
In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

author:Serious beaker

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In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

Serious beaker

Serious beaker

«——【Preamble】】 ——»

There are a lot of wild animals and plants living in the countryside, and people have relied on them to get through that difficult time when resources were scarce in the past, especially the animals in the water have been unanimously praised by people.

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

And many people went down to the river to catch these fish when they were young, because there were not so many toys at that time, which led to many rural children spending their time playing with mud or going down to the river to fish.

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

At that time, although there were not a lot of toys, but the life of childhood was also very joyful, especially when going down to the river to touch the fish, it was more enjoyable, among the many fish, the most impressive thing is a small but powerful fish, and they are also rare fish that can be eaten with fish scales, so what is this fish?

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

«——【King of Freshwater·】——»

Fish have always been people's favorite animals, in the early days of rural children are to go down to the river to fish, this activity is also the favorite thing of children at that time, especially in the summer, many children want to soak in the river all day.

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

At this time, many children will catch fish together, and when they catch fish, they will compare who catches more fish, and at night they will take these fish home for adults to cook, but as time goes by, there are very few people who go down to the river to fish.

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

With the passage of time, people nowadays have changed to fishing, no matter what age group people will choose this sport, and there is a fish that has attracted much attention in the "fishing circle", and many people even call it the "king of freshwater", so what is this fish?

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

«——[What kind of fish is it]——»

In fact, this kind of fish that makes people tout is the light barbed catfish, and many people are very unfamiliar with this name, but if you say that "military fish" is not very familiar to many people? And according to different regions, people also call it "green stick", "brick fish" and other titles.

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

This fish belongs to the order Cypriniformes, the carp family, they are actually a freshwater fish and very similar to our common grass carp, if people have not seen the "military fish" can easily mistake it for grass carp, so what is the difference between these two fish?

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

In fact, there are still many subtle differences between these two types of fish, the military fish is relatively small in size, so it is not as thick as the grass carp, and the body of the grass carp is presented as a cylinder, but the military fish is presented as flat, so if you look closely, you will be able to distinguish.

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

In addition to these, there is another point that the scales of the military fish are larger than those of the grass carp, and they look much better than the grass carp, especially the dorsal fin of the military fish has no hard spines, which is also one of the bases for people to distinguish between grass carp and military fish.

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

And the military fish is mainly distributed in the south of the Yangtze River on the mainland, so many southern waters can see this fish, they are very fond of the water clear and turbulent river activities in the lower layers, they mainly feed on the branches, leaves, seeds or rhizomes in the water.

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

If there is a lack of food, they will also feed on aquatic insects or larvae living in the water, it can be said that this fish is a very omnivorous fish, and another point is that the size of this fish is not large, generally about 2 catties.

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

Although people often see military fish only about 2 catties, it does not mean that they can only grow to such a big size, if the environment and food are guaranteed under the premise that they can also grow to a weight of more than ten catties.

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

And the reason why this fish can be called the "king of freshwater" is mainly due to their very strong explosive power, because many people find that the feel of this fish can be compared with large fish weighing more than ten catties when fishing.

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

You can also see how powerful this fish is, and the fact that this fish can be eaten directly raw, making sashimi so delicious that it is called the "king of freshwater".

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

But with the passage of time, this fish is now becoming less and less, and many people even call it the "king of the mountains", so what is the reason for this?

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

«——【Now the king of the mountains and forests】——»

In fact, the reason why this fish has become the "king of mountains and forests" is mainly related to the ecological background of the river, with the passage of time, this fish has slowly disappeared from the river, and they slowly ran to the stream in the deep mountains to survive.

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

It is precisely because of this that people will call it the "king of mountains and forests", as for why this phenomenon occurs, the main reason is that military fish like to live in rivers with clear water, but many rivers are no longer suitable for the survival of military fish due to too many people's activities.

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

And with the development of people, the environmental pollution in many places is very serious, whether it is rural or urban rivers are no longer suitable for the survival of "military fish", so this fish can only run to the deep mountains and old forests to survive in order to survive.

