
Lin Jingen, the "grandson lover," has been in a miserable situation lately! He was suspected of being insane on the streets, went crazy, and was arrested by the police

author:Xiaobai will take you to see entertainment
Lin Jingen, the "grandson lover," has been in a miserable situation lately! He was suspected of being insane on the streets, went crazy, and was arrested by the police

Lin Jingen, the woman of "grandson love", was blown up in the hotel, incoherent, and in a weird mental state.

Lin Jingen, the "grandson lover," has been in a miserable situation lately! He was suspected of being insane on the streets, went crazy, and was arrested by the police

According to the hotel staff, she not only destroyed the TV in the hotel next door, but also tried to seize everything in the lobby, taking everything in the hotel as her territory. On this night, her words and deeds seemed to be a strange dream, unbelievable.

Lin Jingen, the "grandson lover," has been in a miserable situation lately! He was suspected of being insane on the streets, went crazy, and was arrested by the police

The hotel staff all showed expressions of helplessness and amazement, especially when she asked the staff to be careful with her words, as if she were some kind of unpredictable threat. The hotel director decided to take decisive steps to give Lin Jingen a refund and ask her to leave. However, Lin Jingen did not leave, and the hotel staff had no choice but to call the police.

Lin Jingen, the "grandson lover," has been in a miserable situation lately! He was suspected of being insane on the streets, went crazy, and was arrested by the police

With the intervention of the police, Lin Jingen was taken out of the hotel. However, just an hour later, she stepped into the hotel again, spitting and provoking the staff like a ghost. All this, like a magical night, pushed her into the endless abyss.

Lin Jingen, the "grandson lover," has been in a miserable situation lately! He was suspected of being insane on the streets, went crazy, and was arrested by the police

About Lin Jingen's tortuous family legend:

1. Li Kuncheng's illness: Li Kuncheng's life was once as bright as the stars, but the cloud of colorectal cancer shrouded him, and the rest of his life was full of pain. Lin Jingen's company is not as warm as people expect, but intoxicated with wine and games in the old mansion, putting her husband's life and death out of the way.

Lin Jingen, the "grandson lover," has been in a miserable situation lately! He was suspected of being insane on the streets, went crazy, and was arrested by the police

2. The shady scene of property disputes: After marriage, Lin Jingen was exposed as a money obsession, not only deducting her husband's medical expenses, but also selling all the real estate and vehicles in his name, and dispersing the family wealth overnight. The angry roar of his son, Li Zhuoxuan, reverberated on social media, and he was furious at his mother's greedy behavior.

Lin Jingen, the "grandson lover," has been in a miserable situation lately! He was suspected of being insane on the streets, went crazy, and was arrested by the police

3. The abyss of family conflicts: The rift in the father-daughter relationship has been around for a long time. Father Lin was a strong pillar in her life, but when she chose the love of her grandfather and grandson, she didn't care about her father's feelings and left the father-daughter relationship behind. What is it that makes her make such a contradictory choice between love and family?

Lin Jingen, the "grandson lover," has been in a miserable situation lately! He was suspected of being insane on the streets, went crazy, and was arrested by the police

The strife continues:

1. The battle for the ancestral home: Lin Jingen once relied on the ancestral house, and the conflict with Li Zhuoxuan made the whole family like an inexhaustible volcano. The recording was exposed, and Lin Jingen went crazy at home, throwing things, swearing, and making the ancestral house a miasma.

2. The tragedy of real estate: Lin Jingen sold his property in order to maintain a luxurious life. However, her profligacy has led to the property being mortgaged by the bank, and this woman who sings every night has long been unable to support this heavy burden. The shadow of the court's auction looms over her at any time and becomes her irreversible fate.

Lin Jingen, the "grandson lover," has been in a miserable situation lately! He was suspected of being insane on the streets, went crazy, and was arrested by the police

Lin Jingen once bloomed like a flower, but the choice of grandson love put her in an uncontrollable predicament. The hotel incident is just an episode in her fate, and the strife of the whole family and the turmoil of finances are the nightmare that she cannot escape.

The long-term stay in a luxury hotel cost her 100,000 yuan a month, a figure far beyond her means. However, fate played a trick on her, and even if she sold the property, she still couldn't get out of her financial predicament. The call for social assistance also made her look eager to help, but the choices she made in the past made people have a mixed feeling about her concern.

In this complex and embarrassing life, Lin Jingen is like falling into a dark whirlpool, sinking step by step. She once bloomed like a flower, but in the interweaving of greed, strife, and love and hate, she lost her original form.

This hotel incident is just a microcosm, but it has become a representative of her tortuous life. From conflicted marriages to family conflicts to financial turmoil, her life is like an unpredictable novel, with dramatic fluctuations on every page.

Lin Jingen, the "grandson lover," has been in a miserable situation lately! He was suspected of being insane on the streets, went crazy, and was arrested by the police

Perhaps, in this seemingly absurd story, we can find deep reflections on human nature. The choice of life is not always rational and firm, and sometimes, it is more like an uncontrollable vortex that draws people into an abyss from which they cannot extricate themselves. And Lin Jingen may be a mirror of this era, reflecting the human nature of greed, strife and impermanence.

In this story of love, struggle and fall, we may be able to feel the fragility and tenacity of human nature from Lin Jingen's fate. Her life, although tortuous, also makes us deeply reflect on our choices. Perhaps, it is this kind of reflection that makes us more calm and firm in the waves of fate.