
After retiring as a doctor, I returned to my hometown in the countryside to retire, and after three months, I had to flee in embarrassment

author:Love to laugh Gebriel 6T9O

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After retiring as a doctor, I returned to my hometown in the countryside to retire, and after three months, I had to flee in embarrassment

In the last month before I retired, I sat in my office in the city's inpatient department, watching the bustling flow of people outside the window, and my heart was filled with mixed feelings.

Over the past 30 years, I have worked hard in this tertiary hospital, growing from a young man who has just obtained a medical certificate to a senior chief physician of cardiovascular medicine. Over the years, I have treated countless patients, witnessed birth, old age, sickness and death, and although my work is busy, I have also gained a sense of fulfillment and achievement.

However, I also feel that the time has come to retire. I don't have the energy I had when I was younger, and I have been negligent in dealing with complicated cases. I realized that it was time for the younger generation of doctors to take on this responsibility.

"Brother Hai, are you really going to retire and return to your hometown? Nurse Xiao Wang said regretfully.

"yes, I've decided. My hometown is a beautiful mountain village, with fresh air and family and friends, and it is my dream to retire there after retirement. I laughed.

The hospital held a grand retirement ceremony for me, and all my colleagues came to see me off. I took a deep look at the familiar hospital building and boarded the train back to my hometown.

After retiring as a doctor, I returned to my hometown in the countryside to retire, and after three months, I had to flee in embarrassment

As the train pulled into the platform, I picked up my luggage and stepped out of the carriage. The familiar scenery of the mountain village came into view, and a long-lost sense of intimacy arose.

"Brother Hai, you're back!" In the distance, my old friend and fellow countryman Wang Jun was already on the platform to greet me.

"Brother Jun!" I hugged him excitedly. Wang Jun grew up with me and has now been the village chief for 15 years.

"How have you been in the city all these years?" Wang Jun said with a smile.

"Barely so. But now I can finally retire and go home. I said.

"Great! Don't even think about leaving when you come back. The village needs you as a big doctor!"

I was infected by Wang Jun's enthusiasm and happily got into the van home with him. As I drove through the village, I saw familiar fields, and memories of my childhood flooded back to me.

At the end of the trip, I came to my old house. This is an old house left by my ancestors, where I spent my carefree years as a child.

After retiring as a doctor, I returned to my hometown in the countryside to retire, and after three months, I had to flee in embarrassment

"Uncle, you're back!" Xiaohong next door has grown into a big girl, and she runs over excitedly to say hello.

"Xiaohong, do you still recognize me?" I asked with a smile.

I walked into the old house, and the smell of the long-lost former residence came to my face. The walls are still covered with graffiti that I drew when I was a child, and the tables and chairs are old but cleanly washed.

"Dad, Brother Hai is back!" My niece, Xiaofang, ran over and hugged me, shouting happily.

"Brother Hai, welcome, welcome!" My eldest brother came out of the back room, completely gray-haired, but still in good spirits.

Our brothers hadn't seen each other for years, and for a moment we couldn't speak, just hugged each other tightly.

"Brother Hai, it's great that you're back. Dad, he's old, and I'm having a hard time taking care of the farm work at home alone, and I need your help. The eldest brother said excitedly.

After retiring as a doctor, I returned to my hometown in the countryside to retire, and after three months, I had to flee in embarrassment

"Okay, okay, I'm back, it's the happiest for us to reunite as a family!" I was thrilled too.

I took a deep breath and was in a good mood. Just as he was about to go out for a walk, he saw his neighbor Uncle Liu coming over with a smile.

"Doctor Hai, I heard that you have come back from retirement, great! I have a terrible back pain, can you see if you can prescribe some medicine?" Uncle Liu said.

"Okay Uncle Liu, let me check it for you. "I hurriedly took out the medical kit that I brought back before I retired.

After the examination, I prescribed some analgesics to Uncle Liu. He thanked him again and again and sent a few eggs.

"Come on, come on, eat my wife's egg custard tonight!" Uncle Liu said with a smile.

I gladly accepted my neighbor's kindness, and a warmth welled up in my heart as I watched him leave happily.

After retiring as a doctor, I returned to my hometown in the countryside to retire, and after three months, I had to flee in embarrassment

In the days that followed, I lived the leisurely retirement life I imagined. Every day, I help my eldest brother plough the fields and hoe the fields, breathing the fresh air of the fields; At noon, eat and chat with the neighbors and taste the food of the hometown; In the evening, I sat in front of the door to bask in the sun, looking at the familiar grass and trees in the village.

The villagers also often come to ask for medical advice, and I did my best to help, and I felt that I was still useful to the village.

"Doctor Hai, my old Wang has a strange disease, take a look. "One day, my neighbor, Uncle Li, came to seek medical treatment.

