
What are the benefits of children's electric toothbrushes?

author:The grass in the valley looking up at the sky

What are the benefits of children's electric toothbrushes?Children's electric toothbrushes are very popular nowadays, they have a good cleaning effect, and they are more suitable for children. However, in recent years, there has been an increase in the number of cases involving children's electric toothbrushes that hurt their teeth, mainly because parents do not have enough understanding of children's electric toothbrushes, so they have purchased unprofessional products, such as products endorsed by some Internet celebrities or celebrities. The dental care technology of this kind of product is not mature enough, and the age-specific design of the product is ignored. As an oral hygienist, I would like to share with you today some ways to buy an electric toothbrush for children, hoping to give you a more comprehensive understanding of this topic.

The picture below is the children's electric toothbrush I reviewed.

What are the benefits of children's electric toothbrushes?

1. What are the benefits of children's electric toothbrushes?

What are the benefits of children's electric toothbrushes?Because the rate of children's tooth decay is as high as 71% (as shown in the figure below), there are many benefits for children's electric toothbrushes with a high degree of professionalism, and now dentists are more supportive of children over 4 years old to use children's electric toothbrushes, so what are the benefits of it compared with manual toothbrushes?

What are the benefits of children's electric toothbrushes?

Benefit 1: The cleaning effect is remarkable, and it has a certain effect on preventing tooth decay

The rotating or vibrating bristles of a children's electric toothbrush can clean the tooth surface and between the teeth more thoroughly, removing food debris and bacteria, thus effectively preventing tooth decay. In contrast, manual toothbrushes can only be confined to a certain range for cleaning, and it is easy to ignore some hard-to-reach parts.

What are the benefits of children's electric toothbrushes?

Benefit 2: It is more time-saving and labor-saving, and the cleaning effect is more significant

The vibrating bristles of a children's electric toothbrush clean teeth quickly and effectively, compared to a manual toothbrush that takes longer and more force to achieve the same cleaning results. For children, using an electric toothbrush can save time and energy and improve brushing efficiency.

Benefit 3: Stable vibration frequency and precise control of brushing intensity

Children's electric toothbrushes are usually equipped with a vibrating brush head that is stable and allows for precise control of brushing force. This will prevent damage to your teeth and gums due to excessive force when brushing your teeth. Especially for children, who often don't have the proper brushing force, using an electric toothbrush can better protect their teeth and gums.

Benefit 4: It is more interesting and children are more willing to take the initiative to brush their teeth

Children's electric toothbrushes are usually designed to have a cute look and are equipped with features such as music, animation, or glitter to add to the fun of brushing. In this way, children are more likely to use electric toothbrushes and are willing to take the initiative to brush their teeth, so as to develop a good brushing Xi.

Advantage 5: The threshold for use is low, and the operation is simple and convenient for children

Electric toothbrushes for children are usually simple to use and easy to operate. Most electric toothbrushes have simple on/off buttons that kids can easily grasp. This makes it easier for children to use an electric toothbrush to brush their teeth and improve the effectiveness of brushing.

What are the benefits of children's electric toothbrushes?

Second, beware of the three major disadvantages of inferior products!

What are the benefits of children's electric toothbrushes? Many parents complain about children's electric toothbrushes, in fact, using professional children's electric toothbrushes for children will not cause damage to teeth. Here, I would also like to remind everyone that no matter what type of oral cleaning tools, if you brush your teeth in the wrong way, or buy inferior and unprofessional products, it may cause damage to children's teeth. Nowadays, the rate of tooth decay in children is as high as 71%, so the use of low-quality products has the following drawbacks:

What are the benefits of children's electric toothbrushes?

Hazard 1: Aggravate the child's pre-existing dental problems

While electric toothbrushes can provide higher brushing results, they can cause damage to their teeth if they are used incorrectly or with low-quality products. If your child already has dental problems, such as tooth decay or tooth sensitivity, excessive use of an electric toothbrush may exacerbate these problems, leading to tooth pain or discomfort.

Hazard 2: Chronic tooth damage

Using a low-quality children's electric toothbrush can cause damage to your teeth. Brushing your teeth too hard may cause tooth enamel to wear down, leading to tooth sensitivity. These chronic injuries may not be immediately apparent, but over time, they can gradually lead to worsening of dental health problems.

Hazard 3: Cause tooth wear, gum bleeding, etc

The high-speed vibration of a children's electric toothbrush can effectively clean the tooth surface, but if your child uses it too hard or brushes for too long, it can cause irritation to the teeth and gums. Prolonged high-speed vibrations may cause wear and tear on the tooth surface, making the tooth sensitive.

