
I thought Xishuangbanna was already beautiful, until I went to Mangshi!

author:0o Serious Mango O0

"I thought Xishuangbanna was already beautiful, until I went to Mangshi! "This is my first impression of Mangshi, located in the mainland Yunnan Province's Dehong Dai Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture, Mangshi, is a bright pearl in the southwest border. There are the magnificent Menghuan Shwedagon Pagoda, the tranquil Peacock Lake, the unique Jingpo ethnic cultural village, and the charming wind-blown slope. What's even more memorable is the food. Dai cuisine, Jingpo cuisine and abundant tropical fruits constitute the unique food culture of Mangshi.

I thought Xishuangbanna was already beautiful, until I went to Mangshi!

1. Menghuan Shwedagon Pagoda: A radiant world of Buddhism

The sun shines on the golden top of the Menghuan Shwedagon Pagoda, shining with dazzling light. This Shwedagon Pagoda in Mangshi is the largest Buddhist temple in Yunnan and a famous Buddhist shrine in Southeast Asia. Entering the Shwedagon Pagoda, it is like entering a world of Buddha, with a splendid hall and a solemn Buddha statue, which makes people involuntarily feel awe.

I thought Xishuangbanna was already beautiful, until I went to Mangshi!

The architectural style of Shwedagon Pagoda is unique, integrating the architectural elements of the Dai and Han ethnic groups, showing unique national characteristics. There is a tall Buddha statue in the tower, and the eyes of the Buddha statue are compassionate and profound, as if they can perceive people's hearts. In front of the Buddha, tourists bow down reverently and pray for the safety and happiness of their families.

2. Peacock Lake: The lake and mountains are close to people

Peacock Lake is another pearl of Mangshi, located in the southwest of the city, with crystal clear water and tree-lined shores. The name of Peacock Lake comes from the peacock garden on the lakeside, where many peacocks are raised, and whenever the peacocks are opened, tourists by the lake will stop for it.

I thought Xishuangbanna was already beautiful, until I went to Mangshi!

The beauty of Peacock Lake lies not only in the scenery of the lake and mountains, but also in the feeling of being close to nature. Walking along the path by the lake, you can hear the birds singing and see the fish playing. In the park by the lake, there are many children's playground equipment, where children laugh and chase, making people feel the beauty of life.

3. Jingpo Ethnic Cultural Village: Walk into the picture scroll of history

In Mangshi, there is a Jingpo ethnic culture village, where the rich Jingpo culture is preserved. Walking into the national cultural village, it is like walking into a historical picture, with simple houses and unique folk customs, which makes people feel the charm of the Jingpo people.

I thought Xishuangbanna was already beautiful, until I went to Mangshi!

In the ethnic culture village, tourists can enjoy the traditional dances of the Jingpo people, listen to the traditional music of the Jingpo people, and experience the traditional handicrafts of the Jingpo people. Here, people can enjoy the cultural charm of the Jingpo people, and they can also learn about the historical changes of this nation.

Fourth, the wind blows the slope: poetic natural scenery

Fengfeng Slope is a natural scenic spot in Mangshi, located in the northeast of the city. The terrain here is high, and standing on the slope, you can overlook the beautiful scenery of the whole Muang City. The beauty of the wind-blown slope lies in the poetic natural scenery, the trees on the slope are lush and green, and the grass is green, which makes people feel refreshed and happy.

I thought Xishuangbanna was already beautiful, until I went to Mangshi!

On the wind-blown slope, visitors can enjoy nature's bounty to the fullest, have a picnic here, and also go bird watching here. When the sun sets, the trees on the slope are dyed with a layer of gold, and the whole Mangshi is shrouded in a golden light, which is beautiful.

5. Food recommendation: taste the unique flavor of Mangshi

1. Dai flavor dishes

The Dai flavor dishes in Mangshi are characterized by freshness, spiciness, sourness, bitterness and fragrance, which are unforgettable. Among them, the most representative dish is the sour bamboo shoots, which are sour and spicy, refreshing and appetizing, and are a delicacy in Mangshi.

I thought Xishuangbanna was already beautiful, until I went to Mangshi!

2. Jingpo cuisine

The Jingpo cuisine in Mangshi includes Chinese cabbage, bamboo rice, Jingpo barbecue, etc., all of which have unique ethnic flavors and make people have endless aftertastes. Among them, Jingpo barbecue is a must-see delicacy, with tender meat and fragrant aroma, which makes people appetite.

I thought Xishuangbanna was already beautiful, until I went to Mangshi!

3. Tropical fruits

Mangshi has a rich variety of tropical fruits, such as pineapple, mango, durian, etc., these fruits are fresh and delicious, and have an excellent taste, which is a beautiful scenery in Mangshi.

I thought Xishuangbanna was already beautiful, until I went to Mangshi!

In Mangshi, people can indulge in a feast of food, they can taste a variety of delicacies here, and they can also feel the unique ethnic customs here.

I thought Xishuangbanna was already beautiful, until I went to Mangshi!


Mangshi, here, people can enjoy the solemnity of the Menghuan Shwedagon Pagoda, the lake and mountains of the Peacock Lake, the quaint folk customs of the Jingpo Ethnic Cultural Village, and the poetry of the wind-blown slope. At the same time, the food of Mangshi is also a highlight, with Dai cuisine, Jingpo cuisine and tropical fruits, all of which can make people linger. Walking into Mangshi is walking into a place full of charm and poetry, which makes people can't help but be intoxicated.

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