
The end of the "Qingyu Year"! What happened to Li Guoqing after he left?

author:Titanium Media APP
The end of the "Qingyu Year"! What happened to Li Guoqing after he left?

Image source@Visual China

文 | 雷达财经,作者 | 孟帅,编辑 | 深海

The "Qingyu Divorce Drama", which lasted for more than 4 years, finally came to an end.

Recently, when Li Guoqing, the founder of and chairman of Xiangjue, participated in the special program "Q&A Bafang" on Guangdong Satellite TV, he revealed the news that he had divorced and become a free body. Li Guoqing bluntly said that he feels that he is now light and can start love and family again.

It is worth mentioning that while the "Qingyu divorce drama" finally came to an end, Li Guoqing was recently involved in an affair with actress Ye Xuan. Li Guoqing said that neither side had eaten alone, and the CP was just a matter of attracting topics for each other's public welfare live broadcast to help them.

Although Li Guoqing bluntly said that he was not willing to attract attention in the form of speculating CP, Radar Finance and Economics found that when many hot network incidents occurred, Li Guoqing personally participated in the comments. For example, Dong Mingzhu, Zhang Lan, Dong Yuhui, Luo Yonghao, etc. were all hot topics mentioned by Li Guoqing.

After starting again, Li Guoqing took knowledge payment and live streaming as his new entrepreneurial direction. However, Li Guoqing's morning and evening reading is not doing well now, and there is a big gap between Li Guoqing's live broadcast business and the head anchor.

"Qingyu's divorce drama" finally came to an end

The "Qingyu Divorce Drama", which lasted for more than four years, once again put Li Guoqing in the spotlight of the outside world. When asked about the question of "who mentioned the divorce first", Li Guoqing said, "Whoever mentions the marriage first is controversial, and it is clear that she (Yu Yu) proposed to me for marriage."

According to Li Guoqing, he and Yu Yu met in 1995. At that time, an American capital wanted to invest in Li Guoqing's publishing service company, and Li Guoqing and Yu Yu had just met at that time, and she also met with potential investors. Later, the potential investor invited them to take a private jet with them to their estate in Mexico. Before that, Li Guoqing and Yu Yu had actually met each other's parents.

At the end of their trip to Mexico, Li Guoqing and Yu Yu had planned to return to their respective companies to handle affairs. But Li Guoqing said that Yu Yu told him at that time that the two went to the New York City Hall to get a marriage certificate together. Although he was not young at the time (31 years old), Li Guoqing was still a little confused, "I haven't told my parents that we are going to get married." In this regard, Yu Yu told Li Guoqing that he didn't need to tell his parents about this. So, the two decided to go to New York first.

After arriving in New York, Li Guoqing lived with Yu Yu. One morning, Yu Yu dressed up Li Guoqing, and the two went to New York City Hall to get a marriage certificate. Li Guoqing revealed that the rings that they wore to each other when they went to get the certificate were also bought by Yu Yu, "and then I was married."

Li Guoqing said frankly that after the divorce, he and Yu Yu are no longer friends, they no longer contact or speak, and there are things between the two parties that are communicated through lawyers, "Public opinion attacks me and slanders me like this, and you say that this is still a friend, then it is called a distinction between right and wrong." But Li Guoqing also said that his ruthlessness towards the other party has passed. For me, this has been a long time ago, not to mention that I am still running forward.

Looking back on this experience, Li Guoqing feels that there will still be some regrets. Because of more than 20 years, the two have worked hard together to run a business, but it is a pity that they can't go on because of economic reasons or company decisions. The most regrettable thing is that the two have known each other for 20 years but they couldn't get along and break up, and finally tore their faces and let everyone eat melons.

This undignified divorce drama starts in 2018. In December of that year, Li Guoqing opened his microphone on his personal Weibo to comment on the "Liu Qiangdong Minnesota Incident". Soon after Li Guoqing spoke, Dangdang's official Weibo issued a document condemning Li Guoqing, and said that Li Guoqing had left the management and decision-making levels for a period of time, and asked him to delete the Dangdang logo from his personal WeChat account.

After that, Li Guoqing himself also publicly apologized for his inappropriate remarks through Weibo. In the public apology letter, Li Guoqing said that he did not advocate sexual openness and apologized for the bad influence caused by his personal remarks.

