
Carrying bags and leaving is about to be realized, and Chinese and Thai tourists "go in both directions" is close at hand

author:Quickly complain about Z7

At present, a news that excites the people of China and Thailand has become a hot topic in the society, that is, China and Thailand are about to achieve mutual visa exemption, which is the so-called "bag and go", which is undoubtedly a blessing for Chinese tourists who love self-guided travel, and many people have begun to plan their "go-and-go" trip.

Carrying bags and leaving is about to be realized, and Chinese and Thai tourists "go in both directions" is close at hand

The mutual visa exemption between China and Thailand will have a positive effect on the development of tourism and bilateral cultural exchanges between China and Thailand, and this is undoubtedly a strong promotion of bilateral friendly relations.

Carrying bags and leaving is about to be realized, and Chinese and Thai tourists "go in both directions" is close at hand

The mutual visa exemption between China and Thailand will come into effect soon

(1) China and Thailand will soon achieve mutual visa exemption

Speaking of Thailand, this country full of exotic customs and unique charm is undoubtedly a tourist paradise in the hearts of many people, and for Thailand, as a country rich in tropical tourism resources, Chinese tourists are also a key tourism market for them.

The news that China and Thailand are about to achieve mutual visa exemption this time has undoubtedly given a shot in the arm to many tourists who love self-guided travel, and also made many people have more expectations for the upcoming independent travel preparations.

Carrying bags and leaving is about to be realized, and Chinese and Thai tourists "go in both directions" is close at hand

It is understood that the adjustment of the visa policy between China and Thailand is a decision made after consultation and consultation between many parties, which is also a strong promotion of bilateral relations and tourism cooperation, and also demonstrates the friendship and openness of the two countries to each other.

According to the current news, starting from March next year, eligible Chinese and Thai tourists can stay in the other country's country for 30 days with a valid visa or residence identity document, which is the so-called "bag and go", which is undoubtedly more convenient and affordable for tourists who intend to go to Thailand.

Carrying bags and leaving is about to be realized, and Chinese and Thai tourists "go in both directions" is close at hand

It is believed that such policy facilitation measures will also allow more and more tourists to choose Thailand as their tourist destination and experience this exotic and unique country.

(2) Mutual visa exemption will promote tourism cooperation between China and Thailand

Indeed, in recent years, with the improvement of living standards and the change of holiday concept, more and more Chinese tourists have begun to choose outbound tourism, and Thailand, as an important crossroads of the "Belt and Road" initiative, is also one of the popular tourist destinations for Chinese tourists.

With the facilitation policy of mutual visa exemption, it is believed that this will undoubtedly bring great impetus to the development of bilateral tourism between China and Thailand, and will also allow tourists from both sides to have more choices and richer travel experience.

Carrying bags and leaving is about to be realized, and Chinese and Thai tourists "go in both directions" is close at hand

The Prime Minister of Thailand said in an interview that such a policy adjustment will have a great role in promoting Thailand, and he believes that through such measures, more and more Chinese tourists will have the opportunity to come to Thailand and fully understand the unique charm of this country.

At the same time, he also specifically mentioned that such a mutual visa exemption policy is also a strong promotion of bilateral friendly exchanges, and he believes that through tourism, more people can have the opportunity to have face-to-face exchanges and interactions, and will also inject more "positive energy" into the development of bilateral relations.

Carrying bags and leaving is about to be realized, and Chinese and Thai tourists "go in both directions" is close at hand

In addition, China and Thailand also have in-depth cooperation in tourism cooperation and people-to-people exchanges, in recent years, the tourism market between China and Thailand has also shown a "blowout" growth trend, I believe that with the implementation of the mutual visa exemption policy, more and more tourists will choose to go to each other's countries, from which to experience the rich and colorful customs and tourism experience of the two countries.

What is the impact of the mutual visa exemption between China and Thailand on the tourism market of both sides?

(1) Promote the development of tourism in Thailand

For Thailand, Chinese tourists have always been the tourism market they focus on, and they are also one of the main sources of foreign tourists who "must visit Thailand", and after the mutual visa exemption policy, it will undoubtedly bring new "variables" and new "opportunities" to the development of Thailand's tourism industry.

First of all, for Thailand's local tourism industry, more and more Chinese tourists can come to travel, which will undoubtedly bring them a stable "source market", and can also effectively "stimulate" local tourism consumption, and in the long run, it will also inject "strong impetus" into Thailand's tourism development.

Carrying bags and leaving is about to be realized, and Chinese and Thai tourists "go in both directions" is close at hand

It is believed that in such an open and inclusive tourism environment, Chinese tourists can have more choices and richer travel experiences, and can also stimulate their more tourism consumption demand, so as to promote the tourism cooperation between China and Thailand to a more stable and mature direction.

In addition, as more and more Chinese tourists come to Thailand, this is undoubtedly a good "boost" for Thailand's cultural exchanges and cultural heritage, I believe that through the perspective and feelings of tourists, they can better understand and feel the local customs, history and culture, and also have the opportunity to participate in local special activities and experience projects, so as to achieve "cross-cultural exchanges and mutual learning", and add new highlights and impetus to the people-to-people exchanges between the two countries.

