
The referee's mistake shocked the basketball world: Wang Zhelin interfered with the free throw, misjudged +2 points instead of the prescribed +1 point!


Today we are going to talk about the CBA regular season game that caused countless controversies, the game between Shanghai and Shenzhen. Did you see it? It happened in the fourth quarter of the game, when the score was so tense that you couldn't sit still. The atmosphere on the court is like a tense bowstring, and every move can be the difference between victory and defeat. Wang Zhelin, the big man on the court, actually interfered with the free throw at the critical moment of Hu Xiaolong's free throw. Yes, you heard it right, he broke into the restricted area in such a big way.

The referee's mistake shocked the basketball world: Wang Zhelin interfered with the free throw, misjudged +2 points instead of the prescribed +1 point!

The referee's eyes lit up on the sidelines, and he immediately made a penalty, adding two points to the Shenzhen team. This scene was stunned, the score changed instantly, and the fans and coaching team of the Shanghai team were stunned. As we all know, according to the rules of the International Basketball Federation, this kind of interference can only add one point to the opponent at most, and if it is the last penalty, in addition to the extra points, you have to make up a technical foul. But this time, the referee generously gave two points without any signs of a technical foul. Is this a new interpretation by the referee?

The referee's mistake shocked the basketball world: Wang Zhelin interfered with the free throw, misjudged +2 points instead of the prescribed +1 point!

The game continued, but the decision became the focus of discussion. There was a lot of discussion among the fans, some shouting about injustice, others wondering if the referee had a new way of understanding. After all, the explanation of the rules in basketball can sometimes be confusing. In this case, the decision to add points undoubtedly affected the direction of the game and raised questions about the impartiality of the referee.

In the world of basketball, every interference, every penalty, can change the outcome of a game. This game undoubtedly provides us with an excellent point of discussion. Why do referees make such decisions? What are their considerations? Does this mean that the CBA's adjudication standards are different from those of FIBA?

The referee's mistake shocked the basketball world: Wang Zhelin interfered with the free throw, misjudged +2 points instead of the prescribed +1 point!

Let's discuss this together. Do you think the referee's decision is reasonable? Have you ever experienced a similar controversial decision? Don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comments section, and don't forget to follow up for updates to see how this controversy develops. After all, every verdict in basketball can become a small footnote in history.