleasant. They use the melody of musical notes to soothe every tired soul and make everyone forget the shadow of death for a while.

The smooth road through the sea of death, guarded by 108 ordinary warriors, how they live here

There are also warriors who like to keep a diary to record their bits and pieces on this smooth road. They use simple words to describe those fierce battles and touching sacrifices, and preserve these precious memories forever, so that those who come after them can understand their contributions and contributions.

Of course, there were also warriors who were good at painting, and they used color and line to paint beautiful and wild pictures. They have created vivid scenes that make the viewer feel as if they are in the scene and feel the danger and magnificence of this smooth road.

The smooth road through the sea of death, guarded by 108 ordinary warriors, how they live here

Although these warriors live on the edge of the sea of death, they have not lost their yearning for a better life. In their own unique way, they have created their own art world in this desolate and dangerous land.

Whether it is music, words or paintings, the creations of the warriors are filled with the power of life and the spark of hope. With their talents and creativity, they lit up the darkness of this sea of death and let people see the light of hope and courage.

So, let us pay tribute to these one hundred and eight ordinary and great warriors who not only protected our world, but also lit up this dark road with their creations. Let's cherish every day, live in the moment like them, and use our talents to create more beautiful things for the world!

The smooth road through the sea of death, guarded by 108 ordinary warriors, how they live here