
What's so special about this conference?

author:Juancheng County Rong Media Center

What's so special about this conference?

Before New Year's Day, the Central Foreign Affairs Work Conference was held in Beijing, which attracted widespread attention.

What's so special about this conference?

On December 27-28, 2023, the Central Foreign Affairs Work Conference was held in Beijing.

What's so special about this conference?

It will be held again after five years.

In August 2006, the Central Foreign Affairs Work Conference was held for the first time. This was followed by a second and third meetings in November 2014 and June 2018, respectively.

This time, the Central Foreign Affairs Work Conference has been held for a gap of five years from the third meeting in 2018.

Over the past five years, the international situation has undergone profound and complex changes, and China has also made historic achievements in its foreign affairs and is facing many new situations.

The overall specification of the conference is high.

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, state president, and chairman of the Central Military Commission, attended the meeting and delivered an important speech.

Li Qiang, Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang, Li Xi, members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, and Vice President Han Zheng attended the meeting.

Principal responsible comrades of various regions and departments, as well as ambassadors, ambassadors-related consul generals, and representatives of international organizations attended the meeting.

To sum it up: the meeting is high enough.

The content of the meeting is innovative.

Judging from the press release, there are several key points of this meeting that deserve special attention.

First, it systematically reviewed the achievements of external work since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Ten aspects were summarized, including "establishing and developing Xi Jinping's diplomatic thought" and "promoting high-quality joint construction of the 'Belt and Road'".

Second, it comprehensively summed up the valuable experience of diplomatic work in the new era. The "six musts" have been refined, including "we must adhere to principles", "we must embody the responsibility of a major country", and "we must carry forward the spirit of struggle".

Third, special emphasis has been placed on the strategic leading role of "head-of-state diplomacy." This is obvious to all at home and abroad. Taking the past 2023 as an example, President Xi Jinping has visited China four times, met with people from various countries in China dozens of times, and presided over or attended a series of major main events, leading major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics to open a new situation in the changing situation.

What's so special about this conference?

On May 19, 2023, President Xi Jinping presided over the first China-Central Asia Summit in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province.

Fourth, we have made comprehensive arrangements for external work at present and for a period in the future. It clarified the principles of "adhering to the principles of self-confidence, self-reliance, openness and inclusiveness, fairness and justice, and win-win cooperation", and emphasized "strengthening strategic deployment with the times, deepening and improving the diplomatic layout".

What kind of international environment is China facing?

The meeting pointed out that "the great changes in the world are accelerating, the changes in the world, the times and history are unfolding in an unprecedented way, and the world has entered a new period of turbulence and change".

Looking at the whole picture, the world today is facing a series of major issues and major challenges.

Unwilling to lose their hegemonic status, some countries wantonly encircle, suppress and suppress emerging market countries and developing countries.

Whoever develops well, they will contain whom. Whoever catches up, they will stumble.

The result can only be harm to others and oneself, leading to the disorder of the world economy and the lack of recovery.

Some countries continue to expand their military alliances, expand their spheres of influence, squeeze the security space of other countries, and fight vigorously when they encounter differences, even if they cause civilian casualties and humanitarian crises.

The result can only be to exacerbate the global security dilemma, deepen hostility and hatred, and lead to insecurity for all countries.

What's so special about this conference?

People rescue people on the rubble of a building attacked by Israel in Khan Younis, a city in the southern Gaza Strip, November 7, 2023.

Some countries deliberately clamor the so-called "democracy and authoritarianism" and "freedom and autocracy" binary opposition, condescending, pointing fingers at other countries, and denying them as aliens.

The result can only be a fragmentation of the world, a clash of civilizations, and a lack of mutual trust among countries.

How is Chinese diplomacy different from that of the West?

The world is already in shaky duckweed, but fortunately, China has made a decision.

Faced with the question of "what is wrong with the world and what should we do", China once again gave a firm answer at this foreign affairs work conference, that is, "building a community with a shared future for mankind".

This "core concept" conforms to the universal aspirations of the people of all countries, points out the direction of the progress of world civilization, and is the lofty goal pursued by major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

That's what China says and does.

Compared with the "fake gentleman's diplomacy" that is personable and rhetorical on the surface, but in fact refuses to fulfill the contract, and compared with the "real bandit diplomacy" that talks about the "rules-based international order" and actually engages in power politics "based on a position of strength", China is a veritable "gentleman's diplomacy" and "equality diplomacy".

From promoting the Belt and Road Initiative to providing public goods such as COVID-19 vaccines to the world, from successfully mediating the "Saudi-Iranian reconciliation" to promoting a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine and Palestine and Israel through multilateral mechanisms such as the United Nations, from advocating "building a community with a shared future for mankind" to proposing the "three global initiatives......

What's so special about this conference?

On March 10, 2023, Wang Yi presided over the closing ceremony of the Saudi-Iran dialogue in Beijing.

China's peaceful, friendly and progressive diplomatic philosophy and diplomatic actions have been recognized by most countries in the world.

In the future, China will continue to promote the world towards a bright future of peace, security, prosperity and progress with the stability, leadership and constructiveness of its own development and foreign strategy.

The pictures in the article come from the Internet

Source: Ninety Thousand Miles