
gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

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gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?


In "Bright Sword", Li Youbin was all the rage, but in reality, an emotional turmoil destroyed his character. He suddenly abandoned his wife of 24 years and married Shi Lanya, a third-married woman, and his affectionate personality collapsed, and the entertainment industry was boiling for a while. Li Youbin's life plot has become the focus of gossip, and today we will read the unknown story behind Li Youbin together.

gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

From child stars to top artists

In China's entertainment industry, there is an actor who has won the love and respect of countless audiences with his superb acting skills and unique charm. He is Li Youbin, who is known as the "general's son".

Looking back on Li Youbin's acting career, it can be described as a legend full of ups and downs and opportunities, hard work and hard work.

gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

In 1963, Changying Studio was looking for a young actor for the movie "The General's Son", and Li Youbin, who was only 5 years old, was selected for his outstanding appearance and temperament.

This rare opportunity made him embark on the road of acting, but fate played a joke on him.

gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

The movie failed to come out as expected, and the dream of a child star was shattered at birth.

But Li Youbin did not give up because of this, time flies, nine years later, in the second year of junior high school, he bravely participated in the school drama "Flourishing", and made his debut on stage to perform a small role.

gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

Surprisingly, he did not show any nervousness, and received unanimous praise from teachers and classmates.

After that, by chance, the Changchun Song and Dance Troupe Drama Team held an enrollment, and Li Youbin decided to participate in the interview and chose a physical performance.

gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

In the end, he stood out and was selected. In the troupe, he was a young man with trivial tasks and many accidents, but he always maintained his tenacity and persevered in learning Xi acting skills.

In December 1980, Li Youbin, who was only 16 years old, stepped into the door of the Changchun Song and Dance Troupe Drama Team, with a monthly salary of only 22 yuan.

gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

In this troupe, he is not only responsible for chores, but also works hard to learn Xi acting.

Although there were many mistakes in the performance, Li Youbin finally won the recognition of the team.

gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

During his time at Changchun Film Studio, Li Youbin began to get involved in the field of film and television dramas.

His popularity did not rise quickly. In the face of the predicament, Li Youbin was not discouraged, but continued to work silently and hone his acting skills.

gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

It wasn't until 2005 that a life-changing TV series "Bright Sword" made him a household name actor. He played the iconoclastic hero Li Yunlong in the play, and successfully created an iron-blooded and tender image of a soldier.

The show was a huge success and became a phenomenal TV series. At this time, he officially became one of China's top performing artists.

gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

Subsequently, in 2008, he starred in "Breaking the Guandong" again, which once again created a ratings myth and was well received by the audience.

gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

With the success of "Bright Sword" and "Crossing the Guandong", Li Youbin has officially become the pinnacle of China's performing arts.

This road of acting, like a wonderful film and television drama, although it was full of ups and downs at the beginning, Li Youbin always stuck to his dream and moved forward bravely.

gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

Abandon your wife

In the history of performing arts in China, Li Youbin's name has become a beautiful landscape. This outstanding actor, with his rich emotions and superb acting skills, has conquered the hearts of the audience again and again. His life was not all smooth sailing, but full of ups and downs and challenges.

gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

Li Youbin was born into a simple working-class family, but his childhood was complicated by the divorce of his parents. Fortunately, his sister Li Yeping became a light in his life.

Li Yeping's love for acting deeply influenced the young Li Youbin. In his childhood, he was led by his sister and walked on the stage of acting.

gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

Despite being just a kid when he debuted on stage, he successfully completed his role and showed extraordinary acting talent.

Li Youbin, who really embarked on the road of professional performance, suffered three failures in being admitted to the Changchun Repertory Theatre.

gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

These three blows seemed to shatter his dreams. But Li Youbin did not give up, he persevered, and finally succeeded in the fourth exam.

This is not only a testament to his talent and hard work, but also to his perseverance.

gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

In his days in the repertory troupe, he met the other half of his life - Zhang Ruiqi.

Their love blossomed under the lights of the stage, and soon after, they had a lovely son named Li Xiaoke.

gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

Li Youbin is not satisfied with his life in the repertory troupe, he longs for a bigger stage. So, he decided to leave the repertory troupe and join a film studio.