What are the benefits of children's electric toothbrushes?
What are the benefits of children's electric toothbrushes?

3. Don't choose 5 types of tooth injury products

What are the benefits of children's electric toothbrushes?There are many benefits to using easy-to-use children's electric toothbrushes, but the above also summarizes the disadvantages of using children's electric toothbrushes, so what are the reasons for the harm of children's electric toothbrushes?

What are the benefits of children's electric toothbrushes?

1. U-shaped children's electric toothbrush: In the children's electric toothbrush market, a business routine that parents can easily recruit is to sell the so-called U-shaped children's electric toothbrush. This U-shaped children's electric toothbrush does not have a high cleaning power, which can easily cause irritation of teeth and gums, and pose a potential risk to children's oral health.

What are the benefits of children's electric toothbrushes?

2. Internet celebrity brands that rely on marketing:

Some influencer brands use online marketing to promote in the market, but their product quality and performance are often not effectively guaranteed. These brands of electric toothbrushes may have problems such as excessive vibration and substandard bristle materials, which can easily cause damage to teeth and gums when used.

3. You can't buy cross-border well-known brand products:

Some well-known brands do not have professional production strength and technology, but expand the production of electric toothbrushes on the basis of brand advantages. The design and technology of these products have not undergone rigorous oral medical research, and there are certain risks when using them.

4. Don't buy cheap products that are too inferior:

Some cheap children's electric toothbrushes may have a lot of problems in terms of material selection, process manufacturing, etc. Brush bristles may fall off, battery life is short, and the brush head is prone to bacterial growth, which can easily lead to infection of teeth and mouth when used.

What are the benefits of children's electric toothbrushes?

5. Products with functional bristles are not recommended:

Functional bristles refer to bristles with special functions such as bacteriostatic and fluoride, which are not suitable for children's teeth, so it is best to choose ordinary bristles for children, and ensure that the softness of the bristles and the size of the brush head are appropriate.

There are too many children's electric toothbrush brands in the current market, and many brands advertise that the products are easy to use and do not hurt the teeth. The picture below is a comparison between the cleaning power and the tooth protection power of the children's electric toothbrush that I specially found from an authoritative organization. And share with you a few children's electric toothbrushes that have performed well in the evaluation:

What are the benefits of children's electric toothbrushes?

Among the large number of children's electric toothbrush brands evaluated in the past, the professional old brand Huile is recognized as the originator of the field of "no tooth damage", is the most professional brand, and it is also a rare brand that has been certified by the European Union, the United States and other countries! DPP micro-frequency dynamic compensation technology, etc., makes its cleaning power performance very good, and the tooth injury rate is the lowest in China, the cleaning residue rate is less than 2%, the compatibility of different ages is increased by 80%, and the cleaning power is strong and reduces 90% of brushing damage by the national authoritative testing agency, and it is rare to obtain certification from the European Union and other countries! Their products have a large frequency range and are very stable, the power is strong and the long-lasting attenuation degree is very low, the compatibility of children's teeth in the face of complex children is particularly strong, and after more than 6 years of anti-attenuation design and testing, they have achieved 6 years of comprehensive performance, durability, tooth injury rate certification, and the non-toxic and corrosion-resistant bristles have increased by 98.3%, which is safer and non-toxic! Optimize more than 300 details!

Its strength lies in several aspects: (1) the first for 3-15 years old children's teeth at different stages of strict definition of "six types of segmented care", not simply distinguish the age of children to sell, this piece is very professional! (2) cleaning power, do not hurt teeth and other performance is very strong! (3) they have a number of "do not hurt teeth" technology, for motor, vibration frequency and other more than 100 parameters have many years of technical adjustment, in more than 6 years of comprehensive performance deviation value is not higher than 0.1%.

Huile never advertises, but because of the strong recommendation of many dentists, the sales of offline channels have skyrocketed, and they are often sold out. Compared with many brands to fight for appearance, compared to low prices, Huile rigorous, focused, safe brand characteristics, the electric toothbrush as a rigorous medical research and development is highly recognized! This also makes many celebrities and celebrities choose their products for their babies, and the majority of dentists generally believe that it is super good for oral protection!

In addition, Philips can also, as a European and American brand, designed for European and American children's dental characteristics. In terms of after-sales, Philips does not support trials, and it costs about 150 yuan for brushing the head a year. Huile not only supports trial, but also gives away 5-year brush heads for a limited time, saving hundreds of yuan in total.

If you pursue cost performance, you can take a look at Bayer in low-priced products, the basic configuration parameters and functions are quite passable, and the brush head is about 20 yuan.

What are the benefits of children's electric toothbrushes?

