
Is it better to use electric or manual children's toothbrushes?

author:The grass in the valley looking up at the sky

Recently, there has been a lot of discussion about the choice of children's toothbrushes. As an experienced personal care professional, I have noticed that there are abundant children's toothbrushes on the market, and now children's electric toothbrushes are more popular, and there are many well-known brands and Internet celebrity products that are popular with publicity, but their care effect is not satisfactory, and there are also deficiencies in the design for different age groups, so the use of these products may cause damage to children's teeth. So I'm going to share my views with you today, and focus on some knowledge about buying children's toothbrushes, hoping to provide some reference for parents. The following pictures are some of the children's electric toothbrush products I have reviewed:

Is it better to use electric or manual children's toothbrushes?

1. Is it better to use electric or manual children's toothbrushes?

Nowadays, children's electric toothbrushes have become a highly sought-after children's oral cleaning tool, and even have the support of dentists, especially for children over 4 years old. However, what are the advantages of children's electric toothbrushes? At present, the incidence of tooth decay in children remains high, which is very worrying for parents, who want their children to be able to clean their teeth effectively. As a result, these advantages have made children's electric toothbrushes increasingly popular:

Is it better to use electric or manual children's toothbrushes?

Advantage 1: Strong cleaning power, which plays a more obvious role in preventing tooth decay

Children's electric toothbrushes have powerful cleaning power, which can clean the tooth surface and between teeth more thoroughly, effectively preventing the occurrence of tooth decay. The bristles of an electric toothbrush are more effective at removing plaque and tartar than a traditional manual toothbrush.

Is it better to use electric or manual children's toothbrushes?

Advantage 2: The vibration frequency is uniform and stable, and the brushing intensity is accurately controlled

The vibration frequency of the children's electric toothbrush is carefully designed to ensure that the brushing force is even and stable. In this way, children are less likely to brush their teeth too hard or too lightly, and it is easier for them to master the correct brushing force. Excessive force can damage teeth and gums, while too light can make it difficult to clean teeth effectively, and the precise control of the force of an electric toothbrush can solve this problem well.

Benefit 3: Save time and effort

Compared to manual toothbrushes, children's electric toothbrushes can complete brushing tasks faster, saving children's time and energy. An electric toothbrush can complete more brushing actions in a shorter period of time, effectively cleaning the surface and space between teeth.

Advantage 4: The threshold for use is lower, and the child is better to operate

Compared with manual toothbrushes, children's electric toothbrushes have a lower threshold for use, making it easier for children to get started. Electric toothbrushes generally have simple button operation, which can be easily mastered by children. What's more, the vibration or rotation action of an electric toothbrush can make children feel stimulated and fun, making it easier to keep their brushing interested.

Advantage 5: It's more interesting

Children's electric toothbrushes are usually designed with a cute appearance, with a variety of animated characters or cartoon characters to bring more fun to children. This way, children will feel more fun while brushing their teeth, and it will be easier to maintain interest and attention.

Is it better to use electric or manual children's toothbrushes?

Second, the three major disadvantages of children's electric toothbrushes

Is it better to use electric or manual children's toothbrushes? To sum up, the advantages of children's electric toothbrushes are numerous. These advantages make electric toothbrushes a powerful aid to children's oral health, which can help children better maintain oral hygiene and prevent tooth decay. I believe that everyone wants to choose a children's electric toothbrush with great cleaning power for their children. However, despite the many advantages, children's electric toothbrushes also come with some dangers that can harm your teeth. Currently, the incidence of tooth decay in children remains high, and electric toothbrushes can cause damage to children's teeth if they are used incorrectly or if the wrong brush head is chosen. In view of the dangers of using children's electric toothbrushes, I have summarized the following three hazards:

Is it better to use electric or manual children's toothbrushes?

Tooth damage 1: aggravate the child's pre-existing dental problems

If you use it improperly or choose an inappropriate brush head, the electric toothbrush may aggravate the child's pre-existing dental problems, such as bleeding gums and tooth sensitivity.

Tooth damage 2: Chronic tooth damage

Long-term improper use of electric toothbrushes may also bring the harm of chronic tooth damage, such as tooth enamel wear, loose teeth, etc. Therefore, when using an electric toothbrush, you should choose the appropriate brush head and gear according to your child's age and oral condition, and control the brushing time and intensity.

