
"3 million! Otherwise, don't want to get married!" The woman beat the blind date man on the spot: Don't daydream!

author:Happy Mango 21fg

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"3 million! Otherwise, don't want to get married!" The woman beat the blind date man on the spot: Don't daydream!

Since I was a child, I have been full of fantasies about love, and I always look forward to a romantic encounter, a heart-warming relationship. To this day, I vividly remember that heart-pounding summer afternoon when I was on a blind date with a strange man in a café.

"Hello, I'm Li Yang, you can call me Brother Xiaoyang. The man held out his hand enthusiastically. "Nice to meet you. I politely shook his hand and said with a smile.

We had a lot of fun in the café and he seemed to be a humorous and funny person. We talked about a lot of topics, from work and life to hobbies, and we had a great time.

"I think we had a good conversation, but I have some things to deal with right now, can I go to a nearby restaurant to eat?" Li Yang suddenly invited.

I was a little hesitant because after all, we had only just met, but the anticipation in his eyes made it impossible for me to refuse. "Okay, let's go. I smiled and nodded.

"3 million! Otherwise, don't want to get married!" The woman beat the blind date man on the spot: Don't daydream!

We walked out of the café together and came to a French restaurant. Li Yang took the initiative to help me pull out the dining chair, and then ordered a special dish he recommended. We continued to chat as we tasted the food.

"I heard that you are a delicate girl, right?" Li Yang looked at me with concern as he drank red wine.

"Well, it probably has something to do with the circumstances in which I lived as a child. I smiled and began to talk about my upbringing. I told him that I had loved fantasies since I was a child, especially about love.

"Me too, so when I met you, I thought we might have a lot in common. Li Yang stared at me affectionately.

I looked into his eyes and seemed to see a kind of hope, a longing for love. At that moment, I unconsciously reveled in his tenderness, as if the whole world had become warm.

After the meal, we strolled through the streets together. The wind of the night blows through our bodies, gentle and comfortable. "Actually, I've been looking for someone to spend my time with. Li Yang suddenly looked at me and said softly.

"Wasted time?" I looked at him with some curiosity, "you mean ......"

"3 million! Otherwise, don't want to get married!" The woman beat the blind date man on the spot: Don't daydream!

It refers to the kind of unrestrained and unrestrained life. I want someone who can work with me to achieve the impossible. He looked at me with a smile and excitement in his eyes.

An inexplicable excitement rose in my heart, "I want that kind of passionate and romantic life!" I also began to say excitedly.

"Then let's do it together!" Li Yang stretched out his hand and looked at me expectantly.

I looked at his outstretched hand, and the passion in my heart seemed to be ignited. "Okay, let's do it together!" I shook his hand without hesitation.

Just then, a woman suddenly appeared in front of us,"

My eyes widened in disbelief at what was happening in front of me. Li Yang was also stunned, his face was full of embarrassment and embarrassment, and he didn't know how to face all this at all.

"Hey, what's the matter with you!" I said, looking at the woman, a little angry.

"3 million! Otherwise, don't want to get married!" The woman beat the blind date man on the spot: Don't daydream!

"It's him, it's this liar!" the woman pointed at Li Yang and said angrily, "He lied to me before, saying that he wanted to marry me, but he went on a blind date with another woman!"

"You are misunderstanding!" Li Yang hurriedly explained, "I have nothing to do with you!"

"Liar!" the woman kicked at Li Yang.

I couldn't help but freeze in place, and an inexplicable anger welled up in my heart. Li Yang, who was gentle and considerate just now, turned out to be a trickster! My illusions were shattered in an instant, and I couldn't accept everything in front of me.

"You go away!" I pushed Li Yang away, tears streaming down my face. "I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore!"

Li Yang looked at me helplessly, as if he wanted to explain something, but I couldn't listen anymore. I turned away, filled with disappointment and anger.

Perhaps, fantasy is really just fantasy, but reality always brutally reveals the ugliness of human nature. I closed my eyes, and my illusions about love were shattered in an instant.

"3 million! Otherwise, don't want to get married!" The woman beat the blind date man on the spot: Don't daydream!

I returned home with a broken heart, tears streaming down my cheeks. Maybe it was the hurt heart that needed an outlet, and I couldn't stop crying. I knew it was a bad journey, but I couldn't control my emotions.

"Xiaoli, what's wrong with you, why do you cry like this when you come back?" my good friend Xiaoya walked over and asked anxiously.

"Brother Xiaoyang...... He turned out to be a liar!" I cried and told Xiaoya what had just happened.

"It's terrible, how can there be such a person in this world!" Xiaoya held my hand tightly and comforted me softly.

"I was so stupid that I always thought I could find true love, and it turned out to be ......," I said in a trembling voice, wiping away my tears.

"Xiaoli, don't be sad. Actually, none of this is your fault. There are indeed bad people in this world, but there must be sincere people waiting for you. Xiaoya gently patted me on the shoulder.

I nodded, understanding what Xiaoya meant. "Thank you, Xiaoya. I'll definitely pull myself together. ”

"3 million! Otherwise, don't want to get married!" The woman beat the blind date man on the spot: Don't daydream!