Similarly, for China, Thailand, as one of the important partners of the "Belt and Road" initiative, is also an important outbound tourist destination for China, and the mutual visa exemption policy will undoubtedly bring a positive role to the development of China's tourism industry.

Through Thailand's rich and colorful tourism resources and unique tourism experience, it can bring a new travel experience to Chinese tourists, and also stimulate their desire to explore and experience more, and I believe that in an open and inclusive tourism environment, there will also be more "Chinese elements" to be displayed and disseminated in Thailand's tourism market, and also add a strong touch to the cultural exchanges and friendly relations between China and Thailand.

Carrying bags and leaving is about to be realized, and Chinese and Thai tourists "go in both directions" is close at hand

(2) Enhance mutual trust and friendly exchanges between China and Thailand

In addition to the direct impact on the tourism market, the implementation of mutual visa exemption between China and Thailand also has a deeper significance, that is, it has a positive effect on mutual trust and friendly exchanges between the two sides.

As an important window for the country's openness and foreign exchanges, mutual visa exemption is not only a convenience and convenience for tourists, but also an affirmation and promotion of friendly exchanges and mutual trust.

Through the policy of mutual visa exemption, the friendly exchanges between China and Thailand can also start from "convenient travel", and there will be more opportunities to go deep into each other's countries, to have a comprehensive understanding from multiple dimensions and aspects, and to have more opportunities for exchange and interaction, and to participate in and feel the local life and culture from all levels.

It is believed that through such exchanges and interactions, we can also imperceptibly influence and promote bilateral cooperation between the two countries, and achieve more comprehensive and in-depth cooperation in political, economic, cultural and other fields.

Seize the opportunity to experience the charm of "two-way travel".

(1) Plan a free trip between China and Thailand to experience a new tourism experience

In the face of the imminent realization of the mutual visa exemption policy between China and Thailand, I believe that many tourists can't wait to start planning their "two-way travel" trip, after all, with mutual visa exemption, whether it is from China to Thailand, or from Thailand to China, it can bring more convenience and benefits.

For tourists who love independent travel, it is undoubtedly a better "opportunity to choose", and it also allows them to have more space and opportunities to "travel slowly" and fully experience the unique charm of each other's countries from all angles and dimensions.

In my opinion, whether you travel from China to Thailand or from Thailand to China, you can bring a meaningful travel experience, and you can also gain more life insights and emotional collisions.

For example, for Chinese tourists, Thailand is undoubtedly a tourist destination full of exotic customs and unique charm, from the scenic islands, to the ancient history and culture, to the passionate local folk customs, the ubiquitous Thai massage and food streets, all of which can bring "unexpected" surprises and touches to tourists.

Through your own footsteps and eyes, you can have a deeper understanding and feeling, and you can also have more exchanges and interactions with the local people, and experience the unique experience of "full of local flavor" from the details of life, and you can also fall in love with this charming country.

For Thai tourists, there are also a variety of travel options to China, from modern metropolises, to stunning natural scenery, to rich history and culture, no matter where you come in China, you can have a "meaningful" historical exploration trip.

Through cross-border travel experience, you can also have more opportunities to "open your horizons", feel and experience the unique charm of different countries from all aspects, and also enrich your life experience, and stimulate more possibilities and broader development space for the future.

(2) Promote the exchange of "friends and businessmen" and write a new chapter of mutually beneficial cooperation

In addition to the positive impact on individual tourists, the policy of mutual visa exemption between China and Thailand is undoubtedly a good promotion of bilateral tourism cooperation between China and Thailand, and also shows a good trend of "diversified interaction" and "comprehensive mutual benefit".

In this context, more and more "friendly businessmen" have begun to actively think about how to seize such opportunities to promote more in-depth and comprehensive cooperation between the Chinese and Thai tourism markets.

First of all, in the development of the tourism market and product development, there can be more "local conditions", the introduction of special tourism products and routes that meet the needs of other tourists, and there can also be more "cross-border integration", so that the excellent cultural and tourism resources of both sides can be better displayed and disseminated.

Secondly, in the development of tourism exchanges, there can also be more "exchanges and mutual learning", from the quality of service, tourism experience and other aspects of in-depth exchanges, learn from each other's strengths, common progress, but also to cultivate more "tourism messengers", for bilateral friendly exchanges and cooperation to build a "living window".

In addition, in terms of "smart tourism" and "sustainable development", we can also have more in-depth cooperation, jointly respond to the challenges and problems faced by the tourism industry, explore innovative development models, and move forward together on the road of sustainable development, so as to make due contributions to the healthy development of tourism and the prosperity of the regional economy.

What does mutual visa exemption mean? This is undoubtedly in the soil of "friendly relations," quietly taking root, and blooming into a "bright smile," which has a unique and far-reaching significance for both China and Thailand and on a wide range of influences from all walks of life.

Through the "small boat" of tourism friendship, people can have more "communication and interaction" and "emotional connection" between people, and at the same time be able to appreciate others, there will be more "spiritual experience" and "emotional touch", from which to draw the "nutrition" of friendship, and unconsciously contribute to the promotion of world peace and development.

"Leave with your bag", "go away", one after another "beautiful encounters", "reluctant parting", also let people have more "colorful" and "meaningful" life experience in the "walking" life, and also write their own "wonderful" life chapter in the "footprints" of the journey.


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