
Pay attention when buying gold! Just use a needle, real and fake gold will immediately "show its original shape" and increase knowledge

author:I'm Qiu Tian

Since ancient times, gold has been a symbol of wealth and status. In modern society, we also prefer gold jewelry when buying jewelry, which is not only bright and beautiful, but also more valuable. In many places, there is also the Xi that the man needs to prepare three gold and hardware for the woman when getting married. At the end of the year, we will also clearly feel that the business of the gold shop has skyrocketed. Although gold has always been highly sought after, with the development of science and technology, some criminals will use various means to make fake gold in order to make huge profits, in an attempt to confuse the pearls. So, how to distinguish real and fake gold? Today I will teach you a few simple and good methods, so that you can quickly distinguish the real and fake gold, let's take a look!

Pay attention when buying gold! Just use a needle, real and fake gold will immediately "show its original shape" and increase knowledge

One: Listen to the sound.

Identifying the authenticity of gold is an important clue. We only need to listen carefully to the sound made by the impact of gold to make a preliminary judgment on its authenticity. Real gold products, when dropped on the ground or glass, will make a dull sound, because the density of gold is high, which makes it vibrate at a lower frequency, resulting in this unique sound. In contrast, counterfeit gold products often have a crisp and sharp sound when impacted, and even bounce due to different compositions and processes. Therefore, when buying gold, we might as well grab it and throw it away, and distinguish its authenticity by listening to the sound.

Pay attention when buying gold! Just use a needle, real and fake gold will immediately "show its original shape" and increase knowledge

2: Fire method.

As the saying goes: "Real gold is not afraid of fire", that is to say, real gold can withstand the test of fire, because the chemical properties of gold are very stable, it is not easy to react with other substances, and it will not be oxidized or corroded even at high temperatures. Therefore, to identify gold, we can also use the fire method, we only need to burn the gold with fire, if it is burned by fire, there is no change, even if it is burned for a long time, it will just melt away, and the color is still golden yellow, indicating that this is the real gold. On the contrary, after the fire, the surface of the gold will turn black, and even the black cannot be erased, this is fake gold. However, the fire that distinguishes gold is not the fire of the usual lighter, but a kind of musket specially used to make gold.

Pay attention when buying gold! Just use a needle, real and fake gold will immediately "show its original shape" and increase knowledge

Three: Distinguish with a needle.

The texture of pure gold is relatively soft and susceptible to scuffs and scratches. Fake gold, on the other hand, may be harder and more wear-resistant. So we can also distinguish the authenticity of gold by using a needle. You only need to use a needle to draw a mark on the inconspicuous place of the gold jewelry, and if there are some shallow marks on the surface of the gold, then this is real gold. On the contrary, if the surface is very hard and no traces can be made at all when scratched with a needle, it is fake gold or gold of very low purity.

Pay attention when buying gold! Just use a needle, real and fake gold will immediately "show its original shape" and increase knowledge

Four: Use magnets.

We all know that gold is a non-magnetic metal and is not attracted to magnets. And some common counterfeit gold metals, such as iron, nickel, cobalt, etc., are magnetic and can be attracted to magnets. Therefore, we can distinguish the real from the fake by holding the magnet close to the gold product. When buying gold, we can bring a small piece of magnet, if it is not absorbed by the magnet, it is real gold, otherwise, it is fake gold.

Pay attention when buying gold! Just use a needle, real and fake gold will immediately "show its original shape" and increase knowledge

The above four points are the way to distinguish the authenticity of gold, if a method can not be accurately judged, we may wish to try a few more, so as not to spend a high price to buy a fake, then it will be too much to lose. In addition, when buying gold, we should also choose reputable brands and merchants, and we can also ask merchants to show an appraisal certificate or go to an authoritative institution for appraisal. Don't be greedy for cheap and be deceived by the rhetoric of some criminals. If today's article is helpful to you, then click a follow, a like, and thank you for your support.

Pay attention when buying gold! Just use a needle, real and fake gold will immediately "show its original shape" and increase knowledge

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