"By the way, let's go on a trip! Get away from this liar and put yourself in a good mood. Xiaoya proposed.

"Well, I think that's a good idea. Leaving all of this might really make me feel better. I smiled slightly.

We quickly made plans for our trip to a small and quaint town. There is no hustle and bustle, just tranquility and natural scenery, which is just right for us to purify our minds.

After coming to this town, I feel that my mood is really much better. Xiaoya and I strolled through the alleys, breathing in the fresh air and experiencing simple happiness.

"Xiaoli, look, there's a small teahouse over there, let's go sit down. Xiaoya pointed to a quaint teahouse at the end of the alley.

We walked into the teahouse and sat quietly at a wooden table, holding a teacup and sipping the fragrant tea soup. Swallows shuttle outside the window, the sun shines through the leaves on the table, quiet and warm.

"Xiaoli, in fact, I have always felt that happiness does not lie in the eyes of others. It's in your own mood. Xiaoya said softly.

"3 million! Otherwise, don't want to get married!" The woman beat the blind date man on the spot: Don't daydream!

I was lost in thought, listening to her words.

"We always want others to understand us, care for us, and love us. But everyone has their own life and busyness, and others may not understand your needs. At this time, it is most important to be happy. Xiaoya continued.

My heart suddenly became much clearer, "Yes, maybe whether you are in a good mood or not does not depend on the outside world, but on yourself." ”

"Yes, don't let other people's eyes sway your mood. Be true to yourself and find your own happiness. Xiaoya looked at me with a smile.

I suddenly felt a sense of relief, as if I understood something. Happiness does not necessarily depend on external factors, but can be created by itself. I said to myself: no matter what happens, no matter what others think of me, I will be my true self!

At this time, I felt a sense of peace and relief, as if all my worries were left behind at this moment. Perhaps, this is the freedom and happiness I have been looking for.

Walking out of the teahouse, I felt happy, as if I had regained my life. Xiaoya and I walked through the town in the early morning, enjoying the morning glow and the moisture of the breeze.

"3 million! Otherwise, don't want to get married!" The woman beat the blind date man on the spot: Don't daydream!

"Xiaoli, in fact, when you went on a blind date with that liar, I felt that he was a little unreliable. Xiaoya said suddenly.

"Yes, why?" I asked, curious.

His eyes were always a little erratic, and he seemed to be a little disguised in his conversation. I'm afraid he might not be the one who really treats you. Xiaoya said seriously.

"Maybe I was too easily fooled by appearances. I sighed.

"Don't blame yourself too much, everyone has moments when they are confused by the superficial glamour. It is important that we learn to see others clearly. Xiaoya encouraged.

"You're right, I'll be more careful in the future. I nodded solemnly, "Actually, maybe this thing isn't so bad for me." ”

"Why do you say that?" asked Xiaoya curiously.

"3 million! Otherwise, don't want to get married!" The woman beat the blind date man on the spot: Don't daydream!

"Maybe I need to go through this kind of thing to be more clear about my inner needs. Life always needs some bumpy experiences to grow. I said with deep feeling.

"Yes, sometimes setbacks and failures make us stronger. Xiaoya nodded in agreement.

We walked up a small hill with a beautiful view. With the breeze blowing and the leaves rustling, I felt as if I had found a new understanding of life in this tranquil mountain forest.

"Xiaoya, I suddenly thought of an ancient poem, called 'Outside the Mountain, Qingshan Building, Outside the Building, when will the West Lake sing and dance. The warm breeze smokes the tourists drunk, and Hangzhou is Bianzhou'. I said suddenly.

"Wow, this poem describes such a beautiful scene. Xiaoya admired.

"Yes, although we will also experience the ups and downs of life, we must also learn to appreciate its beauty. As the poem says, although there is a better scenery outside the mountain, it is also necessary to cherish the beauty in front of you. I said with emotion.

"Yes, there are bumps and scenery on the road of life, and we must learn to feel it with our hearts. Xiaoya sighed.

"3 million! Otherwise, don't want to get married!" The woman beat the blind date man on the spot: Don't daydream!

We savor the bitterness of reality and the beauty of poetry together, as if we have rediscovered the balance in our hearts.

Gradually, I found myself again. This trip made me re-examine my heart and my pursuit of happiness. Perhaps, love can't change the reality of ugliness, but we can let our hearts find a pure land through our own efforts.

"Xiaoli, no matter what happens, you have to remember not to let other people's eyes affect your mood. Xiaoya whispered to me.

I nodded, smiled and looked at the mountains in the distance, "Yes, I will be my true self and find my own happiness." ”

This trip allowed me to regain the lost courage in my heart, feel life with my heart, and face every day in the future. Xiaoya and I returned to my hometown together, and I was in a happy mood.

When I got home, I decided to re-examine my life and find what my heart really craved. I tidied up at home, dusted up all the things that had made me unhappy in the past, and reinvigorated myself.

A few days later, I decided to go to a photography exhibition because taking pictures has always been one of my favorite hobbies. I dressed modestly and arrived at the exhibition grounds. The entire exhibition venue is gorgeously and beautifully furnished, and the photographs also attract many visitors.

