
乡村行•走进二郎① | 泥功山,跨越千年时空的蝶变

author:Longnan Cheng County released

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In order to show the development achievements of the county, the Chengxian Financial Media Center focused on consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization in each township, formed an all-media interview group, went deep into the production and construction line of each township, excavated a number of characteristic highlights and some good experience and practices emerging in each township, and used the most vivid stories, the most vivid language, and the most grassroots voices to discover the beauty of Chengxian County, record the beauty of Chengxian County, and record the beauty of Chengxian County. Praise the beauty of Chengxian County, tell the wonderful stories of Chengxian County, eulogize the passion of the cadres and masses in Chengxian County, and provide strong spiritual power and strong public opinion support for accelerating the construction of a happy and beautiful Xincheng County of socialist modernization. Today's launch of the Village Walk • Into Erlang (1) | Nigong Mountain, a butterfly change across thousands of years of time and space.

乡村行•走进二郎① | 泥功山,跨越千年时空的蝶变

In October of the second year of Tang Qianyuan (759 AD), the poet Du Fu traveled from Qinzhou (today's water) to live in Tonggu (now Chengxian), and once admired the early Tang Zhenyuan Chengzhou to control the mud Gong Mountain, and wrote the popular poem "Nigong Mountain": "Towards the green mud, twilight in the green mud. The mud is not for a while, and the version is laborious. If you are not afraid of the road, you will not be the same. The white horse is the iron li, and the child becomes an old man. The mourning ape is penetrating but falling, and the dead deer is exhausted. Message to the people from the north, and then don't hurry. The poet was immersed in the scene, using what he saw and felt, vividly depicting the miserable scene of the withering vegetation, soil erosion, and muddy roads in Nigong Mountain at that time.

乡村行•走进二郎① | 泥功山,跨越千年时空的蝶变

Today's panorama of Nigong Mountain Zhang Zhong photography

More than 1,200 years later, the Nigong Mountain written in Du Fu's poems, with the vicissitudes of the times, people's ideal paradise of peach paradise is becoming a reality step by step. The concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" has become a local ecological practice. Today's Nigong Mountain has good vegetation and towering green trees, and the forest coverage rate in the territory is 85%. In the past, "birds can't fly, monkeys dare not climb" moat has become a thoroughfare. The Tongcun Highway with a total length of 130 miles connects the mountain villages like a string of pearls with golden threads, connects the north and south with the 44 Huali Tongxiang Highway, and unblocks the east and west, forming a "four good" highway network system with smooth internal and external connections and optimized structure, which provides strong support for the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside.

乡村行•走进二郎① | 泥功山,跨越千年时空的蝶变

A new village in the shade of green trees Yang Zaoshun photography

Nigong Mountain, located in Erlang Township, 44 miles northwest of Chengxian County, the main peak is 2016 meters above sea level, and 55 villager groups in 10 administrative villages of the township are distributed around the mountain. Nowadays, the ecological conditions are superior and the natural resources are abundant, which is suitable for the development of planting and aquaculture. In recent years, the township party committee and government have relied on Erlang's unique local product advantages, guided by the "two mountains" theory, in order to recite the "soil" scripture, play the "special" brand, and extend the "production" word chain, which has expanded the new development space for the local area, so that the masses can taste the sweetness of ecology and obtain ecological dividends.

乡村行•走进二郎① | 泥功山,跨越千年时空的蝶变

Banlan root planting base Yang Zaoshun photography

Dianzi Village is a place surrounded by mountains and rivers, with an area of more than 1,900 acres of cultivated land, and the conditions for the development of planting industry are relatively good. The village party branch takes the development concept of "ecological village, medicinal materials produce gold", opens the door to the planting of Chinese medicinal materials, introduces Qingdao Synthetic Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ltd., adopts the model of "party branch + company + cooperative + farmer", and establishes the herb medicine cooperative, which has successively planted 500 acres of banlan root and 400 acres of bellflower, and the villagers have increased their income by about 1 million yuan every year, which has truly turned medicinal materials into "medicinal wealth". The township takes the planting of Chinese medicinal materials in Dianzi Village as a typical example, through the base demonstration and radiation drive, the township has formed a characteristic industrial development pattern dominated by the planting of Chinese medicinal materials, and more than 4,800 acres of Chinese medicinal materials such as Radix Radix, Platycodon, Epimedium and Sophora radix are planted in succession, and the annual per capita income of Chinese medicinal materials is 1,400 yuan, which has embarked on a development road of ecological beauty, industrial prosperity and villager wealth.

乡村行•走进二郎① | 泥功山,跨越千年时空的蝶变

Cliff beehive on a stone cliff Yang Zaoshun photography

Nigong Mountain covers an area of 140 square kilometers, the mountains are full of verdant forests, mixed peanut trees, and the unique natural conditions make the nectar source here extremely abundant, providing an ideal ecological environment for bee breeding. Historically, Du Fu had a soft spot for the production of this place, leaving the famous sentence of "filling the intestines with potatoes, and the cliff honey is also easy to find". "Tujing Materia Medica" contains "cliff honey, its bee black, as a house in the rock cliff high or in the grotto, with a long rod to prick out the honey, take it, the taste of the color is green, into the medicine is better than his honey." According to this, it can be seen that Nigong Mountain Cliff Honey (soil honey) was already famous in the Tang Dynasty. For thousands of years, through the continuous practice of generations of beekeepers, it has gradually formed the characteristics of high collection power and strong fecundity, and has become a characteristic germplasm resource.

乡村行•走进二郎① | 泥功山,跨越千年时空的蝶变

Ya honey series products - honey crisp Yang Zaoshun photography

In order to inherit the fine tradition of beekeeping of the ancestors, vigorously develop the beekeeping business, optimize and extend the industrial chain, actively build a well-known brand of bee products, build the bee industry into a rich industry with the regional characteristics of Erlang Nigong Mountain, and comprehensively improve the quality of bee products, the township party committee and government actively organize professional and technical personnel in beekeeping, adopt modern advanced technologies such as live frame breeding, and effectively promote the steady and healthy development of the beekeeping industry. In 2023, there will be more than 7,600 boxes of bee breeding in the township, with an average of 8 boxes per household, producing 36.6 tons of honey and a total output value of 1.3 million yuan. Last year, the township also used 300,000 yuan of Longnan CPPCC to help set up Chengxian Qinsen Huayun Co., Ltd. to scientifically process, package and sell bee products, so that the development of bee products has embarked on a large-scale, intensive and scientific development track, formed an advanced and perfect industrial development system, and realized the integration of production, supply and marketing. Let the local honey series products be sold all over the country through e-commerce platforms and offline stores, and effectively promote the "small products" of honey to become a "big industry". Murakami has also successively built Internet celebrity spots such as "Fumin Live Broadcast Point", "Bee Square", "Dream Come True Trail" and "Lotus Fragrance Fishing Garden" to attract more tourists to check in and spend and sightseeing. In the summer of 2023, fishing alone will earn 14,000 yuan.

The spring breeze of reform and opening up has made Nigong Mountain span thousands of years of time and space, and earth-shaking historical changes have taken place; if the poet Saint Du Fu is still alive, how will he sing it? Naturally, he will no longer chant "Send a message to the people from the north, and then don't be in a hurry," nor will he lament the miserable scene in the past. On the land of the motherland, the mountains and rivers are happy, the green trees and beautiful stones are washed away, and the rural revitalization of the new era has added icing on the cake to the beautiful Nigong Mountain, making it more beautiful.

Author: Zhang Zhong

Source: Chengxian Rong Media Center Longnan Chengxian release

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