
Liver disease is not silent, 2 parts of the body become black, 2 places become smelly, may be a precursor!

author:Li Jiajing shares health knowledge

The liver is the metabolism and detoxification organ in the human body, and its importance to the human body is self-evident.

In fact, the liver is very fragile and easy to get sick, and the liver is a "silent" organ, there is no pain nerve, even if it is sick, it is not easy to feel pain, and it is not easy to be detected. Once neglected, liver disease will become more and more serious, and by the time it is discovered, the best time for treatment has often been missed.

However, liver disease is not silent, when liver disease comes, there will always be some precursors, if you know how to distinguish and detect it in time, you can avoid the worsening of liver disease.

Liver disease is not silent, 2 parts of the body become black, 2 places become smelly, may be a precursor!

The darkening of 2 parts of the body and the 2 smelliness of the body may be the precursor of liver disease!

1. Abnormal bad breath

Occasional bad breath may be caused by eating odorous food or not brushing your teeth, this kind of bad breath is easy to relieve, just brush your teeth. If the bad breath is abnormal, not caused by eating odorous food or not brushing your teeth, and the smell has the smell of rotten fruit or rotten eggs, which cannot be relieved by brushing your teeth, then it is necessary to pay attention, and this bad breath is likely to be caused by liver disease.

The liver is a metabolic organ, and if there is a lesion, the metabolic function may be abnormal, which will affect the normal metabolism of ammonia and nitrogen in the body. Once ammonia and nitrogen cannot be metabolized in time, they will accumulate in the body and produce ammonia and nitrogen, which will inevitably enter part of the mouth, resulting in abnormal bad breath.

Liver disease is not silent, 2 parts of the body become black, 2 places become smelly, may be a precursor!

2. Urine stinks

Under normal circumstances, the smell of urine just discharged by the human body is very small, and if you find that the smell of urine just discharged is very strong and obviously smelly, then it is necessary to pay attention, which is likely to be caused by liver disease.

Normally, methionine in the body breaks down sulfide, which is metabolized by the liver. Once the liver is sick, the metabolic function will decline, and the sulfide in the body will rise because it cannot be metabolized in time, and with more and more sulfide, it will inevitably be excreted with the urine, so it will lead to abnormal urine and obvious smell.

Liver disease is not silent, 2 parts of the body become black, 2 places become smelly, may be a precursor!

3. Darkening of eye circles

As we all know, people who often stay up late definitely have a bad face and dark circles under their eyes. If you don't usually stay up late, have a normal schedule and rest, and dark circles will appear, then you should pay attention to it, which is likely to be caused by liver disease.

The liver is a detoxification organ, and many toxins in the body have to be catabolized by the liver, and once the liver is sick, the metabolic function will be abnormal, and the toxins in the body will not be able to be metabolized in time. When the toxins in the body accumulate more and more, they will circulate throughout the body with the blood, and they will also precipitate on the skin and mucous membranes, because the skin around the eyes is very thin, so it looks obvious, that is, dark circles.

Liver disease is not silent, 2 parts of the body become black, 2 places become smelly, may be a precursor!

4. The face is dark

Under normal circumstances, a person's facial skin is ruddy, and even if some people have dark skin, this black is bright and a healthy color. And if the face suddenly becomes dull and dark for a period of time, and a little blue, then it is necessary to pay attention, and the appearance of this symptom indicates that there must be something wrong with the body, which is likely to be caused by liver disease.

Once the liver is sick, its metabolic function may be abnormal, which will affect the normal metabolism of iron in the body, which will upset the balance of iron in the body. When the level of iron in the body rises abnormally and reaches the face with blood circulation, it will cause the face to turn black and blue.

Liver disease is not silent, 2 parts of the body become black, 2 places become smelly, may be a precursor!

When these precursors appear in the body, don't care if you don't feel pain, you should go for a check-up as soon as possible, otherwise the condition will slowly deteriorate if it is delayed again and again, and it will be too late to regret it when the condition is uncontrollable.

In recent years, liver disease has become more and more common, and the number of patients has increased year by year, which has to be paid attention to. In fact, one of the major causes of liver disease is poor diet, and it can be said that most of liver disease is caused by eating.

Liver disease is not silent, 2 parts of the body become black, 2 places become smelly, may be a precursor!

If you usually eat 1 kind of home-cooked food, it is very easy to induce liver disease, and it is not too late to know.

This kind of home-cooked food is long-soaked mushroom food, black fungus, white fungus, shiitake mushrooms and other mushroom foods are very common, you may be familiar with it. Mushroom food has a high nutritional value, and many people like to eat it, but if you soak it in water for a long time, it is harmful to the human body.

The mushroom food that is usually bought is air-dried, and it needs to be soaked in water before eating, if it is soaked for too long, aflatoxins will grow. Aflatoxins are highly toxic substances that can easily induce liver disease once they enter the body.

Therefore, mushroom food should not be soaked for too long, and it should not be soaked the night before and cooked the next day for convenience. When soaking, soak softly, try not to exceed an hour. It is important to remember: long-soaked mushroom food cannot be eaten, and long-soaked mushroom food should be removed from the table in daily life.

Liver disease is not silent, 2 parts of the body become black, 2 places become smelly, may be a precursor!

In short, the liver is really fragile, so we should pay more attention to liver health and know how to distinguish the precursors of liver disease. Once the precursor of liver disease is found, it is necessary to pay attention to it, check it as soon as possible, and treat it in time.

At the same time, in order to prevent the occurrence of liver disease, we should also pay attention to our diet, we should not eat mushroom foods that have been soaked for a long time, and we should try to eat less high-oil and high-sugar foods, and we should eat a healthy, balanced and regular diet.