
The spring of Chinese football is coming, the four new rules of the Football Association are liberalized, and Chen Xuyuan's legacy is fully liquidated

author:Your brother is here to talk about the ball

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In the early morning of Chinese football, a fresh and bright ray of sunshine is shining through the clouds, heralding the arrival of a new day. The recent series of policy updates announced by the Chinese Football Association are not just a rewriting of the rules, they are more like a ray of light, illuminating the way forward for Chinese football and sending a signal to the world that Chinese football is about to set sail and usher in a more brilliant future.

With the announcement of these policies, it is like a spring breeze blowing in the face, awakening the dream and hope of eternal sleep. This is not only an update to the rules, but also an inspiration for every football player, coach and football enthusiast. At this new starting point, Chinese football is gearing up to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future.

The spring of Chinese football is coming, the four new rules of the Football Association are liberalized, and Chen Xuyuan's legacy is fully liquidated

This change is not only an innovation of Chinese football itself, but also a sublimation of the sports spirit of the entire country. It demonstrates the determination and strength of Chinese football to move forward despite difficulties, and reflects China's deep concern for the development of sports and international exchanges. On this new journey, let us work together and look forward to the glory of Chinese football in the international arena and write its own glorious chapter.

As the curtain of the new season gradually opens, the Chinese Super League has ushered in an epoch-making change - a significant relaxation of foreign aid policies. In this brand new season, teams in the Chinese Super League will be eligible to register up to 7 foreign stars, while up to 5 foreign players can run at the same time on the green field in each game. This is not only an adjustment of the rules, but also a big bet on the future of Chinese football.

The spring of Chinese football is coming, the four new rules of the Football Association are liberalized, and Chen Xuyuan's legacy is fully liquidated

At the same time, this policy change is also a deep promotion of the domestic football ecology. Imagine Chinese Super League players competing with international masters, and they will learn Xi from each confrontation and grow up in every cooperation. This is not only a technical improvement, but also a broadening of vision and thinking. Local players will have more opportunities to learn advanced football concepts and techniques from world-class players, which will have a profound impact on improving the overall level of Chinese football.

In this new season full of expectations, let us witness the miracle brought about by this foreign aid policy change. Let's look forward to more world-class stars stepping onto the Chinese Super League to bring exciting games and endless passion. Let us believe that this is a big step on the road to internationalization and professionalization of Chinese football. In this step-by-step process, we look forward to a brighter and stronger future for Chinese football.

The spring of Chinese football is coming, the four new rules of the Football Association are liberalized, and Chen Xuyuan's legacy is fully liquidated

In the new trend of Chinese football, the two new decisions of the Chinese Football Association are like a spring breeze, blowing every corner of the club, opening a new era of business and geography.

A new world of commercial naming

First of all, the liberalization of commercial naming rights is like opening a door to wealth and glory for the club. Clubs can now associate the names of the first team and all levels of the squad with a commercial brand, which is not just a name change, but a big leap forward in commercial value. This means more investment and more resources, and the club's financial strength and market influence will be significantly enhanced. Of course, in order to maintain the purity of football and the independence of the brand, the policy also cleverly stipulates that the registered name cannot contain the trade name or brand name of the shareholder, ensuring the fairness of football and the independence of the club's brand.

The spring of Chinese football is coming, the four new rules of the Football Association are liberalized, and Chen Xuyuan's legacy is fully liquidated

New opportunities for off-site transfers

Subsequently, the relaxation of the non-local transfer policy gave the club a pair of flexible wings. In the past, the strict restrictions on geographical relocation were an impenetrable wall that left many clubs struggling. Now, this wall has been broken, and the club is free to choose a new place of registration and find new space for life and development with the consent of the original association. This is undoubtedly an opportunity for a rebirth for teams that have struggled to establish themselves in their own places, and to seek to rejuvenate and grow in a new geographical environment.

The liberalization of these two policies is a deepening of the reform process of Chinese football, as well as full trust and support for the future development of the club. They will lead Chinese football into a new era, one that is more open, flexible and dynamic. Under the curtain of China's football reform, the Chinese Football Association has opened a new chapter in the policy of naturalized players.

The spring of Chinese football is coming, the four new rules of the Football Association are liberalized, and Chen Xuyuan's legacy is fully liquidated

Now, naturalized players will be able to transfer and register freely as domestic players, which not only provides clubs with a more flexible tactical layout, but also is the Football Association's recognition and respect for the contributions of naturalized players. This change, like a spring breeze, blew away the shackles of rules and injected new vitality and hope into Chinese football.

In summary, the introduction of these four policies has jointly drawn a blueprint for the future of Chinese football's openness, competition and internationalization. From the bold relaxation of foreign aid policies, the opening of club naming rights, to the improvement of flexibility in remote transfers, to the positive changes in the policy of naturalized players, every step is a farewell to the past of the Chinese Football Association, and a thoughtful and bold attempt for the future. Let us look forward to the fact that when this land is full of spring, Chinese football can bloom with more brilliant brilliance and write its own glorious chapter.

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