
How to relieve separation anxiety in dogs

author:Curious researchers' research

Do your dogs get nervous when they see you ready to leave the house? Do they go crazy with joy when you get home? Do they destroy your shoes, scratch the door, or bite off a corner of the coffee table while you're leaving?

Your dog may have separation anxiety.

What is it?

Separation anxiety occurs when a dog that is overly attached to its owner feels super stressed when left alone. It's not just a little whining when you leave or a little prank when you're out. This is a serious situation and one of the main reasons why owners get frustrated with their dogs and give up on them. But there are many things you can do to help.

How to relieve separation anxiety in dogs

First, understand what causes your dog to behave in this way:

When you are alone for the first time or when you are Xi to being with people;

change of ownership;

moving from shelter to home;

changes in family routines or schedules;

loss of a family member;

signs of separation anxiety;

The dog that owns it shows a lot of stress when left alone. They might:

excessive howling, barking, or whining;

Even if they break down the house and enter the house, there are indoor "accidents";

chewing things, digging holes, scraping windows and doors;

Drooling, panting, or drooling more than usual;

rhythm, usually in obsessive-compulsive mode;

How to relieve separation anxiety in dogs

Trying to escape

They may not take these things to the extreme when you're around. An average dog may do some of these things once in a while, but a dog with separation anxiety will do these things almost all the time when left alone.

How it's treated

First, talk to your veterinarian to rule out any medical issues. Sometimes, dogs get into accidents at home due to infections or hormonal issues or other health conditions. It can also be due to incomplete burglary. Some medications can cause accidents. If your dog takes any medications, ask your veterinarian if he is to blame.

How to relieve separation anxiety in dogs

If the problem is minor......

Give your dog a special treat (like an educational toy stuffed with peanut butter) every time you leave. Give them this treat only when you are away and take it with you when you get home.

Keep your comings and goings low-key without too many greetings. Leave your puppy alone for the first few minutes after returning home.

Put some recently worn clothes outside and smell like you.

If the problem is more severe......

Dogs with severe anxiety are not distracted by the most delicious food. You need to slowly let them Xi your absence.

They may start to get nervous when they see signs that you're leaving, like putting on your shoes or picking up your keys. So do these things, but don't leave. Put on your shoes and sit down at the table. Pick up the keys and watch TV. Do this over and over again every day.

When your dog starts to feel less anxious about it, you can slowly start to go away. To get started, simply walk to the other side of the door. Let your dog stay, then close an inside door between you. Reappears after a few seconds. Slowly increase the amount of time you are away. Put on your shoes and pick up your keys. When you enter another room, let your dog stay.

As they become more Xi to the "game to stay", increase the time you spend away. Then use the outside door, but not the one you go out out every day. Before you leave, make sure your dog is relaxed.

Only you can tell if your dog is ready to be alone for long periods of time. Don't rush things. When you're about 10 seconds apart, give them a stuffed snack. Always remain calm when leaving and returning.

Gradually increase the time until you can leave the house for a few minutes. Then the time away from it is getting longer and longer.

How to relieve separation anxiety in dogs

Suitable for all dogs

Make sure your pet gets plenty of exercise every day. When you're gone, a tired, happy dog will be less stressful. It's also crucial to challenge your pet's mind. Play training games and get. Use interactive puzzles. Exercise their minds and bodies. This will keep them busy, happy, and too tired to be anxious when you leave, and if these tips don't help, consult your veterinarian or certified animal behaviorist.

How to relieve separation anxiety in dogs

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