When I came to his house, I saw Lao Wang lying on the bed with weakness, and he was diagnosed with encephalitis and needed to be hospitalized.

"Uncle Li, Lao Wang's condition is not very good, and he has to be sent to the county hospital for treatment. I prescribe some medicine to control the condition first. I said worriedly.

"Uncle Li, I understand your difficulties, but Lao Wang's illness can't be delayed, and he must be sent to the county hospital for treatment. I'll pay some money first, and you can pay me back when the situation improves, okay?" After thinking about it, I decided to sponsor Uncle Li's family first.

After retiring as a doctor, I returned to my hometown in the countryside to retire, and after three months, I had to flee in embarrassment

"Thank you so much! I'll definitely try to pay you back. Uncle Li said excitedly.

So, we sent Lao Wang to the county hospital. After a month of treatment, Lao Wang's condition finally improved and he was able to be discharged from the hospital and go home.

During this period, I also provided financial support to several families who were in need, and although I spent a lot of savings, I am also relieved to see them recover.

Just as I was adjusting to village life, an epidemic suddenly shattered the peace of the village.

"Doctor Hai, come and save my old man!" One morning, a neighbor rushed to ask for help, and his father suddenly developed a high fever, headache, and fatigue.

I rushed over to check and judged that it was most likely a contagious disease, and recommended that the whole village be quarantined. However, the number of cases is increasing, and many villagers are becoming ill.

I was busy seeing patients and bringing back a large number of medicines from the county seat, but the villagers who were seriously ill were still unable to be cured. Looking at the lives taken away from the disease, I felt guilty and painful in my heart.

After retiring as a doctor, I returned to my hometown in the countryside to retire, and after three months, I had to flee in embarrassment

"Doctor, you can't cure my wife's illness, it seems that we don't have a long life. Uncle Zhang, a villager, said in despair.

"Uncle Zhang, don't worry, I will definitely find a way!" I snorted and comforted.

I take care of the sick day and night, even without sleeping. The plague lasted about two months, and five out of 10 families in the village died. I used up all my savings to finally maintain the health care in the village.

However, just when I thought that the epidemic had passed and everything was calm again, the attitude of some villagers suddenly changed 180 degrees.

"Doctor, the medicine you prescribed failed to cure my wife, and the money was spent in vain!"

"Your ability to be a doctor is too poor, you can't even cure your disease!"

I was at a loss for a moment in the face of the villagers' accusations. I've done my best!

"You, a scholar and doctor from the city, don't admit it if you don't have the ability, you want to cheat us out of money, don't you?" The most excited is Lao Li, I have sponsored their family before.

After retiring as a doctor, I returned to my hometown in the countryside to retire, and after three months, I had to flee in embarrassment

In the face of the villagers' incomprehension and accusations, my heart was full of disappointment and pain. I've done everything I can to help people, but I've been treated like this.

"You say that I am a foreign doctor from the city and not professional enough, I can understand that. But I have done my duty as a doctor by treating every patient with my heart. I'm also sad that I didn't save everyone, but the mortality rate of the plague is already high, and I've done my best. I explained with red eyes.

"I spent all my savings and just wanted to do what I could to help everyone through this plague. I never wanted to take advantage of you. ”

"Okay, okay, who doesn't have any difficulties? Doctor, don't take it to heart. This plague is not easy for everyone. Wang Jun, the village head, hurriedly came over to persuade him.

That's when I calmed down. Perhaps, the reaction of the villagers is also a kind of helplessness and painful venting. I should not resent them, but I understand their suffering.

"Doctor, I'm sorry, I was so excited. In fact, it is not easy for you to stay and help us. Villager Lao Li also came to apologize.

"It's okay, I understand everyone's difficulties. Let's understand and support each other and get through this together. I held Lao Li's hand.

After retiring as a doctor, I returned to my hometown in the countryside to retire, and after three months, I had to flee in embarrassment

After all this, I saw clearly my original intention of returning to my hometown. I didn't come back to enjoy a leisurely retirement, but to give back to my hometown and do my duty as a healer.

I shouldn't be discouraged and hold back because of the villagers' misunderstandings. They need me, and I should have the courage to continue to protect this village.

"Thank you, Doctor, for staying and helping us! ”

"Doctor Hai, you are the great benefactor of our village!"

When I heard the words of the villagers, my heart warmed. I decided to stay in this village that needed me and complete my mission as a village doctor.

It's autumn. After a summer of hard work, we finally brought the plague under control.

The village was rejuvenated, the fields were full of golden ears of rice, and the children were running and playing happily. I also reintegrated into this country life.

After retiring as a doctor, I returned to my hometown in the countryside to retire, and after three months, I had to flee in embarrassment

"Doctor, you have worked hard! Our village will cherish you from now on. The village chief said.

"Thank you, Brother Jun. I will always guard our little village. I said with emotion.