Tooth damage 3: Cause tooth enamel wear and bleeding of teeth and gums

Although children's electric toothbrushes are convenient and easy to use, they can cause damage to your teeth if used for too long. Using low-quality products, or vibrating your teeth for too long can damage the enamel, increase tooth sensitivity, and cause your child to hurt his teeth.

Is it better to use electric or manual children's toothbrushes?
Is it better to use electric or manual children's toothbrushes?

3. The five main causes of inferior children's electric toothbrushes

Compared with manual toothbrushes, children's electric toothbrushes have higher cleaning power and are more suitable for children. After the above summary of the advantages and disadvantages of children's electric toothbrushes, I believe everyone is also aware of the seriousness of inferior children's electric toothbrushes that hurt teeth. What are the causes of children's tooth injury?The following is a negative evaluation chart of children's toothbrushes released by authoritative forums, and I have also summarized 4 common causes of tooth injury according to this table:

Is it better to use electric or manual children's toothbrushes?

1. The child's oral tolerance is low

Some children have a lower oral tolerance and may not be comfortable with the vibration or rotation of the brush head of an electric toothbrush. In this case, long-term use of an electric toothbrush may cause problems such as tooth sensitivity or bleeding gums. If your child feels discomfort or pain, he or she should stop using an electric toothbrush.

2. Choose low-priced, low-quality products

In order to save money, some parents may choose low-cost and low-quality children's electric toothbrushes. These products may have problems such as poor quality brush heads, easy damage to the electric part, etc., and the use of such products may cause damage to your child's teeth. Parents should choose products with strong professional strength to ensure that their children can get a good brushing experience.

Is it better to use electric or manual children's toothbrushes?

3. Use influencer products

Some children will be influenced by the online influencer products to blindly buy and use electric toothbrushes. However, the quality of some influencer products may not be guaranteed, and the use of such products may cause damage to your child's teeth.

4. The child's brushing method is not standardized

Children's non-standard brushing methods are the main cause of children's electric toothbrushes to hurt their teeth. Some children may brush too hard or in an incorrect position, which can cause excessive wear and tear on the tooth surface. Parents should teach their children the proper way to brush their teeth, including the correct brushing position, timing and strength, to avoid damage to their teeth.

5. Children's electric toothbrushes lack age-specific design

Some children's electric toothbrushes lack age-specific design and cannot be adjusted according to the oral characteristics and needs of children of different ages. In this case, you may not be able to provide your child with the most suitable brushing experience, and may even cause damage to your child's teeth. Parents should choose a children's electric toothbrush with age-specific design, and choose the appropriate brush head and brushing mode according to the different age groups of their children to protect their children's dental health.

Is it better to use electric or manual children's toothbrushes?

Parents are clear about the advantages and disadvantages of using children's electric toothbrushes, and after understanding the causes of tooth injury, I believe that they have a better understanding of children's electric toothbrushes. Therefore, it is also recommended that parents refer to the score chart of children's toothbrush cleaning power and tooth protection power released by authoritative forums to choose products with more reliable performance for their children. Here I also recommend a few products that are good after actual testing as a comparison:

Is it better to use electric or manual children's toothbrushes?

Among the large number of children's electric toothbrush brands evaluated in the past, the professional old brand Huile is recognized as the originator of the field of "no tooth damage", is the most professional brand, and it is also a rare brand that has been certified by the European Union, the United States and other countries! DPP micro-frequency dynamic compensation technology, etc., makes its cleaning power performance very good, and the tooth injury rate is the lowest in China, the cleaning residue rate is less than 2%, the compatibility of different ages is increased by 80%, and the cleaning power is strong and reduces 90% of brushing damage by the national authoritative testing agency, and it is rare to obtain certification from the European Union and other countries! Their products have a large frequency range and are very stable, the power is strong and the long-lasting attenuation degree is very low, the compatibility of children's teeth in the face of complex children is particularly strong, and after more than 6 years of anti-attenuation design and testing, they have achieved 6 years of comprehensive performance, durability, tooth injury rate certification, and the non-toxic and corrosion-resistant bristles have increased by 98.3%, which is safer and non-toxic! Optimize more than 300 details!

Its strength lies in several aspects: (1) the first for 3-15 years old children's teeth at different stages of strict definition of "six types of segmented care", not simply distinguish the age of children to sell, this piece is very professional! (2) cleaning power, do not hurt teeth and other performance is very strong! (3) they have a number of "do not hurt teeth" technology, for motor, vibration frequency and other more than 100 parameters have many years of technical adjustment, in more than 6 years of comprehensive performance deviation value is not higher than 0.1%.

