
I have to say that Japan has created two miracles!

author:A little whisper
I have to say that Japan has created two miracles!

A Japanese passenger plane collided with a Coast Guard aircraft and caught fire

On the first day of 2024, there will be an earthquake + tsunami, and on the second day of 2024, planes will collide.

This New Year has given Japan a disadvantage, and Japan has fully realized what is unfavorable and what is a disaster.

But on the bright side, we have to admit that Japan has created two miracles.

The first miracle, the miracle of earthquake casualties.

The Noto earthquake in Japan on January 1, with a magnitude of 7.6 on the Richter scale, occurred in a densely populated area, and if it were some countries, we can imagine that the casualties must have been very heavy.

The 7.8-magnitude earthquake in eastern Turkey last February killed about 50,000 people in Turkey and Syria. The tragic situation of the earthquake at that time is still vivid in my mind.

But the earthquake in Japan, so far, the death toll is counted at more than 50 people.

This is still a major tragedy, but it is indeed a miracle.

As I said before, there are at least three reasons behind the miracle.

One is the quality of the building, many houses collapsed, but they are still basically intact after the collapse.

Second, the people are well-trained, and when they see the houses shaking, they immediately evacuate to a safe place outside.

The third is the speed of disaster relief response, with all kinds of rescuers dispatched quickly to rescue the trapped people.

I have to say that Japan has created two miracles!

Japanese rescuers inspect the damage in front of a collapsed house

I know that many of my friends have mixed feelings about Japan, and there are some schadenfreude remarks on the Internet.

But I always feel that in the face of disasters, we still have to have a minimum of humanistic care, and Japanese politicians are politicians, and the people are people, and they cannot be mixed up.

Moreover, we must admit that no country in the world has done a better job than Japan in responding to earthquakes. Of course, all these experiences or achievements are based on the lessons of blood.

Behind this miracle, there is a lot to learn from Xi.

I have to say that Japan has created two miracles!

Houses collapsed after a strong earthquake struck Japan

The second miracle, the miracle of the evacuation of the planes.

Looking at the video and introduction, an Airbus 350 of Japan Airlines collided with a Japan Coast Guard plane when it landed at Tokyo's Haneda Airport on January 2, and the plane exploded and caught fire, killing five people on the Japanese military plane.

Several fire trucks arrived and went all out to put out the fire, but the raging fire quickly engulfed the entire plane, and finally the plane was burned to the skeleton.

The situation is critical, you know, this is a large plane with 379 passengers and crew on board.

But in just over 10 minutes, all personnel were safely evacuated through the slide, and it is said that only about 10 people were injured and none of them died.

I have to say that Japan has created two miracles!
I have to say that Japan has created two miracles!

Passengers on the airliner were safely evacuated via a slide

Some passengers lamented that it was unbelievable that if it had been a few minutes late, many people might have passed away.

On the one hand, the crew was very calm and organized the evacuation in an orderly manner, and on the other hand, all the evacuees did not carry hand luggage.

It's a miracle indeed.

Behind this miracle, there is also a lot to learn from Xi.

I have to say that Japan has created two miracles!

Fire trucks extinguish the burning aircraft

But then, I'm going to talk about some bad things.

There is no doubt that earthquakes are natural disasters, and they are the deadliest natural disasters in the world today. We are very helpless, we can only say that in front of nature, we human beings are still too small.

But when a plane collides, it is 100% man-made.

What is particularly embarrassing is that the plane of the Japan Coast Guard that caused the accident was still on a mission to deliver relief materials to the earthquake-stricken area.

But why did the airport crash happen?

I don't know, Japan hasn't announced the reason yet. But it is clear that there is a major omission, either the two planes or the Haneda airport, and the latter is more suspicious.

It is inconceivable that an airport would allow two planes to enter the same runway at the same time.

This reminds me of "Murphy's Law".

Captain Murphy of an air base in the United States discovered in his research on the accident that if there were two or more ways to do something, and one of the options would lead to disaster, someone would have to make that choice.

This is "Murphy's Law", and the main content has four aspects:

1. Nothing is as simple as it seems;

2. Everything will take longer than you expect;

3. Things that go wrong will always go wrong;

Fourth, if you're worried about something happening, it's more likely to happen.

If you have seen the movie "Interstellar", you may be no stranger to "Murphy's Law".

As long as a hidden danger is blocked and a symptom is discovered in advance, the entire accident can often be avoided.

I have to say that Japan has created two miracles!

Gas blaze after the plane collided

But in this world, I am not afraid of 10,000, I am afraid of what if.

Human life is at stake, and negligence must not be allowed.

The Japanese, who are very meticulous in their work, are still very careless and fail to plug this hidden danger, and the result is a fatal tragedy, a tragedy in the New Year.

The myth of Japan's meticulousness may have been shattered.

This New Year, for the Japanese, tragedy after tragedy, especially tormenting.

For the world, miracles are to be celebrated, but we cannot always expect miracles, and the alarm bells must be ringing for a long time.

Source: Niu Danqin

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