
Musk predicted that the world would be "even crazier" in 2024, and Japan was the first to verify it

author:The new white deer
Tesla CEO Elon Musk has always been an expert in predictions, and his vision has not only attracted attention in the industry, but also made people curious and excited about the future.

In a recent public speech, Musk boldly predicted that the world will be "even crazier" in 2024 than in the past four years.

Although it is less than 3 days to go before the start of 2024, the shocking start does confirm his judgment.

Looking back at the past four years, developed countries such as the United States have implemented quantitative easing policies in an attempt to stimulate economic growth, but the side effects of such policies have been inflation and rising prices. By 2024, these countries will be faced with the choice of whether to continue easing and when to tighten monetary policy, as well as emerging market countries facing economic slowdowns and debt risks. Against this backdrop, it is also uncertain whether the global economy will remain stable.

In addition, geopolitical risks are also intensifying, and in the past few years of global development, we have witnessed tensions between China and the United States, confrontation between Russia and the West, and wars in the Middle East. By 2024, whether these contradictions will emerge a new intensification, or even lead to larger-scale conflicts, is also a matter of concern for the outside world.

Musk predicted that the world would be "even crazier" in 2024, and Japan was the first to verify it

Elon Musk

In fact, at the beginning of 2023, Tesla CEO Elon Musk repeatedly sounded the alarm, fearing that the tension between Russia and Ukraine could get out of control and escalate into a nuclear war between Russia and the United States.

Because the billionaire had been actively involved in the aid of Ukraine at that time, providing him with SpaceX's Starlink Internet service for free to ensure that the Ukrainian people were informed during the war.

However, in the course of providing the service, he deliberately avoided providing it in the area near Crimea, because he feared that Ukraine could use the Starlink internet service to direct drone attacks on Russian warships, thus making his company "clearly involved in a major act of war and escalation."

In fact, Musk has been following the development of the situation in Ukraine and fears that this conflict could trigger a larger war. He fears that if Ukraine uses the Starlink service to carry out a military operation against Russia, then his company will be drawn into this war and may even promote the outbreak of nuclear war.

Such fears are not unfounded.

Musk predicted that the world would be "even crazier" in 2024, and Japan was the first to verify it


In recent years, with the development of science and technology, cyberspace has become an important battlefield of warfare: hacker attacks, information warfare and other means have emerged one after another, and Internet service providers have often become the focus of contention among all parties. Against this backdrop, Musk clearly does not want to see Starlink become a tool of war, which in turn will affect world peace.

It is worth mentioning that this is not the first time that Musk has paid attention to international political issues, in the past period of time, he has tweeted his views on global politics, economy, society and other aspects, which has aroused widespread attention and discussion.

Therefore, his concern about the Ukraine crisis and his corresponding behavior undoubtedly reflect his concern and responsibility for world peace.

So, in the face of a netizen asking Musk on Monday (January 1, 2024): "Can we have a normal year in 2024?

This question makes people ponder, what is the so-called "normal" in our lives?

Or, after all the turmoil and change, can we still expect a "normal" year?

However, Tesla CEO Elon Musk gave an unexpected answer on the same day.

Musk predicted that the world would be "even crazier" in 2024, and Japan was the first to verify it

"I predict that 2024 will be even crazier"

"I predict that 2024 will be even crazier," he said. ”

While Musk didn't specify the specific "madness" that could happen, the hundreds of comments under the tweet revealed a common idea: many believe that the "madness" in 2024 will be largely focused on the U.S. election.

Indeed, for Americans, the past four years have been full of twists and turns: from political strife to social unrest to the impact of the pandemic, this series of events has had a profound impact on American society.

However, in the face of such a historical trajectory, one cannot help but ask, where will the future go?

In the comment area of Musk's response, many netizens expressed their concerns and worries about the 2024 election. Against the backdrop of the belief that the next election could trigger more social divisions and antagonisms, the so-called "normal" years seem increasingly out of reach.

Of course, there are also those who are optimistic about the future.

They feel that after all the difficulties, American society may usher in an opportunity to re-examine and reflect, and 2024 may become the starting point of a new journey to bring more positive changes to the country.

Musk predicted that the world would be "even crazier" in 2024, and Japan was the first to verify it

The streets of American cities

In a way, Musk's answer reflects many people's concerns about the uncertainty of the future. In the current international environment, countries are faced with a variety of traditional and non-traditional security challenges, which may affect the stability of the global situation.