Autumn turns to winter, and life in the village is getting better. The villagers are reinvigorated and diligently harvesting to prepare for the new year.

"Doctor Hai, come and see if my wife's leg is broken or broken?" Uncle Li came on crutches to seek medical treatment.

After careful examination, I said, "Uncle Li, your wife is only slightly injured, I will prescribe some plaster for you, be careful not to touch the water, it will be fine soon." ”

"Thank you, doctor! Our village needs you so much. Uncle Li thanked him happily.

After retiring as a doctor, I returned to my hometown in the countryside to retire, and after three months, I had to flee in embarrassment

I am also sincerely grateful. Being able to help my neighbors is the most rewarding thing in my life.

In addition to medical consultations, I also spend a lot of time with the children in the village.

"Doctor Grandpa, run faster than me!" Xiaofang's innocent smiling face can always infect me.

"Haha, I'm too old to outrun you kids. I laughed and teased Xiaofang.

With my children, I feel younger and rediscover the joy of being a child.

On Chinese New Year's Eve, a grand Chinese New Year's Eve dinner was held in the village. I also made a few hometown dishes and had a great time with everyone.

"Happy New Year, Doctor! It's great to have a great hero like you in our village this year. Village Chief Wang Jun raised his glass to toast.

"Happy New Year! I will always protect our village. "I was also very moved.

After retiring as a doctor, I returned to my hometown in the countryside to retire, and after three months, I had to flee in embarrassment

Looking at the happy smiling faces of the villagers, I knew that I had made the right choice. It's my home.

When the spring flowers are blooming, several young people who have gone out to work return to the village to visit relatives. They all affectionately call me "Grandpa Doctor".

"Grandpa, I heard that you spent all your money to help our village fight the plague, thank you so much!" Xiao Wang said excitedly.

"Haha, that's what I'm supposed to do. You have to work hard outside and come back to see your family often. I patted Xiao Wang on the shoulder.

I feel extremely relieved and happy. Choosing to go back to the countryside was the best decision in my life.

Life is like a practice, and I finally found inner peace. I will continue to protect this village that needs me and fulfill the mission of a village doctor.

Looking at the crops growing in the fields, I breathed deeply into the rural air. This is where I belong.

After retiring as a doctor, I returned to my hometown in the countryside to retire, and after three months, I had to flee in embarrassment

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, I have been living in this small mountain village for two years.

A lot has happened in the past two years, but my heart has never been calmer than it is now. I found meaning in my life and found my place.

"Dr. Hai, you have worked hard! Our villagers are forever grateful for your stay here. "Village Chief Wang Jun also came to visit me today.

"Yes, this is already my home. I laughed.

"Doctor, I'm going to work in the county seat, will you be lonely alone?" Xiao Fang asked with some concern.

"My child, you have to be brave enough to pursue your dreams. Grandpa will always support you. "I encourage Xiaofang to be brave.

Time can change a lot, but I know that my heart will always belong to this land.

After retiring as a doctor, I returned to my hometown in the countryside to retire, and after three months, I had to flee in embarrassment

I'm no longer the busy doctor I was in the city. I am now a doctor and grandfather in the minds of the villagers, a village doctor who auscultates, treats and cares for the villagers.

This year, there were several new babies in the village, and I had the privilege of witnessing their growth.

"Grandpa Doctor, come and see our baby!" The new dad happily brought the baby to me.

"What a cute little angel, I will definitely grow up in the future. I gently teased the little baby's fingers.

Every time a new life comes, I am happy and looking forward to the future of this village.

I will use all my love to protect this big family.

"Doctor Hai, my old man has back pain again, can you see what medicine you can prescribe?" Xiao Zhang, a young man, came to seek medical treatment.

"Okay, let me diagnose my uncle. When you are older, you still have to pay more attention to maintenance. "I took out my stethoscope to check on Xiao Zhang's father.

After retiring as a doctor, I returned to my hometown in the countryside to retire, and after three months, I had to flee in embarrassment

I will use all my medical skills to cure the diseases of this village.

I will also use all my patience to listen to the troubles of each villager.

"Doctor, I think I should be filial to my father, but I don't want to give up my career. What do you think I should do?" Xiao Li confided his confusion to me.

"Children, it is right to be filial to your parents, but you must also do what you want to do. You can often go home to see your parents, and you can ask someone to help take care of you. "I gave Xiao Li a suggestion.

I will use all my experience to guide the confused children in this village.

I am no longer the city doctor I used to be, I am the grandfather of the doctor in the countryside.

This is my destiny in this life, and it is also my most glorious mission.

After retiring as a doctor, I returned to my hometown in the countryside to retire, and after three months, I had to flee in embarrassment
After retiring as a doctor, I returned to my hometown in the countryside to retire, and after three months, I had to flee in embarrassment