4. 8 major purchase tips for professional children's electric toothbrushes

After the above comprehensive analysis, parents should know that there are many benefits to using a high-quality children's electric toothbrush, and it can also better avoid the disadvantages of tooth damage. So how can you choose a high-quality children's electric toothbrush in the chaotic market, the following eight purchase tips to keep in mind:

Tip 1: Choose a U-shaped children's electric toothbrush carefully.

CCTV has already reported that this style has no effect, it is all IQ tax, it can't fit the child's tooth shape well at all, not to mention the cleaning power, and it also hides a high rate of tooth damage!

Tip 2: Choose a brand with real technical strength.

Professional brand electric toothbrushes are better than inferior electric toothbrushes by more than 80-90% overall, because it will deeply study the oral data of Chinese children, and deeply adjust and optimize dozens of core parameters, such as the deviation value of the vibration frequency of power intensity, long-term attenuation, and the uniformity of the vibration sweeping, etc., to provide better cleaning power and gum and tooth protection experience.

What are the benefits of children's electric toothbrushes?

Tip 3: Pay attention to products that are designed for different ages.

Children's oral cavity will have rapid development at the age of 3-12 years, with large changes and high sensitivity, so it is more necessary to choose products designed by age, such products are more suitable for multiple gears, a variety of brush heads, large frequency range, and higher grinding roundness, so as to adapt to the cleaning needs of children of different ages.

What are the benefits of children's electric toothbrushes?

Tip 4: Choose an electric toothbrush that scans at 3-6 degrees.

It is generally recommended to choose products that are controlled within 3 degrees to 6 degrees, which can not only ensure high cleaning power but also not be easy to wear teeth and gums.

Tip 5: Choose products with a roundness rate higher than 80%.

The roundness of the grinding rate will directly affect the child's brushing effect, and there will also be a difference in the brushing experience, so parents can not ignore this, must choose the roundness higher than 80%, if the roundness is lower than this value, it is likely to cause wear and tear to the child's teeth, and the cleaning effect is not ideal.

What are the benefits of children's electric toothbrushes?

Tip 6: Choose a product with a moderate handle thickness.

The thickness of the handle of the children's electric toothbrush will also affect the use experience, some products are about the same thickness as the adult model, such a product is difficult for children to hold, the brush is not convenient, once it is long it will be easy to resist brushing, the key is that the cleaning effect is not ideal.

What are the benefits of children's electric toothbrushes?

Tip 7: Be wary of products that emphasize additional features.

Many brands will emphasize that the product provides antibacterial or fluoride and other functions, but this is actually a publicity gimmick of the manufacturer, mainly to attract more parents who do not understand the product to buy, in fact, the product itself has almost no cleaning and dental protection effect, and it has been confirmed that it belongs to the IQ tax earlier.

Skill 8, after-sales service should be professional and reliable.

We should choose a brand with good after-sales service, and it is best to support the brand that supports the unpacking trial, the right price of the brush head replacement, and the warranty time of more than 1 year, such as the unpacking trial service, which allows children to try the children's electric toothbrush first and then decide whether to stay, which greatly reduces the cost of trial and error for consumers.

5. Which children need to use children's electric toothbrushes as soon as possible?

There are many benefits of children's electric toothbrushes, it is recommended to use children's electric toothbrushes with a high degree of professionalism, which can clean the mouth more thoroughly, especially for the following children, it is best to use children's electric toothbrushes as soon as possible to help maintain oral health:

1. Gum damage

Gum damage is caused by plaque, and using a children's electric toothbrush can effectively clean teeth, inhibit plaque formation, and better prevent gum damage!

2. Tooth decay or tooth decay

Children who have tooth decay should do a good job of oral cleaning, use children's electric toothbrushes as soon as possible, and clean their mouths more thoroughly to assist in treatment!

What are the benefits of children's electric toothbrushes?

3. Tooth deformity

Tooth alignment deformity will form a lot of small blind spots, which are very easy to hide dirt and dirt, and the use of children's electric toothbrushes can better clean these corners, which is more suitable for children!

4. Calculus

Calculus not only affects the appearance, but also easy to breed plaque, leading to oral problems, with a children's electric toothbrush to clean more thoroughly, can effectively delay the formation of calculus, should be used earlier.

What are the benefits of children's electric toothbrushes? Today's science sharing about children's electric toothbrushes is here, although we know that there are children's electric toothbrushes that hurt teeth, but as long as you choose a strong tooth protection for children, and do a good job of age-specific design products, you can well avoid the problem of tooth injury. In addition, the purchase skills shared in the article are also recommended for parents to master and use proficiently.

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