This decision changed his career and his family life.

gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

Their family of three began their life in Beipiao, facing new challenges and pressures.

With the development of careers, the burden on the family is also increasing. The pressure of life and the busyness of work gradually erode the relationship between husband and wife.

gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

In 2006, Li Youbin and Zhang Ruiqi decided to divorce peacefully, and he chose to leave the house and take on the future road alone.

Li Youbin and Shi Lanya

On the stage full of glamour in the entertainment industry, the relationship between Li Youbin and Shi Lanya is like a bright star, which is eye-catching.

The two got married while filming a TV series, and after five years of ambiguity, they finally walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand.

gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

Behind this seemingly happy marriage, there are many little-known secrets and entanglements.

Shi Lanya, a woman who has experienced two marriages, and her encounter with Li Youbin seems to be arranged by fate.

gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

On the stage of the drama, the two were full of tacit understanding, and their emotions gradually warmed up.

They are attracted to each other, but they have both experienced emotional frustration and have concerns in their hearts.

gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

As time passed, their relationship gradually became clearer, but this relationship also caused a storm of "scumbags".

When the media exposed their relationship, some people accused Li Youbin of betraying his family and abandoning his wife and children. There are also people who are upset with Shi Lanya, thinking that she has become a victim of public opinion. These negative voices put a lot of strain on their relationship.

gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

In this turmoil, Li Youbin's divorce from his ex-wife has become the focus of attention. After his marriage to his ex-wife broke down, he got together with Shi Lanya.

This new marriage did not completely heal the wounds in his heart. He has an unusually close relationship with Slanya's son, Hanhan, as if he is making up for his past mistakes.

gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

At the same time, his relationship with his biological son Li Xiaoke gradually drifted apart.

Although the outside world is full of doubts and accusations about their relationship, Li Youbin and Shi Lanya have always walked together firmly.

gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

They have used time to prove that their feelings are real and unwavering.

In the face of difficulties and challenges, they supported and encouraged each other to overcome one difficulty after another.

gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

Father and son break up?

Li Xiaoke, a young man who is mentally tormented by the divorce of his parents, struggles to survive under the pressure of life.

As Li Youbin's biological flesh and blood, when facing the shadow of his parents' divorce, he had to bear the exclusion and incomprehension of his peers alone.

gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

In those days, his heart was closed, and he no longer easily confided in his heart, and the loneliness and silence were heart-wrenching.

When the father shows a strong affection for his other son, the resentment in Li Xiaoke's heart spreads like wildfire.

gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

He began to have a deep misunderstanding of his father, and the pain of being ignored and left out made his attitude towards his father detached and indifferent.

He rejected all advice about marriage and was full of fear and uncertainty about the future.

gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

In the face of the breakdown of the family, the resentment in Li Xiaoke's heart is often inadvertently revealed. His words and actions seem to announce to the world his dissatisfaction and helplessness with his family.

At the same time, Li Youbin is also mired in emotions, and he is torn between his two sons, trying to find a balance and give them equal love.

gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?


On the stage of the entertainment industry, Li Youbin started from the loss of a child star with his solid acting skills and tenacious fighting spirit, and transformed into a legend of China's top artists. His acting career has been full of ups and downs, but he has never given in, and has written his legend with hard work and perseverance. Compared with the glory of his acting career, his family life has been full of twists and turns.

gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

Li Youbin had faced a difficult choice in love and family, and the decision to divorce caused controversy in the outside world. He found new happiness by Shi Lanya's side, although this relationship also experienced a storm of public opinion. At the same time, the conflict between him and his ex-wife, as well as his estrangement from his biological son, left him entangled in the face of family responsibilities.

gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

In real life, there is a delicate balance between the pursuit of career success and family responsibilities. The choice between love and responsibility is often not black and white, and requires us to find a balance in contradictions.

gave up his original partner for 24 years, married a third wife, and was resented by his own son in his later years, what did Li Youbin do?

Li Youbin's experience tells us that even if we face difficulties, we must face them bravely and pursue inner happiness with firm faith and hard work. At the intersection of love and family, perhaps the real maturity and wisdom is to find one's own position in the complexity and move forward bravely.

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