
After the heavy snowfall: The most yang energy consumption season has arrived, remember to do 6 fewer things to hide the yang energy in your body

author:Dr. Zeng is a general practitioner of internal medicine

According to the teaching of the ancient medical classic "Yellow Emperor's Neijing" in the mainland: "Yang is nourished in autumn and winter, and yin is nourished in spring and summer." ”

In the cold winter, how to maintain our yang energy has become the most important health topic at present.

So, what is the matter with yang energy, what things can hurt yang, and what can be done to replenish yang energy, let's find out.

After the heavy snowfall: The most yang energy consumption season has arrived, remember to do 6 fewer things to hide the yang energy in your body

1. What is Yang Qi?

First of all, let's talk about this "yang energy". You can think of it as the "life force" in your body. In traditional Chinese medicine and health culture, yang qi is an important concept, which was developed by ancient great doctors through continuous exploration and summary.

The first point is the vibration energy. Yang energy is like the energy in our body, with it, we can resist all kinds of minor illnesses and disasters alive. Therefore, yang energy can be said to be the "engine" in the body, providing power to the body.

The second point is the balance of yin and yang. The concept of yin and yang in Chinese medicine believes that there is a balance in the human body, and yang and yin are interdependent and mutually restrictive. Only in this way can our body remain stable and healthy.

The third point is the defense mechanism. This yang energy also represents the body's defenses. For example, when there are foreign germs that want to invade the body, Yang Qi can stand up and protect the body from damage. So cherish your yang energy and keep your body healthy!

After the heavy snowfall: The most yang energy consumption season has arrived, remember to do 6 fewer things to hide the yang energy in your body

2. What is the effect of yang energy on health?

1. Disease resistance: Yang Qi is a kind of ability in the human body to resist disease and evil. People with abundant yang energy have strong resistance and are less likely to get sick. This is because Yang Qi can strengthen the body's immunity and resist the invasion of external evils.

On the contrary, people with insufficient yang energy have weak resistance, are prone to colds, fatigue, and even aggravation of diseases. This is because when Yang Qi is insufficient, the body's defense line is easily broken through by diseases, which leads to the occurrence and development of diseases.

2. Recovery: Yang Qi also has the effect of promoting damage repair and self-healing in the human body. When the body is invaded or damaged by external evils, Yang Qi can accelerate the repair of damaged tissues and promote the body's self-healing.

People with abundant yang energy recover faster because their bodies are able to quickly mobilize yang energy to repair the damage. For people with insufficient Yang Qi, the recovery process will be relatively slow because their body lacks enough Yang Qi to support the repair of the damage.

After the heavy snowfall: The most yang energy consumption season has arrived, remember to do 6 fewer things to hide the yang energy in your body

3. Mental state: Yang energy is closely related to a person's mental state. People with abundant yang energy are full of energy, strong willpower, and able to cope with various challenges in life.

This is because Yang Qi can stimulate people's inner potential and improve their psychological quality. People with insufficient yang energy are prone to psychological problems such as depression and anxiety because their psychological state is affected by the lack of yang energy and they are unable to cope with the pressures and challenges in life.

4. Growth and development: Yang Qi plays a key role in the growth and development of the human body. During childhood and adolescence, Yang Qi is vigorous and grows rapidly. This is because Yang Qi can promote the growth and development of tissues such as bones, muscles, and internal organs.

As we age, Yang Qi gradually weakens, and growth and development gradually slow down until it stops. Therefore, maintaining sufficient yang energy is of great significance for delaying aging and maintaining physiological functions.

After the heavy snowfall: The most yang energy consumption season has arrived, remember to do 6 fewer things to hide the yang energy in your body

3. What's going on with the sun in winter?

When the cold winds of winter whistle and the temperature drops suddenly, the yang energy in our body begins to restrain and accumulate strength to fight the cold. However, if the importance of keeping warm is ignored and the body is exposed to the cold for a long time, then the power of yang energy will be overdepleted, which will eventually lead to the problem of insufficient yang energy.

Winter food is always a craving, especially the steaming, spicy and delicious hot pot and barbecue. However, these greasy, spicy foods can become invisible killers of yang energy. Excessive intake of these foods can damage the spleen and stomach, leading to the loss of yang energy. At the same time, those seemingly cool ice creams and herbal teas, if consumed too much, will also cause a lot of damage to yang energy.