In October 2019, in a program, Li Guoqing talked about his sudden angry slamming of the water cup when he was "forced out of the palace" by his wife Yu Yu, which caused heated discussions in the outside world. In the same month, Yu Yu tore Li Guoqing apart in the circle of friends, pointing out that he lied, disregarded his family, and also broke many "fierce news" such as Li Guoqing's chaotic private life.

Immediately afterwards, Li Guoqing posted a number of Weibo posts in response to Yu Yu's circle of friends breaking the news. Li Guoqing said that he had filed a divorce complaint with the court in July of that year, but Yu Yu did not agree to the divorce on the grounds that the relationship had not broken down. Li Guoqing also said to Yu Yu, "I can't play with you all these years playing finance and equity, but if you want to delay time on this ground and try to take the opportunity to transfer common assets, I will never tolerate it anymore"; Please don't just portray you as a marriage victim."

In November of the same year, the divorce case between Li Guoqing and his wife Yu Yu was tried in Beijing, and Li Guoqing told reporters outside the court that his appeal for the trial was divorce and equal division of shares.

In April 2020, Dangdang staged a sensational "power war" within the whole network. At that time, Li Guoqing led 4 strong men to win the official seal, unilaterally announced the takeover of the company, and issued an announcement to list a number of crimes against Yu Yu.

Subsequently, Dangdang issued a solemn statement stating that during the period when the official seal and financial seal of Dangdang and its affiliates are out of control, the company will not recognize any contract, agreement, contractual document or any other written document signed by anyone using the official seal and financial seal.

In June 2020, the divorce case of Li Guoqing and Yu Yu was tried in the second instance of the Dongcheng District People's Court, and only the relationship was broken down, and the verdict will not be announced. In the same month, the case of Li Guoqing's snatching of the official seal was closed, and the police investigation concluded that Li Guoqing did not violate the law. Dangdang responded that it was shocking and had been submitted for administrative reconsideration.

In August 2020, Li Guoqing also posted on Weibo that he and Yu Yu were sued by his son, and his son asked the court to confirm the validity of the nominee holding agreement between Li Guoqing and Yu Yu to hold Dangdang's shares on his behalf. Li Guoqing said to his son, "I have never been afraid of challenges from anyone. Since you have made a war letter, I will naturally fight you within the framework of legal rules."

In this exclusive interview, Li Guoqing also revealed that the "130 million taken away" accused by Yu Yu was the cash that was divided equally between the two parties when it was listed, "She also has it, not me". When mentioning the topic of feelings, Li Guoqing said that he still believes in marriage, "especially now that I have no money, I am not afraid of being deceived."

I don't like to fry CP, but I love to "rub traffic"?

After drawing an end to his fate with his old love Yu Yu, Li Guoqing also became the protagonist of another scandal not long ago. And the heroine who had an affair with Li Guoqing is the actress Ye Xuan, who has participated in many film and television works such as "No. 1 in the World" and "Eavesdropping 3", and now often sits in the live broadcast room to bring goods.

Referring to the scandal with actress Ye Xuan, Li Guoqing said that in order to show respect for the parties, he originally planned not to respond to this topic. But if you have to ask, in fact, I haven't eaten alone with Ye Xuan or dated alone.

According to Li Guoqing, when the Zhuozhou flood was used to conduct a public welfare live broadcast of books, Ye Xuan was the first big coffee to agree. When it came to the actual live broadcast, Ye Xuan was also the first to come to his live broadcast room without hesitation, and he didn't give a fee, so he was very grateful to Ye Xuan.

Li Guoqing also added that Ye Xuan came out of TVB and knows how to manage traffic, so she wants to create some explosive points, hoping that more people will come to the live broadcast room to buy books. But at this stage, I can't do hot searches for the sake of hot searches, I still have to care about the positive, "I don't need to fry CP with a beautiful woman anymore, I'm not an acting star."

In Li Guoqing's opinion, Ye Xuan was very happy in order to help his live broadcast create traffic, but Li Guoqing and Ye Xuan agreed in advance not to use this direction. Because Ye Xuan has an understanding of emotions, the two can talk more about contemporary people's emotions, family, and marital confusion, and even talk about their past, Li Guoqing can also talk about it moderately, but the team can't stop her.

However, Li Guoqing also emphasized again, "Ye Xuan asked me to fry, and I think she picked it right." I'm single, and she (fried CP) doesn't have to have baggage. It's not easy to find a single one, thank you Ye Xuan for your attention."

