
People who have bad qi and blood should replace it for breakfast, pure medicinal herbs, to replenish the lost qi and blood in the body

author:Dr. Hou Wenjie of traditional Chinese medicine

Do you feel that your face is so bad and you have no blood, but the premise is that you have a good breakfast?

Most people who are not good at qi and blood must often skip meals, and the plan of the year lies in the morning, but as everyone knows, a person's spirit and spirit start with a breakfast. If you don't eat breakfast now, it's okay for a day or two, but after a long time, what does your spleen and stomach rely on to biochemical qi and blood?

People who have bad qi and blood should replace it for breakfast, pure medicinal herbs, to replenish the lost qi and blood in the body

At 7-9 a.m., when the stomach is in order, a person's stomach will be hungry, and it is just time to eat breakfast.

At 9-11 o'clock, the spleen meridian is in order, which is to digest food, generate qi and blood, and nourish the whole body.

In short, the human spleen and stomach are the most efficient and energetic in the morning. When the spleen and stomach strike, the machine that produces qi and blood will also stop, and people will become listless.

People who have bad qi and blood should replace it for breakfast, pure medicinal herbs, to replenish the lost qi and blood in the body

And from noon to night, it is the time when the spleen and stomach are most reluctant to move, if you don't eat this meal well in the morning, and then eat and drink a lot in the evening, even if you eat nutritious food, it is not as fast as breakfast. On the contrary, if you eat too much, not only can you not digest it, but the energy in the body will slowly become waste and accumulate in the body, so various diseases: high blood pressure, high blood lipids, and obesity will come.

Seeing this, some people said, I really have no appetite in the morning, I really can't eat?

In this case, in fact, the stomach qi has not yet grown, you can refer to this recipe to strengthen the stomach qi.

The ratio of these four medicinal materials is 1:1:1:1, which can be quantified according to the population of the family.

People who have bad qi and blood should replace it for breakfast, pure medicinal herbs, to replenish the lost qi and blood in the body

This is a very complete spleen-strengthening medicinal diet. Yam and lotus seeds have the effect of tonifying the spleen and enhancing the ability of the spleen. Barley and Poria cocos dispel dampness, help stool formation, drink for a long time, over time, the spleen and stomach will become stronger, and the appetite will become better and better.

If you eat a little in the morning, your spleen and stomach will be strong, you will have energy and a ruddy complexion throughout the day, and your dampness will dissipate, your appetite will increase, and your stool will be smooth.

People who have bad qi and blood should replace it for breakfast, pure medicinal herbs, to replenish the lost qi and blood in the body

The four ingredients of this four-god soup are all pure Chinese medicine ingredients. It is neither hot nor cold, and there is no burden on the body itself.

However, it should be noted that lotus seeds, poria cocos and yams have an astringent effect. It is not suitable for people with kidney yin deficiency, constipation, abdominal distention, and less red tongue.