"3 million! Otherwise, don't want to get married!" The woman beat the blind date man on the spot: Don't daydream!

I approached an exhibition hall where the photographs were full of sincere emotions and deep artistic conceptions. I couldn't help but stop and start savoring each piece.

"Do you like this set of works too?" a deep male voice said.

I looked up and saw a smiling young man standing beside me. There was a deep emotion in his eyes, as if the whole world was frozen in this moment.

"Yes, these works are full of life, real and simple. I replied with a smile.

"I also love this group of works, they show me the infinite possibilities of photography as a form of artistic expression. He smiled.

"You have a lot of love and courage in your eyes, and I love it. He said suddenly.

I looked at him with some surprise, "Thank you, you are also very deep and enthusiastic." ”

"3 million! Otherwise, don't want to get married!" The woman beat the blind date man on the spot: Don't daydream!

He smiled and said, "Would you like to join me in the photo exchange? I think we have a lot of common preferences and ideas." ”

I hesitated, then nodded, "Okay, I'd love to." I feel like we can share more about photography and the beauty of life together. ”

Since that day, I have participated in many photo exchanges with this man, and our hearts have gradually blended together. His talent and gentleness made me see the hope of love again and discover the beautiful possibilities in life. Maybe this is the new happiness and freedom I've been looking for.

The time we spent together made me appreciate the beauty of love and the warmth of life again. Every day I communicate with him, I feel fulfilled and find my own happiness.

One day, we sat down in a café, and he looked at me with a serious expression and said, "Xiaoli, I have always had a special affection for you, and I am willing to accompany you to the future." ”

I was shocked and touched that for years I had been looking forward to love, but also afraid of being hurt. At this moment, I looked at his honest eyes, and my heart rippled.

"I like you too, but I'm going to have some time ahead of me. I answered honestly.

"3 million! Otherwise, don't want to get married!" The woman beat the blind date man on the spot: Don't daydream!

He reached out to take my hand and whispered, "I'm willing to wait until you're ready." ”

The relationship between us is gradually growing, and I am gradually letting go of my anxiety and fear of the past. Looking at him, I realized that the true love I was looking for was all around me. Perhaps, love is a firm and gentle commitment.

Before we knew it, we had gone through a sunny day together. We accompany each other and feel the warmth and sweetness of life.

"Xiaoli, this is a gift I have for you, I hope you will like it. He pulled out a beautiful box and handed it to me.

I opened the box, and inside was a delicate necklace, sparkling.

"This is my heart's work, and I hope to be able to accompany you and witness our future. His eyes were full of sincerity and expectation.

I took the necklace and felt warm in my heart, "Thank you, this gift is so beautiful." ”

"3 million! Otherwise, don't want to get married!" The woman beat the blind date man on the spot: Don't daydream!

"You said you love the sky, and I think this blue gemstone necklace will allow you to have that blue sky forever. He said with a smile.

Our eyes met for a split second, and I understood that this was a meaningful suggestion. This gentle man is sincerely willing to accompany me and create a happy sky that belongs to us. At that moment, I felt a beautiful sense of happiness turbulence in my heart, and life seemed to become gentle.

Our relationship is getting closer and closer, and although I don't know what the road ahead holds, I have enough courage to face it. I want to believe that love lies ahead, and happiness will surely bloom slowly around us.

Our relationship gradually deepened in the process of getting along, and the imagination and expectation of the future gradually became clearer. Together, we will find the true meaning of love on the road and in each other's hearts.

One day, we came to this lake, which was calm and the breeze was blowing and rippling. I immersed myself in this tranquil beauty, and with it became peaceful.

He looked at me, smiled and said, "Xiaoli, this lakeside is especially like our love story, clear and quiet. ”

"Yes, every time I come here, I feel very calm and warm. I sighed.

"3 million! Otherwise, don't want to get married!" The woman beat the blind date man on the spot: Don't daydream!

"Xiaoli, I think we will always be together until we are white. His eyes were full of determination and commitment.

I felt my heart flutter slightly, and his words made me feel a warmth and peace of mind that I had never felt before.

"I also believe that we will continue to go on until we get old. I replied softly.

We looked at each other and smiled, and I felt so happy at this moment. This gentle man gave me a sincere love and protection.

Gradually, I began to be full of beautiful yearning for the future, and we dreamed of the future life and family together. In our relationship, I slowly learned to believe in love and found the courage to lose.

Slowly, we decided to enter the palace of marriage, and that day was the best moment of my life, I wore a white wedding dress, held him by the arm, and walked towards a happy future.

"Xiaoli, in the coming days, I am willing to work with you forever to create our future. He said to me with a smile.

"3 million! Otherwise, don't want to get married!" The woman beat the blind date man on the spot: Don't daydream!

"I do, I want to be with you, forever. I said excitedly.

Our love is like the surface of the lake, calm and deep. And now, let's set sail together to create our new happy sky.

"3 million! Otherwise, don't want to get married!" The woman beat the blind date man on the spot: Don't daydream!