Although Li Guoqing bluntly said that he can't do hot searches for the sake of hot searches now, in the matter of "rubbing traffic", Li Guoqing is actually not a novice. Radar Finance and Economics found that when there are hot topics on the Internet, Li Guoqing often rushes to the front line to express his views and opinions.

For example, the "grievances" between Dong Mingzhu, chairman of Gree, and Meng Yutong, a former employee, Li Guoqing "watched" the whole process. Soon after Dong Mingzhu publicly expressed his hope to train Meng Yutong to become the second Dong Mingzhu, Li Guoqing said in the live broadcast that this is hype, and the purpose is to bring goods in the live broadcast and incubate Internet celebrities by himself. At the same time, Li Guoqing also reminded Dong Mingzhu to sign a contract with the Internet celebrity secretary, so as not to "cook the duck flying" when he gets it.

In May last year, after talking about Meng Yutong's resignation, Li Guoqing said that he had said before that Meng Yutong would resign sooner or later. Young people's life planning or career planning is sometimes the wishful thinking of the boss. Meng Yutong met Dong Mingzhu because he met a good teacher and was willing to be a stepping stone for her. During her tenure, there must have been MCN agencies coming to her to sign a contract, and Meng Yutong's current IP signing fee is guaranteed at 4 million, and it may become 20 million in the future. This is the choice of young people, and there is nothing wrong with it.

When Meng Yutong left Gree and was criticized by Dong Mingzhu, Li Guoqing said that Dong Mingzhu's approach was a bit cheap. Meng Yutong, as a fresh graduate, wants to partner with Dong Mingzhu to become an Internet celebrity, and it is normal to do some part-time jobs and generate income in a second career, "It didn't hurt Gree to generate income, I didn't go to bring goods to Midea, I didn't use Gree's position to get something with dealers, it didn't hurt the interests of the company, and there was no big problem." ”

In Li Guoqing's view, Meng Yutong, as the so-called successor selected by Dong Mingzhu that year, is now being "criticized by words and writing". Li Guoqing believes that it is enough to dissuade the young people from retiring if they violate the system, and now they directly say that they will be expelled, and he advises Dong Mingzhu to save face and leave room for young people.

In addition to Dong Mingzhu's Gree, Dongfang Selection, which is popular in Douyin live broadcast, is also a popular company that Li Guoqing mentions from time to time. When Yu Minhong entered the live broadcast, Li Guoqing once shouted to Yu Minhong in the air, "Be careful, this line of water is very deep! Don't put all the wisdom of your previous life into it."

In July 2022, Luo Min, who made a fortune with campus loans, was blocked by brushing gifts in the Dongfang Selection live broadcast room, which attracted widespread attention from the outside world. In this regard, Li Guoqing expressed his opinion, saying that Luo Min went to the Dongfang Selection live broadcast room to attract fans, and wanted the audience in the Dongfang Selection live broadcast room to know Luo Min. You can rush to the top of the list for 50,000 yuan, which is too profitable, of course, it will be blocked.

When the Oriental selection of "small compositions" was in a uproar, Li Guoqing came to "join in the fun" again. Li Guoqing shouted to Yu Minhong to protect Dong Yuhui, if he didn't protect himself, he would have to do it. Subsequently, Li Guoqing also advised Dong Yuhui not to go, "Oriental selection can create gods, you are created by Oriental selection." Don't be discouraged, restructure the company's governance structure, and of course, mention the economic conditions, I heard that it is only a few million after tax, which is too little. ”

As the behind-the-scenes boss of Oriental Selection and New Oriental, Yu Minhong actually commented on Li Guoqing, "Everyone thinks that Li Guoqing is a bit unreliable, and I still understand and appreciate his simple and confident energy." He's not a scheming man, and he's not a scheming man."

In addition, when Luo Yonghao entered the live broadcast, Zhou Hongyi's divorce, Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei's family's "family affairs" were in full swing, and Li Jiaqi was deeply involved in the whirlpool of public opinion, Li Guoqing participated in the comments. It is worth mentioning that there are also netizens who matched Li Guoqing and Zhang Lan to fry CP. Li Guoqing said that Zhang Lan is an entrepreneur he respects, and Zhang Lan, like him, has experienced from peaks to troughs, and can still dance in the ruins and stand again.

Reading in the morning and evening is in trouble, and the live broadcast has improved slightly

Radar Finance learned that Li Guoqing, who was born in 1964, is now in his sixtieth year. However, after leaving, Li Guoqing has been developing his new career in recent years.

