
The famous Qi Jiguang, why is he willing to be Zhang Juzheng's "little follower"?

author:Scholar of literature and history

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  • Source/Scholar of Literature and History
  • Author/scholar of literature and history

Speaking of Zhang Juzheng, what people can think of most is his change. In the early days of Wanli's ascension to the throne, by enlisting the support of Empress Dowager Li and the eunuch Feng Bao, Zhang Juzheng became the second most powerful minister in the Ming court after Wanli.

Although his changes failed to completely reverse the decline of the Ming Dynasty, at least they renewed the blood of the Ming Dynasty, and Zhang Juzheng's ability was not only reflected in political affairs, but also in military affairs.

The famous Qi Jiguang, why is he willing to be Zhang Juzheng's "little follower"?

Zhang Juzheng's military deployment after entering the cabinet

In the first year of Longqing, Zhang Juzheng had already entered the cabinet with his colleague Gao Gong, at that time he was not only a member of the cabinet, but also a scholar of the East Pavilion University and a left servant of the Ministry of Officials, although at this time the government was controlled by Gao Gong, Zhang Juzheng only assisted as a subordinate, but had begun to participate in the military deployment of various parts of the Ming Dynasty.

During the reign of Longqing, through the switch measures, the development of the coastal economy was promoted, and in addition to the Jiajing period of the Qing Dynasty to clean up the Japanese invaders, the threat of bandits on the seaside of the Ming Dynasty at this time has been greatly reduced, after the coastal areas tend to be stable, Zhang Juzheng and others need to consider the defense of military affairs in the north.

The position of Liao Ji Supervisor is specifically responsible for the military work in Liaodong, which is now the Northeast region, and the position was held by Tan Lun, who was a famous general in the Jiajing period, and Qi Jiguang, who fought against the Japanese in Zhejiang, and later served as the governor in Sichuan and Guangzhou, and had rich management experience in military and political affairs.

During the Longqing period, in order to strengthen the defense work from Gyeonggi to Shanhaiguan, Tan Lun suggested to Wu Shilai in the matter at that time whether Qi Jiguang from Zhejiang could be transferred to Liaodong, and let him lead a part of the Zhejiang army as his direct subordinate to be directly trained and commanded by Qi Jiguang.

This policy can be said to be quite risky, you must know that the Ming Dynasty's defensive mentality towards military generals is no worse than that of the Song Dynasty, and letting Qi Jiguang independently lead an army is likely to have the risk of military generals supporting their own troops.

However, after Zhang Juzheng saw this recital, he approved it without much consideration, mainly because Liaodong was indeed not peaceful at that time, and after the precedent of the Mongol army invasion during the previous Jiajing period, the protection of the Northeast of the Ming Dynasty was also tense, although there was no major war during the Longqing period, but small riots still broke out from time to time, Zhang Juzheng needed to consider at this time, is to prevent the deterioration of the riots in the Northeast, so it is the best choice to delegate power to outstanding generals in key areas and let them act conveniently in the era of underdeveloped information.

The famous Qi Jiguang, why is he willing to be Zhang Juzheng's "little follower"?

How Qi Jiguang solved the defense problem in Liaodong

In the face of foreign warfare in the ancient Central Plains, the most worrying thing was not the frontal battle on the battlefield, but the guerrilla warfare on the grassland, especially in the middle and late dynasties, when the imperial court could not prevent the large-scale cavalry from going to the grassland to fight against the enemy, relying on the city wall defense was the best choice.

After Zhang Juzheng approved the suggestions of Tan Lun and others, Qi Jiguang also went to Liaodong to take up his post, Qi Jiguang in addition to strengthening military training, but also paid attention to the construction of defensive measures, he proposed to add more than 1,000 piers in the border wall area, and each pier sent more than 100 soldiers to defend to strengthen the exchange of information and store food between the border walls.

When many ministers heard this suggestion, they were worried that the money would be unrealistic, and many thought that it would be more appropriate to improve the quality and quantity of the army's weapons rather than strengthening the city walls.