Huile never advertises, but because of the strong recommendation of many dentists, the sales of offline channels have skyrocketed, and they are often sold out. Compared with many brands to fight for appearance, compared to low prices, Huile rigorous, focused, safe brand characteristics, the electric toothbrush as a rigorous medical research and development is highly recognized! This also makes many celebrities and celebrities choose their products for their babies, and the majority of dentists generally believe that it is super good for oral protection!

In addition, Philips can also, as a European and American brand, designed for European and American children's dental characteristics. In terms of after-sales, Philips does not support trials, and it costs about 150 yuan for brushing the head a year. Huile not only supports trial, but also gives away 5-year brush heads for a limited time, saving hundreds of yuan in total.

If you pursue cost performance, you can take a look at Bayer in low-priced products, the basic configuration parameters and functions are quite passable, and the brush head is about 20 yuan.

Is it better to use electric or manual children's toothbrushes?

Fourth, how to buy children's electric toothbrushes? 8 major purchase skills summary

The difference between children's electric toothbrushes and ordinary toothbrushes has been explained to everyone, and several brands have also been shared for your reference. Of course, if you want to choose a high-quality children's electric toothbrush for your child more safely, you still have to learn how to choose high-quality products.

1. Do not choose low-cost children's electric toothbrushes

It is not recommended to choose products below 100 yuan, the production cost is low, the material is poor, and there is a lack of technology research and development, poor cleaning power, and the risk of tooth injury is particularly large!

2. Choose a children's electric toothbrush with low noise

The low-noise product will not scare children, and the internal structure is stable and more stable, the material is very reliable, and the design is reasonable. Most of the noisy products use inferior materials and have a short service life!

3. Choose a brand with professional and technical strength

Professionalism is very important, to choose a brand with many years of experience in children's oral care, will be optimized for vibration frequency, sweeping angle, dynamic strength, long-term attenuation and other performance, high compatibility is not easy to hurt teeth!

Is it better to use electric or manual children's toothbrushes?

4. Products with age-specific design

Children's growth and development are fast, oral needs are changing, be sure to choose products with age-specific design, a variety of brush head matching, a wide range of vibration frequency, can be suitable for older age span to use!

5. Choose the right brush head size

The brush head should also be similar to that of adults, otherwise it is easy to ignore the cleaning of the details, and it is better to choose such a product: the length of the bristles is about the same as the teeth, and the width can be cleaned to 2-3 teeth.

6. The roundness of the bristles should be higher than 80%

The grinding rate of the product for children must be high, so as not to be sharp enough to hurt the teeth, it is recommended to choose products higher than 80%, which is more reliable and safe!

Is it better to use electric or manual children's toothbrushes?

7. Consider the cost of brush head replacement

The brush head needs to be replaced every 2-3 months, and the cost needs to be considered because the child will have a high rate of wear and tear on the brush head.

8. Professional and reliable after-sales service

Be sure to choose after-sales reliable products, solve problems in time, don't take all the risks yourself!

5. What are the misunderstandings about children's electric toothbrushes?

Reading here, you should also know that children are very suitable for using electric toothbrushes, and as a professional oral cleaning tool, they are also recommended by many dentists, but there are also two misunderstandings about the role of children's electric toothbrushes in the market:

1. Children's electric toothbrush can remove dental calculus

The cleaning power of children's electric toothbrush is far more than that of manual toothbrush, but it cannot remove dental calculus, its main role is to prevent the formation of dental calculus, and it also has a certain inhibitory effect on existing dental calculus.

Is it better to use electric or manual children's toothbrushes?

2. Children's electric toothbrushes can cure dental diseases

Children's electric toothbrush is a cleaning tool, not a treatment tool, it can prevent tooth decay and other dental diseases, but if you encounter something that says it can cure dental disease, don't believe it!

The above is the popular science for parents around whether it is better to use electric or manual children's toothbrushes, for children over 4 years old, there are many benefits of using children's electric toothbrushes. You should have a more comprehensive understanding of this kind of products, and you must choose a professional children's electric toothbrush for babies, children, and children, and don't be confused by various publicity gimmicks of Internet celebrities and low-cost products, otherwise it is easy to cause children to hurt their teeth.

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