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

There is no way to carry out many human activities in the mountains and forests, and the mountains and forests are also a paradise for many wild animals, where there are a lot of wild animals, and there are still many "military fish" living here.

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

Therefore, if you want to see this fish, many people can only go to the mountains and rivers to fish, and even so, many people do not often see this fish, but it is precisely because of this that the circulation of "military fish" in the market is very small.

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

In line with the principle of scarcity is expensive, the price of this fish has also skyrocketed, and the most important thing is that although this fish is not a protected animal, it is necessary to pay great attention when fishing for them, because in addition to the "king of freshwater" they also have a "dried fish killer" title, so what is the reason for this?


Don't look at the size of this fish, but their explosive power is very strong, if you underestimate them because of the size of the "military fish", you will suffer a big loss, so what is the reason for this?

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

In fact, this kind of fish has always been a legend in the "fishing circle", because the power of this fish is very strong, a friend who often fishes once said that 1 pound of military fish is comparable to the pull of 8 pounds of grass carp, and it can be seen from here how outrageous their strength is.

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

Another point is that this fish is very aggressive, if the fish bite the hook, it will swim to deeper waters, but the military fish is different, it will try its best to jump out of the water, and it is this move that makes it widely spread in the "fishing circle".

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

And this fish also has one of the most famous actions that is death rolling, listening to the name to know that this action is very scary, but this action is mainly used on the fishing rod, because the fishing rod at this time may not be able to withstand brute force and be broken, which will lead to the loss of both the fish and the rod.

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

It is precisely because of this that they have the title of "rod killer", after all, for people who love fishing, fishing rods are a very important tool, but it is also this that leads to the "military fish" in the market is very rare.

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

And with the passage of time, the price of this fish has gradually become very high, I thought that in this case, many people will carry out artificial farming, but the reality is that there are very few people who breed this, why?

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

«——【Why unmanned breeding·】——»

Over time, this fish has made its way to the mountains and rivers to survive, which has led to a very small number of "military fish" in the market, and they used to be a regular on people's tables, whether it is sashimi or other cooking methods, it is very delicious.

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

It is this that has led to the skyrocketing of their value, even if it is artificially farmed, it can be sold at a high price of 40 yuan and 1 catty, but even so, there are not many people breeding, what is the reason for this?

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

In fact, this has a lot to do with the military fish themselves, although they are sold at a relatively expensive price but not easy to breed, and even the breeding conditions are very harsh, because they have very high requirements for the living environment, first of all, they like to inhabit the middle and lower layers of the water flow with turbulent water and more rocks.

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

In addition to this, they also have temperature requirements, so for these two points many people actually can't meet, which is why there are fewer people who breed them.

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

If you want to meet these two requirements, you need to pay a lot of time and cost, and even create this kind of environment also consumes a lot of money, so this situation will lead to a very high cost of upfront investment, and many people actually can't afford it.

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

And the pond for breeding this fish also has great requirements, its depth is generally 3-4 meters, it is best to breed some aquatic plants in the pond, and fish farming is actually periodic, which will lead to excessive input costs.

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

And in addition to these requirements, the fish itself is also a lot of diseases, in the breeding will also pay special attention to otherwise it is very easy to cause losses, so before the breeding of people should also carry out systematic Xi, otherwise in the face of sudden situations many people do not know where to start, and then lead to more and more losses.

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?


Although the price of military fish is very considerable, if you want to breed it, you should be cautious, after all, this fish is very difficult to raise, if you do not pay attention, it will cause a very serious impact, this situation will lead to a loss.

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

Another point is that the initial investment of this fish is actually very much, so if you want to breed, you must choose carefully, especially if you have professional knowledge of breeding, so that the loss can be relatively small.

In the past, the frequent customers at the table were also called the "king of fresh water", why is it uncultivated now?

Of course, it is precisely because there are very few people who breed this kind of fish, so it will lead to the market demand for this fish becoming more and more, and their value is skyrocketing, and the wild "army fish" is actually not easy to catch, which leads to the high value of "army fish", after all, it is vaguely expensive, so what do you think about this fish?

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