
"Egg Boy Party" has a multi-creative competition, and the universal generator brings a new experience of creative generation

author:The rules of esports

From the end of the year to the end of the year, the New Year is not far away. At such a special juncture, "Egg Boy Party" has launched a series of creative competitions, providing players with a creative space to put forward ideas and implement their imaginations. In order to lower the threshold for creation and allow players to create as they wish, the "Universal Generator" came into being to facilitate creative expression.

At the beginning of the new year, "Egg Boy Party" has also launched a number of creative activities in the recently updated version, including "Egg Code Creative Competition", "Paradise Carnival", "Shooting Battle", "Year-end Starlight Cold" and "Egg Boy's Bump World" map creation contest has been launched. Post a map with the corresponding theme in the corresponding topic to participate in the luxurious prize sharing, and the creators must be eager to try it. If you're worried about running out of ideas and running out of time, don't worry, the recently launched Universal Generator feature provides a smart and convenient solution to help create your own park map.

"Egg Boy Party" has a multi-creative competition, and the universal generator brings a new experience of creative generation

The "Universal Generator" function is open to all players, whether they are all-round craftsmen or construction beginners, with the help of the "Universal Generator", they can easily complete the construction, and 0 foundation can also raise tall buildings from the ground. When the player is building and editing the map in the workshop, click [More] - [Combination Generation] on the left side of the screen to use the "Universal Generator" function.

"Egg Boy Party" has a multi-creative competition, and the universal generator brings a new experience of creative generation

Enter the "Universal Generator" interface, and you can see the input box and the AI-generated preview button. Enter any prompt word in the input box, just wait a few seconds, and the universal generator will generate a preview, and the Chinese text input is more suitable for the player.

Don't worry if you haven't tried the feature before, as clicking on the "dice" icon in the bottom right corner of the input box will generate random tooltips. Players can refine their needs by referring to these prompts, and supplement and improve the components they need in terms of items, styles, and tones, so as to generate the items they want most.

"Egg Boy Party" has a multi-creative competition, and the universal generator brings a new experience of creative generation

If the player wants to have "a yellow rectangular table" in terms of soft decoration, the "Universal Generator" will generate five plans that meet the requirements and have different details for players to screen, fast and without losing quality. Whether it's a desk, desk, Xi desk, computer desk or a dining table with a table that has been configured with desktop decorations, as long as players have needs, the "Universal Generator" will provide corresponding services, providing five solutions that can be previewed in real time, and providing players with the most expected design.

"Egg Boy Party" has a multi-creative competition, and the universal generator brings a new experience of creative generation

Creative events encourage players to use their imagination and develop creative creativity in building maps. The emergence of the "universal generator" lowers the threshold for creation and brings players a richer and more personalized game experience. If you have a creative idea that is difficult to implement, let Egg Boy Party's "Universal Generator" take care of it!

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