Winters are sparse in the sun, temperatures are on the low side, and people tend to be more lazy. But overwork in this season can be a killer of yang energy. There is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine: "Labor is exhaustion". Overexertion can cause yang energy to be depleted quickly, posing a potential threat to physical health.

The gloomy weather of winter can easily make people feel low and have negative emotions. Emotional imbalance will interfere with the normal function of the internal organs and affect the generation and operation of yang energy. Therefore, maintaining a happy mood and adjusting the state of mind are very important for the maintenance of yang energy.

Colds are common in winter, and some people self-abuse medications, such as antibiotics and antipyretic analgesics, to relieve their symptoms. However, these medications may also cause damage to yang energy while eliminating symptoms. Therefore, it is important to follow the doctor's advice when using the medication to avoid unnecessary physical harm.

After the heavy snowfall: The most yang energy consumption season has arrived, remember to do 6 fewer things to hide the yang energy in your body

Fourth, these six things hurt the most yang, and they must be changed

1. Staying up late: Staying up late will cause the body's biological clock to be disturbed, affecting the generation and recovery of yang energy. Staying up late will make it impossible for yang energy to rest normally, and staying up late for a long time will lead to a lack of yang energy.

2. Excessive comfort: long-term sedentary life and lack of exercise will make the body's metabolism slow down and the yang energy will not run smoothly. Moderate exercise can help promote the flow of yang energy, while excessive relaxation can easily lead to yang qi stagnation.

3. Excessive sweating: Traditional Chinese medicine believes that sweat is the carrier of yang energy, and excessive sweating will consume yang energy. In winter, it is necessary to pay attention to keeping warm and avoid excessive sweating, so as not to damage the yang energy.

4. Improper dressing: Clothing in winter is too thin, exposing the abdomen and waist, which is easy to damage the yang energy. Dress warmly, especially on the abdomen and waist, to protect yang energy.

5. Abuse of health supplements: Some health products contain hormones, and long-term use may affect the production of yang energy. When choosing health supplements, be cautious and it is best to use them under the guidance of a doctor.

6. Bad emotions: Long-term anxiety, depression and other bad emotions will affect the function of the internal organs and damage yang qi. Learn to regulate your emotions and keep your mood comfortable, which will help restore yang energy.

After the heavy snowfall: The most yang energy consumption season has arrived, remember to do 6 fewer things to hide the yang energy in your body

5. How to maintain yang energy?

First, stay warm for the winter: Winter is coming, so be careful not to catch a cold, especially on the top of your head, neck, waist and knees, which are super easy to feel cold. So remember to wear more clothes and don't let yourself get cold outside for a long time.

Second, food strategy: When eating, you should be picky, not only eat hot, such as red dates, walnuts and peanuts, but also eat less cold. You also have to eat lighter, too oily and too spicy is not good for the body.

Third, get moving: Don't be lazy in winter, but it's not suitable for strenuous exercise. Try walking and tai chi, these activities can help you strengthen your body and strengthen your immunity.

Fourth, get a good night's sleep: go to bed early at night and wake up later in the morning to ensure your beauty sleep time so that your body can get the best rest and recovery.

Fifth, happiness is the most important thing: no matter what happens, stay happy and positive! Don't let negative emotions occupy your heart, let happiness become the theme of your life.

Sixth, the Dafa of Traditional Chinese Medicine: If you are not feeling well, you can find a Chinese medicine doctor to help you take a look. Methods such as acupuncture and cupping can help you adjust your body and make your yang energy more abundant.

After the heavy snowfall: The most yang energy consumption season has arrived, remember to do 6 fewer things to hide the yang energy in your body


Winter is an important period for the maintenance of yang energy, we should follow the teachings of the "Yellow Emperor's Neijing", pay attention to keeping warm, eat reasonably, exercise moderately, maintain a good work and rest, and regulate emotions to enhance yang energy and prevent diseases.

At the same time, understanding the causes and manifestations of winter sun injury and adjusting our lifestyle in time will help us spend a healthy and comfortable winter.