
The 5th issue of the song list of "The Sound of Life and Family Years" has Pu Shu's songs in three consecutive issues

author:Erudite lake ePx

Hi dear music lovers, let's walk together into those melodies that once touched our heartstrings, and here, I would like to share with you a few special songs, which are not only a feast for the ears, but also a comfort for the soul. Hopefully, in my narrative, you will find your own emotional resonance.

The 5th issue of the song list of "The Sound of Life and Family Years" has Pu Shu's songs in three consecutive issues

Let's start with "Ten Miles of Spring Breeze". This song was performed by the talented Zhang Lei, who not only wrote the lyrics and composed the music, but also picked up the guitar and sang it himself. I remember the first time I heard this song, the fresh and refined melody seemed to bring me back to my youth, the sun shining on the playground of the school, and the spring breeze blowing the pages of books and the dreams of teenagers. Whenever I hear "the spring breeze is not as good as you", I will think of those beautiful moments, as well as the youth that is drifting away.

The 5th issue of the song list of "The Sound of Life and Family Years" has Pu Shu's songs in three consecutive issues

followed by "Once You", a song by Xu Wei. Maybe when I was young, I was a little unfamiliar and incomprehensible about folk songs. But as the years passed, I appreciated this simple and soulful musical expression more and more. Xu Wei uses his hoarse and powerful voice to tell about the loss and gain in growing up, and everyone has a "former you" in their hearts, maybe it is their first love, maybe they are their best friends, or maybe they are just the real and brave self in the past years.

The 5th issue of the song list of "The Sound of Life and Family Years" has Pu Shu's songs in three consecutive issues

Let's talk about the touching work "The Fool". Huang Qishan used her powerful and infectious voice to sing the sadness and helplessness of countless people after stumbling on the road of love. "Why is it always too easy to believe a lie and can't be withdrawn" - how many times has it echoed in the ears in the dead of night. We are all fools in love, but giving sincerity may bring regrets.

The 5th issue of the song list of "The Sound of Life and Family Years" has Pu Shu's songs in three consecutive issues

Of course, we can't fail to mention the sense of anticipation brought by Joey Yung and Song Yaxuan singing Cantonese songs. Joey Yung is a fan of music for her versatile style and virtuosity. Her collaboration with Song Yaxuan is bound to generate sparks, and the interweaving of the two voices will surely bring a new experience.

The 5th issue of the song list of "The Sound of Life and Family Years" has Pu Shu's songs in three consecutive issues

Finally, I want to talk about "Giving", which Gu Juji has sung and has been covered by countless singers. This song is simple and straightforward but meaningful, "Give Me a Little Warmth, Is It Too Luxury" reveals the purest desire for care and understanding in each of our hearts.

The 5th issue of the song list of "The Sound of Life and Family Years" has Pu Shu's songs in three consecutive issues

My friends, traveling in the world of music always brings us unexpected touches and inspirations. Behind every song is a story, an era, and a memory—just as Pu Shu's three consecutive episodes have appeared in an indispensable part of our lives.

The 5th issue of the song list of "The Sound of Life and Family Years" has Pu Shu's songs in three consecutive issues

Now, please tell me, which song touched you during this journey, what precious memories did it bring back to you, or are there any other songs that have left a lasting impression on your life like these tracks? I can't wait to see you share each other's unique and beautiful musical stories!

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