Tianyancha shows that there are currently 27 enterprises where Li Guoqing works, of which 21 are in a state of existence, and the other 6 are in the state of "revoked, cancelled" or "cancelled". Specifically, there are 17 enterprises with Li Guoqing as the legal representative. At the same time, Li Guoqing also served as a shareholder in 19 companies and an executive in 15 companies.

Radar Finance noticed that Li Guoqing's Weibo account still retains the nickname of "Dangdang founder Li Guoqing". In addition to the profile of the founder of, Li Guoqing also introduced himself as the editor-in-chief of Morning and Evening Reading in the certification materials.

It is understood that reading in the morning and evening is an entrepreneurial project founded by Li Guoqing in 2019, which is mainly a listening mode that combines knowledge payment and reading on the Internet. In February of that year, Li Guoqing issued an open letter, announcing that, which had left its 19-year establishment, would set off again and start the "Book Club" project. On June 2, 2019, the Morning and Evening Reading APP was officially launched.

However, the recent situation of reading in the morning and evening does not seem to be very rosy. According to the Red Star Capital Bureau, in June last year, several former employees who studied in the morning and evening reported to them that they received a layoff notice in July 2022, and Li Guoqing had promised to pay compensation according to the "N+1" standard, but the compensation has not been fully received in the past year, and former employees have filed labor arbitration against it.

In addition, Radar Finance learned through search that a number of public accounts related to morning and evening reading have not been updated for a long time. For example, the last update of the official account named "Morning and Evening Reading" stayed on June 1 last year, and the official account named "Morning and Evening Reading APP" was not updated after March 6 last year.

Tianyancha shows that as of now, Morning and Evening Reading has not received any round of financing. In this interview, Li Guoqing also mentioned the financing of morning and evening reading. Li Guoqing said that at that time, many investors had expressed their investment intentions to him, but the business model was not tried, so Li Guoqing directly paid for it himself, "I didn't do it for two years, and I lost 50 million", "I am still there to survive, there are 200,000 users I also serve him, and I am still alive".

In addition to the morning and evening reading entrepreneurship project, Li Guoqing also vigorously entered the live broadcast track. In 2021, Li Guoqing founded Xiangjue E-commerce and Lao Li Yanxuan. In October last year, Li Guoqing revealed that the sales of his live broadcast were very transparent, and 2/3 of them were zero commissions. At that time, I broadcast live for a year, probably fed more than 100 people, and earned 15 million, but I didn't have a penny in my pocket, and the money was mainly used to support the morning and evening reading and live broadcast companies.

Radar Finance learned through Li Guoqing's Douyin homepage that at present, Li Guoqing's live broadcast products are mainly wine and tea, spanning books and clothing, and simultaneously planning agricultural products. When talking about Li Guoqing's current deep cultivation in the field of liquor and tea, Lan Shili, the former richest man in Hubei, believes that Li Guoqing is "a little out of business now". In Lan Shili's view, although you can make more money by selling wine and tea, you should still sell more books.

In this regard, Li Guoqing explained that he is still the major shareholder of Dangdang, and if he sells books, he will compete with Dangdang, "Although I have been away from Dangdang for five years, there is no non-competition prohibition for a long time, but I am still a major shareholder, and I consciously do not dismantle Dangdang's platform."

As of now, Li Guoqing's Douyin account has 4.13 million followers. According to Gray Dolphin data, as of press time, Li Guoqing has conducted a total of 16 live broadcasts in the past 30 days, with cumulative live broadcast sales between 10 million and 25 million.

However, compared with many top anchors, Li Guoqing's achievements are not top-notch. Looking forward to the future, Li Guoqing hopes that he can become a company with a market value of 10 billion yuan in the next three to five years, "it is difficult to cash in on the boast, and it is difficult to cash in and you have to rush forward, what if it is to be done?" Li Guoqing also said that if Xiang Jue wants to become a company with a market value of 10 billion yuan, there must be a few talents like Dong Yuhui, and one is not enough.

Although he has reached the age of about 60, Li Guoqing does not plan to retire for the time being, and wants to work the front line for another five years. When talking about the topic of succession, Li Guoqing believes that the second-generation succession experience has routines and rules to follow. Come up in my father's own company, I can't learn anything, I can't get the real scriptures, I should go to the three positions of my friend's company to practice first, and teach Yizi.