
Why are the people who fight Chinese medicine Chinese! Why do foreigners love Chinese medicine so much!

author:Chat station LHL

The development of traditional Chinese medicine in China has suffered some setbacks, and some people have even proposed to abolish traditional Chinese medicine altogether. However, at the same time, foreigners have shown a strong interest and enthusiasm for TCM. Why is this happening?

Why are the people who fight Chinese medicine Chinese! Why do foreigners love Chinese medicine so much!

The reason why TCM has been hit in China

In recent years, the development of traditional Chinese medicine in China has been hit hard. Some argue that TCM relies too heavily on experience and tradition to explain with modern science and should therefore be eliminated. In addition, some TCM doctors abuse traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture in order to seek personal gain, resulting in some patients being harmed, which also has a negative impact on TCM.

Why are the people who fight Chinese medicine Chinese! Why do foreigners love Chinese medicine so much!

Foreigners' love for TCM

However, unlike the attitude in China, foreigners have shown a strong interest and enthusiasm for TCM. Traditional Chinese medicine has a certain market in many countries, especially in Asian countries. Many foreigners believe that TCM is a miraculous medicine capable of treating many diseases that cannot be solved by modern medicine. In addition, the philosophy and methods of TCM are also in line with the trend of modern people pursuing nature and health, so they have also been widely recognized and supported.

Why are the people who fight Chinese medicine Chinese! Why do foreigners love Chinese medicine so much!

The reason why foreigners love Chinese medicine

There are many reasons why foreigners love TCM.

The philosophy and methods of TCM are in line with the modern trend of pursuing nature and health. Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes prevention and health care, and the purpose of treating diseases is achieved by adjusting diet, exercise, and traditional Chinese medicine. This natural form of therapy is more acceptable to modern people.

Traditional Chinese medicine is widely recognized and supported internationally. The World Health Organization has included TCM in the Global Medical Compendium, and many countries have established corresponding regulatory bodies to regulate and promote TCM. This makes it easier for foreigners to trust and recognize TCM and to accept and use TCM treatment.

Why are the people who fight Chinese medicine Chinese! Why do foreigners love Chinese medicine so much!

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has a deep historical and cultural heritage. After thousands of years of practice and summary, TCM has formed a unique theoretical system and diagnosis and treatment methods. This long history and cultural heritage has also made foreigners have a strong interest and curiosity in Chinese medicine.

Differences in perception of TCM

There are differences in the perception of TCM between China and foreign countries, which also leads to different attitudes and actions. In China, we need to re-examine and understand the value and role of traditional Chinese medicine, strengthen the standardization and management of traditional Chinese medicine, and let more people understand and use traditional Chinese medicine treatment.

Why are the people who fight Chinese medicine Chinese! Why do foreigners love Chinese medicine so much!

We also need to keep an open mind, learn from and learn from Xi international experience and practices of TCM, and promote the modernization and internationalization of TCM. Only in this way can the unique medical cultural treasure of traditional Chinese medicine be inherited and developed, and make greater contributions to the cause of human health.

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