Here, once again, we will take a look back at some of the significant events that have taken place around the globe over the past two days.

1. Tsunami + earthquake + plane crash in Japan

We rewind the clock to Monday, when a powerful earthquake struck the west coast region of Japan.

According to the seismic monitoring data, the magnitude of the earthquake reached 7.6, which is a very serious natural disaster.

In the aftermath of the earthquake, a tsunami with waves of at least 5 meters high caused massive damage to the coastal areas, as well as collapsed houses and a fire, causing great distress to the lives of local residents.

Musk predicted that the world would be "even crazier" in 2024, and Japan was the first to verify it

7.6 magnitude earthquake in Japan

According to information released by Ishikawa Prefecture, as of Tuesday evening local time, at least 57 people in the prefecture have unfortunately lost their lives in the earthquake, which is a sad number, and it is expected that the death toll will continue to rise as search and rescue efforts deepen.

At present, the relevant departments are making every effort to deal with more than a dozen incidents of people trapped in collapsed houses, hoping to rescue the trapped people as soon as possible.

Because the damage caused by the earthquake and tsunami was so severe, with many homes destroyed, roads blocked, and power and communications cut off, rescuers are working hard to carry out search and rescue and emergency rescue efforts in the hope of finding the trapped people and providing help as soon as possible.

Separately, on Tuesday evening local time, a Japan Airlines passenger plane collided with a Japan Coast Guard plane that was originally scheduled to fly to the earthquake-stricken area in Ishikawa Prefecture to deliver relief supplies, and was preparing to take off on the runway at the time of the incident. The exact cause of the accident is still under investigation, but it has undoubtedly put additional pressure on an already strained rescue effort.

Musk predicted that the world would be "even crazier" in 2024, and Japan was the first to verify it

Two Japanese planes collided

2. South Korea's Lee Jae-myung was attacked

On the South Korean side, Lee Jae-myung, the leader of South Korea's largest opposition party, was on a visit to the port city of Busan on Tuesday when he was stabbed in the neck by an unknown assailant.

Fortunately, the perpetrator was quickly arrested by the police at the scene, avoiding further harm.

Lee Jae-myung was then taken to a hospital in Busan for treatment.

Hospital administrators said in an interview: Although Lee Jae-myung's injuries are serious, they are not expected to endanger his life. They are doing their best to treat him and hope to restore his health as soon as possible.

It is worth mentioning that Lee Jae-myung had previously gone on a hunger strike for weeks to express his dissatisfaction with the current South Korean government and protest. His behavior has attracted widespread attention from society and has made him an important figure in South Korea's political scene.

Musk predicted that the world would be "even crazier" in 2024, and Japan was the first to verify it

Lee Jae-myung was attacked

3. The Middle East region is becoming more and more tense

At the same time, in the past two days of 2024, the situation in the Middle East can be felt to become increasingly unstable, and the tensions of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict have the potential to lead to a spillover.

According to reports, the United Kingdom and the United States are working on a plan to attack the Houthis in Yemen, and the possibility of launching air strikes in the near future is not ruled out, which is aimed at weakening the Houthis in order to maintain regional peace and stability.

However, Iran responded after the US Navy destroyed three Houthi ships by sending a warship to the Red Sea, a move that has caused concern and concern in the international community because of the complicated relationship between Iran and the Houthis: Iran has been supporting the Houthis and providing them with military assistance.

As a result, Iran's move to send warships could be seen as a response to the actions of the US military, further escalating tensions in the Middle East.

The turmoil in the Middle East has not only caused great suffering and distress to the local people, but also posed a threat to global security and stability.

Musk predicted that the world would be "even crazier" in 2024, and Japan was the first to verify it

Activities of the Houthis in Yemen

Therefore, in the face of Musk's prediction for 2024, netizens have expressed their agreement, this is because with the advent of 2024, a series of unusual events have indeed taken place on the world stage.

These events are not only jaw-dropping, but also raise deep expectations for peace and harmony in the world in the future.

In 2024, people are looking forward to more scientific and technological innovation to bring more convenience to life, to the adjustment of the international political and economic pattern to promote world peace and development, and to the joint efforts of mankind to address environmental challenges and achieve sustainable development.

In this era of challenges and opportunities, let us all look forward to a peaceful, prosperous and harmonious world.

I hope that 2024 and every year in the future will bring us more surprises and hopes, so that mankind can work together towards a better future.

Family, what do you think?

If you have any different opinions, you can also come to the comment area to talk about it.


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