However, Zhang Juzheng did not think so, Liaodong is quite the frontier position of Gyeonggi, is the gateway to the capital, defense is the focus, so after obtaining the consent of the emperor, immediately allocated funds to Qi Jiguang for the construction of the pier, under the supervision of Qi Jiguang, the construction of the pier was successfully completed, the defense of the side wall has also been improved, before the rise of the Later Jin, the border of the Ming Dynasty has not been in great turmoil.

The famous Qi Jiguang, why is he willing to be Zhang Juzheng's "little follower"?

Qi Jiguang's victory in defending Liaodong

After Wanli ascended the throne, Zhang Juzheng cooperated with Feng Bao, successfully squeezed out the high arch, and sat on the stage to sit in the position of the first assistant, at this time Qi Jiguang was still serving in Liaodong, perhaps it was the Mongol invasion during the Jiajing period, so that many people despised the Ming Dynasty, and there was a Mongolian tribal leader named Duoyan, who planned to come to Qi Jiguang's territory with more than 100,000 people to try his luck.

Qi Jiguang has been fighting all year round, where will he be afraid, after finding out the origin of the other party, he arranged an army near Xifengkou in advance, and when Duoyan led the troops to Xifengkou, Qi Jiguang immediately led his troops to kill from the pass, and the ambushed army also responded at the same time, completely defeating Duoyan's army.

After the completion of the construction of the pier, Duoyan's subordinates planned to attack again, but the battle in the second year was even worse, and even the leader was captured alive, until one of the tribal leaders, Dong Fox and his nephew Chang'ang returned all the looted livestock, Qi Jiguang agreed to put the tribal leader back, and at the same time made an agreement that the Mongolian tribes could not loot on Qi Jiguang's territory in the future, and the matter came to an end.

The famous Qi Jiguang, why is he willing to be Zhang Juzheng's "little follower"?

Qi Jiguang guarded Liaodong for 16 years, and was framed without war

Qi Jiguang fought in Liaodong for more than 16 years, because of the support of Zhang Juzheng during his reign, his career has been very smooth, and this situation has also caused dissatisfaction among some ministers of the court, they spread rumors about Qi Jiguang in the court, thinking that the other party has not won a few battles for so many years during the period when he was in charge of military affairs in Liaodong, and the money and grain allocated by the imperial court to Liaodong every year are purely wasteful.

Zhang Juzheng, as an old bureaucrat for many years, could not understand the intentions of these bureaucrats, so he defended Qi Jiguang in the court, saying that Qi Jiguang had not won a battle for so many years, which proved that the Liaodong region was very peaceful under Qi Jiguang's management, and that no matter how foreign clans moved troops in Liaodong, if Liaodong fought all year round, then the safety of Kyoto would be a big problem.

The famous Qi Jiguang, why is he willing to be Zhang Juzheng's "little follower"?

Zhang Juzheng has a strategic vision in the military

Qi Jiguang can listen to Zhang Juzheng, in addition to the support of the other party in government affairs, but also because Zhang Juzheng has an excellent strategic vision, although Zhang Juzheng himself has not been on the battlefield, but his strategic vision in military and political affairs is no worse than that of generals who have been fighting all year round.

For example, once my grandson fled to the Ming Dynasty, the governor of Shanxi at that time was worried that this person would cause me to send troops, so he hurriedly reported the matter to the imperial court, and Gao Gong was still fighting with Zhao Zhenji for power, and the matter fell to Zhang Juzheng.

The famous Qi Jiguang, why is he willing to be Zhang Juzheng's "little follower"?

After Zhang Juzheng learned of this, he immediately wrote to the governor Wang Chonggu, asking about the identity of the man named Hannaji, the reason for surrender and the number of people he carried, and then arranged for him to prepare for war first, and at the same time give Hannaji the best clothes and food, and finally told me that his grandson came here because he admired Chinese culture, not by himself, but if he wanted to return his grandson, he must first hand over several generals who betrayed the Ming Dynasty.

Under Zhang Juzheng's arrangement, I lost the reason to send troops, and the Ming Dynasty had already made war arrangements, so I had to withdraw from the army, so it can be seen that if Zhang Juzheng joined the army, I am afraid that his achievements are no worse than Qi Jiguang, and it is no wonder that Qi Jiguang admires this so much.

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