
Doctor's reminder: 3 abnormal phenomena on the face, don't be careless, it may be a sign of heart disease!

author:Lao Ge Health Talk

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On New Year's Day, Liu Fang, an ordinary hairdresser, hurriedly walked into a hospital in the city, ready to visit his friend Zhao Qiang, who was hospitalized with a heart attack.

In the cold and long hospital hallway, she overheard a doctor saying to an anxious patient, "Look, don't be careless about these three abnormalities on your face, they may be signs of heart disease!"

Doctor's reminder: 3 abnormal phenomena on the face, don't be careless, it may be a sign of heart disease!

These words were like a seed, quietly taking root in Liu Fang's heart.

She suddenly realized that she had been experiencing some strange symptoms on her face recently. A sense of nervousness and uneasiness involuntarily rose in her heart, and she decided to consult a doctor immediately after visiting her friends.

In Zhao Qiang's hospital room, Liu Fang was chatting while hiding her inner anxiety.

Doctor's reminder: 3 abnormal phenomena on the face, don't be careless, it may be a sign of heart disease!

She noticed that Zhao Qiang's face was not good, and she was even more worried. After the visit, Liu Fang walked briskly to the doctor's office.

The doctor was a kind middle-aged woman, looking at Liu Fang's anxious appearance, she said patiently: "Do you know that some abnormal phenomena on the face, such as pale or purple face, or unexplained facial swelling, may be a sign of a bad heart. ”

Liu Fang listened and hurriedly looked in the mirror, she found that her face was indeed paler than usual, and the sides of her cheeks were a little purple.

Doctor's reminder: 3 abnormal phenomena on the face, don't be careless, it may be a sign of heart disease!

The doctor continued: "For example, the pale face may be due to poor blood circulation and the heart is not able to pump blood efficiently throughout the body. And the purple color of the face may be due to the low level of oxygen in the blood, which is common in people with heart disease. ”

The more Liu Fang listened to it, the more frightened she became, and she hurriedly asked, "Then what should I do now?"

The doctor reassured her: "Don't worry too much, let's do a comprehensive examination first." Although heart disease is scary, many problems can be controlled if detected and treated early. ”

Doctor's reminder: 3 abnormal phenomena on the face, don't be careless, it may be a sign of heart disease!

So, in the next few days, Liu Fang underwent a series of examinations. Although the process was full of apprehension and waiting, the good thing is that the final result is not too bad.

The doctor told her that although it was true that there was a slight heart problem, it was completely manageable with lifestyle modifications and proper treatment.

Liu Fang was relieved, and she began to adjust her diet according to her doctor's advice to reduce the intake of greasy and high-fat foods.

Doctor's reminder: 3 abnormal phenomena on the face, don't be careless, it may be a sign of heart disease!

Stick to a moderate amount of exercise every day, such as brisk walking or swimming, and learn some ways to relax, such as yoga and meditation.

Slowly, she found that her face was much more rosy and her physical strength was better than before.

In the process, Liu Fang also realized that in fact, many people ignore the abnormal signals on these faces.

Doctor's reminder: 3 abnormal phenomena on the face, don't be careless, it may be a sign of heart disease!

So, she began to talk to customers about this knowledge in her hair salon, reminding everyone to pay attention to the body's small signals.

Many customers have said that they have benefited a lot and have said that they want to pay more attention to their physical condition.

Time passed day by day, and Liu Fang's life quietly changed. Not only has her own health improved, but it has also affected her friends and clients. She felt very satisfied and happy.

Doctor's reminder: 3 abnormal phenomena on the face, don't be careless, it may be a sign of heart disease!

Just when the story was about to end, Liu Fang suddenly thought of a question, she asked the doctor: "Doctor, you said that the problem on my face is a sign of heart disease, so our cold hands and feet are also related to the heart?"

The doctor smiled and replied, "That's a good question." In fact, cold hands and feet are sometimes related to the heart and can be a sign of poor blood circulation.

But at the same time, it can also be associated with hypothyroidism, anemia, or other diseases. If you have such symptoms, it is best to go to the hospital for a detailed examination. ”

Doctor's reminder: 3 abnormal phenomena on the face, don't be careless, it may be a sign of heart disease!

After listening to the doctor's explanation, Liu Fang nodded, and had a new thought in her heart.

She realizes that the road to health is long and complex, but as long as you observe carefully and have the courage to explore, there will always be answers. And she will continue on this road and keep moving forward.

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