
If a liver cyst is found on physical examination, why does the doctor say that it does not need to be treated? Can it really be cured without treatment?

author:Xiaoya's head nurse

Ms. Hu, 26 years old this year, went to the unit for regular physical examinations. After the physical examination, the doctor told Xiao Hu: "We found a mass with a diameter of 4*6mm on your liver. Hearing this, Xiaohu

Frightened, her brain went blank, and the doctor said to her, "In the afternoon, go for a B-ultrasound and do a biopsy on this basis." So, Xiaohu listened to the doctor's words and went to the hospital to do a biopsy of the tissues under laparoscopy. After a while, the doctor came and said that the biopsy showed a liver cyst.

The doctor reassured Xiaohu that this disease does not need to be treated, and regular observation is fine, as long as it does not grow and squeeze other organs. But Xiaohu felt that there was suddenly an extra piece of meat in his body, and he was very uneasy, so he consulted various information on the Internet and asked the Internet doctor.

So what is a liver cyst? Does a liver cyst really need to be taken seriously or not? How do you get rid of the liver cyst or how do you keep it from expanding?

If a liver cyst is found on physical examination, why does the doctor say that it does not need to be treated? Can it really be cured without treatment?

1. What is a liver cyst?

In order to answer the question of whether a liver cyst needs to be taken seriously, we need to know what a liver cyst is. Liver cyst is a relatively common benign lesion of the liver, and it is rare to have symptoms of massive bleeding and shock caused by liver compression or rupture and bleeding.

The disease is often multiple, usually due to exposure to parasites, and is therefore divided into parasitic and non-parasitic liver cysts from the perspective of etiology. For most of us who live far from pastures, non-parasitic liver cysts are our most common type of liver cyst.

It can be divided into congenital, inflammatory, traumatic and neoplastic liver cysts, and congenital liver cysts are more common in clinical practice. Congenital liver cysts are mostly caused by abnormal development of the bile ducts during the embryonic period. The inflammatory form is also less common and is mainly due to trauma and inflammation.

If a liver cyst is found on physical examination, why does the doctor say that it does not need to be treated? Can it really be cured without treatment?

2. Does liver cyst need to be taken seriously?

Therefore, we already know that many tumors of liver cysts are not malignant lesions, and most of them are benign hyperplasia caused by congenital or acquired inflammation. So for benign hyperplasia, what we mainly advocate is to observe whether it will develop further, whether it will become larger, and whether it will produce symptoms of compression.

Therefore, from the perspective of Western medicine, not everyone has a liver cyst, and it is not a tumor but a chronic benign lesion, so as long as it does not keep growing and causing compression symptoms, then there is no need to pay attention to or treat.

However, for traditional Chinese medicine, the vast majority of liver cysts are mainly caused by insufficient congenital endowment, or acquired poor diet and poor mood, resulting in a deficiency of viscera and forming phlegm stasis, and finally phlegm and stasis are intertwined in the liver, forming a mass full of water and blood stasis.

If a liver cyst is found on physical examination, why does the doctor say that it does not need to be treated? Can it really be cured without treatment?

If there is a cyst in the body, it means that the viscera must be deficient, and if it is not adjusted in time, it will only become more and more weak, and not only the cyst will grow and increase, but it may also lead to other diseases.

From a TCM point of view, cysts need to be taken seriously because they represent a loss of liver in our body, causing blood and gas to accumulate there. It is necessary to use some tonic medicine to make up for some liver losses.

So, now we actually understand that liver cyst is considered a benign pathological change in both Western medicine and Chinese medicine, but there is a big difference in the prognosis or treatment method of the two. I suggest that you don't need to pay too much attention to it, you can cooperate with Chinese medicine reasonably and scientifically, and actively check whether the cyst has disappeared regularly.

If a liver cyst is found on physical examination, why does the doctor say that it does not need to be treated? Can it really be cured without treatment?

3. How to eliminate or reduce the cyst?

From the perspective of Western medicine, since this is mainly related to personal physique, it is recommended that patients mainly exercise more to enhance their resistance, eat less things that damage the liver such as tobacco and alcohol, and have a regular life to reduce staying up late.

However, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, if the qi does not run smoothly, blood stasis will be formed, spleen deficiency will cause phlegm and dampness in the family, and finally phlegm and stasis will be combined in the liver, forming a liver cyst.

Therefore, it is necessary to regulate the spleen at the same time as the liver to ensure that the spleen can carry out blood circulation without stasis.

In addition, if there are symptoms of liver depression, you can first use Bupleurum chinensis, incense, or tulip to relieve liver depression; if the spleen is deficient, you can add some atractylodes, Codonopsis, Angelica, etc., which strengthen the spleen and invigorate qi; because the cyst is caused by phlegm and stasis, it is also necessary to add some traditional Chinese medicine that invigorates blood and dispels blood stasis, dissolves phlegm and dehumidifies according to the severity of the patient's symptoms, such as Shengpu Huang, Soil Turtle Worm, Curcuma, Sanleng, Poria Cocos, Banxia, Ze Yuan, etc.

If a liver cyst is found on physical examination, why does the doctor say that it does not need to be treated? Can it really be cured without treatment?

Or eat more foods that remove moisture, such as barley, poria cocos, etc. There is also to reduce liver damage, Chinese medicine often says that anger hurts the liver, so we must control our emotions reasonably. For people who like to be angry, it is natural to associate it with drinking, so we must be less angry and drink less and have more fun.

When we are full of joy every day, the heart will produce a lot of blood and qi to nourish our body, which can make up for the losses generated by our body.

We can also eat more blood-replenishing foods, such as red dates, motherwort, etc., blood is the most replenishing substance for body defects, but for some people can not be indiscriminately supplemented, such as patients who are bleeding and patients with severe damage to the body's heart function, at this time tonic can only aggravate the damage to the body. Therefore, we must take a reasonable tonic, be cautious about Chinese medicine, and go to a regular Chinese medicine store to inquire about reasonable tonic.

If a liver cyst is found on physical examination, why does the doctor say that it does not need to be treated? Can it really be cured without treatment?


In general, once a cyst is diagnosed, the first thing to do is to stay calm, establish a correct cognitive outlook, and not be intimidated by various rumors on the Internet. It is a benign disease, as long as we change our life Xi and reasonably increase exercise, enhance our body's immunity, then we need to worry about cysts in our body.

In fact, in our lives, not only our bodies will be like this, many times will also be like this, we are always afraid that its development will not be too harmful to our health, as long as there is a slight possibility to stay awake at night, in fact, it is our failure to grasp the principle of moderation, the correct treatment of the problem is not easy to produce too anxious or too nervous problems.

The actual damage caused to us by unfounded worries is far greater than the problem we thought at the beginning. Therefore, we must have a sense of distress, and at the same time, we must face everything that exists calmly and cherish everything that exists, because the past is gone, but the future is still infinite.