
Why can't blood sugar go down when I take metformin every day? Doctor: It is very important to take it scientifically

author:Dr. Cai said in popular science

Metformin is a commonly used oral hypoglycemic drug, mainly used for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, it can effectively reduce blood sugar levels by increasing insulin sensitivity, reducing liver glucose output and other mechanisms, and is one of the important drugs in the treatment of diabetes.

The discovery of metformin dates back to the last century, when scientists extracted a compound called guanidine from a plant called goat bean.

They discovered that the compound had a blood sugar-lowering effect, so they named it metformin. After years of research and development, metformin has become a safe and effective hypoglycemic drug and is widely used in clinical treatment.

In clinical practice, metformin is widely used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. It can be used either alone or in combination with other glucose-lowering drugs.

Why can't blood sugar go down when I take metformin every day? Doctor: It is very important to take it scientifically

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For some people with mild diabetes, metformin can even be used as an initial treatment. In addition, metformin has also been used in the treatment of other diseases such as polycystic ovary syndrome and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, showing its broad therapeutic prospects.


Once metformin enters the body, how does it work?

First, when metformin is ingested into the body, it quickly binds to albumin in the blood, which acts like a specially built boat that carries metformin safely to all corners of the body.

The binding of metformin to albumin not only enhances its stability in the body, but also allows it to penetrate the cell membrane and penetrate deep into the interior of the cell.

Metformin is then released by stripping albumin from the liver. At this point, it is ready to exert its medicinal effects in the body.

Why can't blood sugar go down when I take metformin every day? Doctor: It is very important to take it scientifically

In the liver, metformin inhibits the processes of gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis, which lowers blood sugar levels. At the same time, it also stimulates the oxidation of fatty acids and the uptake of glucose, so that the fat and sugar in the body are effectively regulated.

Not only that, metformin can also improve the sensitivity of peripheral tissues to insulin, and improve the body's efficiency of glucose uptake and utilization. This series of physiological effects makes metformin a star drug for the treatment of diabetes in clinical practice.

In addition, metformin regulates blood sugar while also exerting antioxidant effects, helping to protect body cells from oxidative stress, and this pleiotropic nature makes metformin unique in the field of diabetes treatment.


Why can't blood sugar go down when I take metformin every day? Doctor: It is very important to take it scientifically

First of all, we need to understand that metformin is a commonly used hypoglycemic drug, but it is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, before starting to take metformin, you should consult your doctor to make sure that you are suitable for this medication. At the same time, the doctor will also formulate a personalized medication plan according to the specific situation of the patient.

Why can't blood sugar go down when I take metformin every day? Doctor: It is very important to take it scientifically

Secondly, the correct way to take metformin is also very crucial. In general, metformin should be taken twice a day, and the dosage should be adjusted appropriately with the advice of a doctor. In addition, the timing of taking the medicine is also important, and it is best to take it after a meal to reduce the irritation of the stomach.

In addition, there are some factors that may affect the hypoglycemic effect of metformin. For example, dietary Xi, physical activity, and the use of other medications may affect blood sugar.

Therefore, while taking metformin, patients should also pay attention to maintaining good Xi habits and make necessary dietary adjustments and exercise programs under the advice of their doctors.

Finally, the doctor reminds us that if the blood sugar is still not effectively controlled after a period of time, we should seek medical attention and seek help from the doctor in time. They can adjust the medication regimen or switch to other glucose-lowering drugs according to the patient's specific situation to achieve better treatment results.

Why can't blood sugar go down when I take metformin every day? Doctor: It is very important to take it scientifically


What do I need to pay attention to after taking metformin?

First, monitor blood sugar changes. After taking metformin, the patient's blood sugar level may drop, so it is necessary to monitor the blood sugar regularly so that the treatment regimen can be adjusted in time.

Second, pay attention to your diet. During the period of taking metformin, patients need to control their diet and avoid the intake of high-sugar, high-fat, and high-calorie foods to avoid affecting the efficacy of the drug.

Third, avoid alcohol. Alcohol can affect the metabolism of metformin, reduce its efficacy, and may even cause adverse effects.

Fourth, pay attention to drug interactions. Metformin may interact with other medications, affecting each other's efficacy. If the patient is taking other medications, they need to inform their doctor so that they can better guide the medication.

Why can't blood sugar go down when I take metformin every day? Doctor: It is very important to take it scientifically

Fifth, focus on kidney function. Metformin is mainly excreted through the kidneys, so it needs to be used with caution in patients with renal insufficiency to avoid increasing the burden on the kidneys.

Finally, watch out for adverse effects. Metformin may cause some adverse reactions such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. If the patient has symptoms of discomfort, they should seek medical attention promptly.


In addition to taking medication on time and stabilizing blood sugar, do these things well

First and foremost, diet is the key to blood sugar control. Maintaining a healthy Xi diet, including foods low in sugar, fat and fiber, can help stabilize blood sugar levels by slowing the conversion of food to glucose. Additionally, increasing your intake of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains can also help improve blood sugar management.

Secondly, proper exercise is also very important for blood sugar control. Regular aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, running, swimming, etc., can help burn off excess glucose and improve the body's sensitivity to insulin, which can lower blood sugar levels.

Why can't blood sugar go down when I take metformin every day? Doctor: It is very important to take it scientifically

In addition, maintaining a healthy weight is also important for blood sugar management. Obesity increases the risk of insulin resistance, which in turn leads to an increase in blood sugar. Therefore, maintaining a healthy weight range through proper diet and exercise can help improve blood sugar levels.

Finally, maintaining a good mental state also has a positive impact on blood sugar control. Long-term mental stress and anxiety can lead to endocrine disorders, which in turn can affect blood sugar levels. Therefore, relieving stress and anxiety through relaxation techniques, meditation, yoga, and more can help maintain stable blood sugar levels.