
The hotel went crazy and is currently living on the streets, and his 10-year marital status has been exposed

author:Master of gossip
The hotel went crazy and is currently living on the streets, and his 10-year marital status has been exposed

People in the past were always intoxicated by the "grandson love" with a 40-year-old age difference - Li Kuncheng and Lin Jingen.

However, since Li Kuncheng's death, this sensational relationship has become dull and gradually forgotten.

However, not long ago, Lin Jingen was in the spotlight again, not because of her lawsuit with her stepson, but because her life was in chaos.

On the night of January 3, Lin Jingen's name once again rushed to the hot search list, but unfortunately, this time it was not because of good news.

While the Taiwan media exposed her recent situation, it revealed an embarrassing picture.

Lin Jingen went crazy in a hotel and became a mystery in the hearts of the employees.

The hotel went crazy and is currently living on the streets, and his 10-year marital status has been exposed

According to hotel staff, Lin Jingen began to show abnormal behavior less than 3 hours after checking in.

The incoherent words and the trance in her eyes make people feel embarrassed for her who was once in her prime.

The hotel supervisor kicked her out after learning that she had vandalized the TV in her room.

This once high-profile woman seems to be lost on a lonely street at the moment.

Perhaps, major changes in his life, such as the death of Li Kuncheng, gave Lin Jingen a fatal blow.

Li Kuncheng was her spiritual pillar during her lifetime, but now, this pillar has suddenly broken, leaving her in a daze and out of control.

After Li Kuncheng died, she did not choose to stay in the wedding room where the two lived together, but chose the hotel as sustenance, which is incomprehensible.

The hotel went crazy and is currently living on the streets, and his 10-year marital status has been exposed

Perhaps it was the loss of her loved ones that caused her to take on an unbearable weight from her past life, which led to her insane behavior in the hotel.

At this unfortunate turning point, Lin Jingen seems to have fallen into an emotional abyss.

She vented her emotional loss of control in the hotel room, smashing things indiscriminately, and was no longer the peerless woman she once was.

This picture makes people can't help but imagine that the woman who once had a happy marriage with Li Kuncheng has now become a lonely soul who has been destroyed by life.

It is worth noting that all this is not accidental.

The hotel went crazy and is currently living on the streets, and his 10-year marital status has been exposed

On December 31 last year, some netizens broke the news that Lin Jingen showed a series of strange behaviors in a Taiwanese hotel, and was even kicked out of the hotel next door for damaging the TV.

Such strange behavior caused distress and raised questions about her mental state.

Lin Jingen and Li Kuncheng's marriage has always been full of controversy and contradictions.

Although this "grandson love" has attracted widespread attention in society, with the death of Li Kuncheng, people's attention to this marriage seems to have faded.

However, Li Kuncheng's biological son Li Zhuoxuan was not satisfied with this result, and he exposed Lin Jingen's different behaviors through social platforms, criticized her for her chaotic life and greed for money, and even accused her of not taking care of Li Kuncheng when he was sick.

The hotel went crazy and is currently living on the streets, and his 10-year marital status has been exposed

This series of accusations made Lin Jingen suffer the pain of losing her husband, but also face criticism from the outside world.

In the end, Lin Jingen agreed to share Li Kuncheng's inheritance with Li Zhuoxuan.

This may be an end to all kinds of conflicts and controversies in the past, but it also means that she will face a lot of turmoil in her property again.

And in this series of changes, her mental state seems to have gradually collapsed and become the focus of everyone's attention.

Finally, let's go back to the picture of Lin Jingen losing control in the hotel that night.

The hotel went crazy and is currently living on the streets, and his 10-year marital status has been exposed

Perhaps, people will speculate about her behavior, but should we take a more rational view of this issue of individual privacy and mental health? It is normal for a person to lose control of their emotions after losing a loved one.

Perhaps, she is just using this way to release the pain and helplessness in her heart.

However, this has also led to thinking about society's perception of "grandson love".

Such a relationship may have attracted much attention at first, but as time went on, the pressure and troubles faced by the "grandfather and grandson love" gradually became apparent.

Should people be more cautious about such relationships, lest they push an otherwise beautiful relationship into trouble?

The hotel went crazy and is currently living on the streets, and his 10-year marital status has been exposed

In any case, Lin Jingen's story is deeply embarrassing.

A woman who once walked through the marriage hall with Li Kuncheng has now fallen into the spiritual abyss.

Her fate may be a warning that we should cherish our attitude towards love and life.

Perhaps, in this rapidly changing world, we should all learn to care more about the people around us, because everyone may need care and support at some point.

However, Lin's life story is not limited to the depiction of inheritance disputes and mental disorders.

She had been a glamorous, energetic girl, and it all seemed to come to an abrupt end on that suffocating parting night.

The hotel went crazy and is currently living on the streets, and his 10-year marital status has been exposed

Li Kuncheng's death cast a silence on her life.

The former companion and spiritual pillar disappeared, and she seemed to have lost the direction of her life.

For such a high-profile woman in the past, she is now like a lonely boat lost in the night, adrift in the boundless sea of sorrow.

Perhaps it was this deep sense of loss that made her completely out of control in that silent hotel room.

At this moment, her heart may be a mess of emotions, surging in and beyond words.

When she slammed the room hard, she was probably trying to get rid of this inescapable sadness.

The hotel went crazy and is currently living on the streets, and his 10-year marital status has been exposed

On this night, Lin Jingen's behavior was no longer just a mentally disturbed performance, but more like a helpless cry for the past.

Cries of pain are often unavoidable after the loss of a loved one, especially when the silence of the night inexorably magnifies the anguish in the heart.

Perhaps, she tried to break free from the despair in her heart and find a piece of relief between the smashes.

However, all this has also triggered a re-examination of her social opinion.

A once high-profile "grandfather and grandson love" has now become the focus of media attention, and even the object of accusation by public opinion.

Does this mean that there is still room for acceptance of non-traditional forms of love, or is it because of the intense pressure of this "grandparent relationship" that ultimately contributed to this happening?

The hotel went crazy and is currently living on the streets, and his 10-year marital status has been exposed

Perhaps, society's understanding of love needs to be more open and tolerant.

Everyone has their own love story, and this story should not be tied down by the prejudices of society.

However, after Li Kuncheng's death, Lin Jingen's life gradually spiraled out of control, which also seemed to provide a sense of "I said it a long time ago" for those who once scoffed at this "grandson love".

Of course, this kind of social scrutiny should not ignore the care and understanding of Lin Jingen.

She may really need more companionship and care than just accusations and indifference.

On this difficult road of life, everyone can fall into a predicament from which they cannot extricate themselves, and what is needed is understanding and a warm hand, not merciless accusations.

The hotel went crazy and is currently living on the streets, and his 10-year marital status has been exposed

Li Kuncheng's death made Lin Jingen a lonely soul, as if looking for a direction of light in the dark night.

Perhaps, we should all stop and look at those unusual loves with a tolerant heart.

Life is short, and everyone deserves to be respected and cared for.

In the end, Lin Jingen's story is a picture that is both painful and reflective.

In her, we may see a kind of thinking about love, life and social relationships.

And this kind of thinking may be able to trigger more people's deep reflection on life, so that we can cherish everyone around us more, because everyone may need a touch of warmth and care at a certain moment.

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